无线宽带网络技术指南 3G,LMDS与无线Internet 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:25 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)John R.Vacca著
- 出 版 社:北京:人民邮电出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7115094616
- 页数:960 页
Chapter 1 Wireless Broadband Networks Fundamentals 3
What Are the Driving Forces Behind Broadband? 11
How Are Networks and Operators Positioned to Provide Broadband Service? 14
Can t Match 16
Overview of Wireless Broadband Network Activity 19
Wireless Broadband Fundamentals and Fixed-Wireless Broadband Systems 33
Wireless Broadband Market Demand and Projections 46
Conclusion 47
Endnotes 50
Chapter 2 Wireless Broadband Networks Platforms 53
Enhanced Copper 55
Fiberoptic and HFC 61
Third-Generation(3G) Cellular 72
Satellites 86
ATM and Relay Technologies 102
Conclusion 110
Endnotes 112
Chapter 3 Services and Applications Over Wireless Brodaband Networks 115
What Is Required to Support Consumer Wireless Broadband Internet Devices? 118
General Applications and Services 119
Conclusion 125
Endnotes 129
Chapter 4 Wireless Broadband Marketing Environment 131
Mobile Broadband Wireless Communications 132
Fixed Broadband Wireless Access 132
Mobile Application Evolvement? 132
Advantages of Fixed Wireless Broadband Over Wireline Network Options 135
Market Penetration Development 137
Wireless Broadband Access Markets 138
Global Markets and Trends for Fixed Wireless Broadband:LMDS,MMDS,and ISM 2000 139
Conclusion 143
Endnotes 146
Chapter 5 Standards for Next-Generation High-Speed Wireless Broadband Connectivity 147
HiperLANZ Standard 148
Global 3G(G3G) CDMA Standard 149
CDMA Harmonization(G3G) Proposal for Protocol Layers 155
Guidelines and Principles 159
Conclusion 160
Endnotes 160
Chapter 6 Planning and Designing Wireless Broadband and Satellite Applications 165
Data Applications 166
Voice Applications 167
Vidco Applications 167
Need for Perspective Planning and Design for Wireless Broadband Applications 168
The Connectivity/Transmission Factor 180
Conclusion 215
Endnotes 221
Chapter 7 Local Multipoint Distribution Service(LMDS) Design Technology 223
Underlying Technology Overview 227
The FCC and Auctions 256
LMDS/LMCS Buildout Strategies and Opportunities 262
Conclusion 290
Endnotes 302
Chapter 8 Broadband Fixed Wireless Network Design 305
Underlying Technology 307
Multipoint Microwave Distribution System(MMDS) Commercial Opportunities for Evervone 319
Conclusion 326
Endnotes 327
Chapter 9 Broadband Wireless Access Design 329
What Is Broadband Wireless Access? 330
ATM Broadband Wireless Access Communications System 332
LMDS:Broadband Wireless Access 336
Advantages of BWA Technology 339
Broadband Wireless Access and Time Division Duplexing 342
Conclusion 344
Endnotes 345
Chapter 10 Designing Millimeter-Ware Devices 347
Monolithic Microwave and Millimeter-Wave IC(MMIC) Device Design 349
MMIC Packaging 352
Wireless Broadband Cascaded Reactively Terminated Single-Distributed Amplifier Design 356
Conclusion 363
Endnotes 364
Chapter 11 Wireless Broadband Services:The Designing of the Broadband Era 365
Residential Wireless Broadband Access Services Design and the Teleworker:Security Considerations for the IT Manager 366
Residential Wireless Broadband Services Design:Digital Subscriber Line and Cable Modem 367
Residential Broadband Servics and Security 370
Scenario 1:The Teleworker Operates Systems That Do Not Fall Under the Purview of the Corporate Desktop Administration 371
Scenario 2:The Teleworkers Residence Has Multiple Physical Connections 374
Scenario 3:The Teleworker Requires Access to Application Servers and NOS Services That Would Otherwise Be Blocked by a Corporate Firewall 377
Universal Precautions 378
CLEC Wireless Broadband Services Design 382
Conclusion 388
Endnotes 391
Chapter 12 U.S.-Specific Wireless Broadband Design 393
Adapting DOCSIS for U.S.-Specific Wireless Broadband Access Design 394
Conclusion 407
Endnotes 407
Chapter 13 Deploying Wireless Broadband Satellite Networks 411
Choosing Between Wireless Broadband and Wireline 412
Understanding Geography and Climate 414
Choosing Between Private and Carrier 414
How to Deploy a Private Connection 415
How to Use a Wireless Broadband Carrier 417
When to Use Satellites 418
When to Use Meteor Burst Wireless Broadband Communications Systems(MBWBCSs) 418
When to Use Nongeostationary Earth Orbit Satellites 424
Endnotes 427
Conclusion 427
Chapter 14 Implementing Terrestrial Fixed Wireless Broadband Networks 429
Implementing Fixed Terrestrial Enterprise Wireless Broadband Networks 430
DSL Versus Cable 431
Routing for Security 434
Conclusion 435
Endnotes 435
Chapter 15 Implementing Broadband Wireless and Satellite Applications 437
Home Is Where the Circuit Is 438
The Few,The Wired,The Broke 445
Play the Waiting Game 453
Conclusion 454
Endnotes 454
Chapter 16 Packet-Over-SONET/SDH Specification(POS_PHY Level 3):Deploying High-Speed Wireless Broadband Networking Applications 457
Multiservice PHY-Link Interface Evolution 460
POS-PHY Interface Design Requirements 464
Conclusion 468
Endnotes 469
Chapter 17 Wireless Broadband Access Implementation Methods 471
The Convergence of Wireless Broadband Mobile and Access Implementation Methods 472
Network Architecture 475
The Protocol Stack 477
Compact Open Core 478
Wireless Broadband Networks:Transition to Third Generation 482
ZG+Systems 484
Evolution of IS-95 to Packet-Mode Data:IS-95B 487
Third-Generation Wireless Broadband Systems 489
Integration with the Internet 497
Endnotes 500
Conclusion 500
Chapter 18 Configuring Wireless LANs 505
Applications for Wireless LANs 508
Bencfits of WLANs 509
How WLANs Work 510
WLAN Configurations 511
Wireless LAN Technology Options 514
WLAN Customer Considerations 516
Endnotes 528
Chapter 19 Configuring Unlicensed-Band Systems to Enhance Wireless Broadband Services in Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Services(MMDS) 529
MMS License-Exempt-Band Point-to-Multipoint System 530
Architectures for Servicing Shadow Areas in the MMDS Coverage 533
Capacity of the Unlicensed-Band System 534
Data Interfaces and Services 539
Relevant MMDS Frequency and Capacity Planning 539
Interference Mitigation 540
Case Study:W-DSL in Las Vegas Using License-Exempt Bands 542
Conclusion 546
Endnotes 547
Chapter 20 Configuring Wireiess Broadband Satellite Networks 549
Applications 550
Orbiting Height 553
Systems 562
Market Factors 573
Conclusion 579
Endnotes 580
Chapter 21 Configuring Residential Wireless Broadband Access Technology 581
Residential Broadband Services:Digital Subscriber Line and Cable Modem 583
Residential Wireless Broadband Services and Security 585
Universal Precautions 593
Network Antivirus Protection and Content Filtering 596
Conclusion 597
Endnotes 597
Chapter 22 Managing Wireless Broadband:Operations Management of LMDS Systems and Their Applications 601
The Principle of Operations Management 603
LMDS versus Other Access Technologies 607
Applications 610
Conclusion 612
Endnotes 612
Chapter 23 Testing Wireless Broadband Satellite Networks for Onboard Piocessing of Multimedia Applications and Next-Generation RF Digital Devices 613
Testing Wireless Broadband Satellite Networks for Satellite Onboard Processing for Multimedia Applications 614
The Capacity Limits of Satellite Channels 617
OBP Building Blocks 618
Testing Wireless Broadband Satellite Networks for Next-Generation RF Digital Devices 626
Conclusion 633
Endnotes 634
Chapter 24 Troubleshooting Fixed Wireless Broadband Networks 635
Fixed Wireless Broadband Packet Access Using MMDS 637
The Experimental Systems Architecture 638
Observations and Lessons 644
Conclusion 650
Endnotes 651
Chapter 25 Wireless Broadband Network Applications:Teleservice Model and Adaptive QoS Provisions 655
Modeling the Wireless Broadband Application 658
Exploiting the Multicomponent Model in Multitier Environments 660
Performance Results 664
Fiber to the Home(FTTH) 667
Conclusion 667
Endnotes 667
Chapter 26 Residential High-Speed Internet:Wireless Broadband 669
Residential High-Speed Internet Access Demand and Wireless Broadband Convergence 671
High-Speed Access Technology 672
XDSL 673
Hybrid Fiber-Coax(HFC)Systems 677
Satellite Systems 678
Conclusion 698
Endnotes 700
Chapter 27 Wireless Broadband Hybrids:The Next Wave 701
Wireless Broadband-Wireline Integration 707
Integrating Across Multiple-Access Platforms 708
Facilitating Multiplatform Integration 718
Integration of Wireline and Wireless Broadband Domains 718
Expanding This Data-Carrying Capacity 721
Viewing Two Types of Platforms:LMDS and MMDS 723
Conclusion 724
Endnotes 725
Chapter 28 Next-Generation Wireless Broadband Networks 727
3G Technology 728
Tight Integration of Multiple Delivery Platforms 729
Harmonized 3G Wireless Broadband Standards Development 738
3G CDMA Technologies 749
Smart Phones and the 3G Evolution 790
Conclusion 795
Endnotes 798
Chapter 29 Global Broadband Demand Methodology and Projections 801
Wireless Broadband Platform Demand Methodology Positioning 802
Broadband WAP Positioning 816
Estimating Satellite Internet Services and Equipment Using DVB/MPEG-2 and Multicast Web Caching 838
World Wireless Broadband Projections 848
International Wireless Broadband Projcctions 859
Conclusion 872
Endnotes 874
Chapter 30 Summary Conclusions,and Recommendations 877
The Race For Wirelcss Broadband Space 879
Wireless Broadband Test Equipment Vendor Perspective 882
The Service Provider Perspective 885
The Uncertain Future 895
Endnotes 897
Glossary 899
Index 941
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