- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:卢思源编著
- 出 版 社:北京:商务印书馆国际有限公司
- 出版年份:1993
- ISBN:7801030524
- 页数:290 页
Contents 1
.He is a bicycle doctor. 1 1
.Yon cannot be too careful. 3 2
.Do you know how to service this new- 3
type machine? 5 4
.I couldn t have got to Slough in time 4
unless I d had a helicopter. 8 5
.He is a good sailor. 11 5
.You are being insulting her! 13 6
.I don t know whether they are not here. 16 7
.We should adopt an effective economy 8
measure. 19 9
.Your little daughter was stood in the 9
doorway. 22 10
.You can find doctors and doctors in 10
Hong Kong! 24 11
.They do not advocate pragmatism. 26 11
.He is an English student. 28 12
.We propose to start from Tsuen Wan at 13
seven o clock. 30 14
. When do you expect them? I expect 14
.This bottle is quite full. 35 15
them this afternoon. 33 15
.Symptoms of consumption developed. 37 16
.Please give me an extra thick book. 39 17
.The door is photocell controlled by 18
operating a keyboard. 41 19
.We have been to every other city 19
besides Tokyo. 43 20
.They have gone to Macau. 45 20
.Why should you do it? 47 21
.He reminded me that I had better not 22
.They look in at the door. 51 23
my head. 49 23
go to Po Toi Island today.I shook 23
.What a shame! 53 24
.Shall I buy a copy of South China 25
Morning Post for you? 56 26
.Would you like John or Mary to go 26
with you to Repulse Bay? 59 27
.They did not come to Queen Mary 27
Hospital because they wanted to 28
see me. 61 28
.There is no rule but has exceptions. 64 28
.To my surprise,he said that Repulse 29
.Anita is no less an actress than a 30
Water Bay. 67 30
Bay is no more beautiful than Deep 30
singer. 70 31
.I do not know all of them. 72 31
.Both brothers are not here. 75 32
.The First Clerk of the Magistracy must 33
be law-abiding and honesty itself. 78 34
.They must follow all Union resolutions. 81 34
.The clock runs slow. 84 35
.The little girl is dear to me. 87 36
.They must have repaired the lathe. 90 37
.Work and play are both necessary to 38
.John has as many English books again 39
our health;this gives us rest,and 39
that gives us energy. 92 39
as Mary. 96 40
.The sales of domestic industrial 40
products have multiplied five times 41
since 1960. 98 41
.This is a plcture of Shirley s. 101 41
.I forgot posting the,letter. 103 42
.He has a weakness for fish. 106 43
.He ate his words. 108 44
.Allow me to venture a remark,such 45
.I have no more than five dollars in 46
as it is. 110 46
.She comes from Macau. 114 47
my pocket. 112 47
.Old Wang,the postman,is at the 48
door now. 117 49
.He has a son,who is a doctor of 49
MacLehose Dental Centre. 120 50
.I like the jockey for all his faults. 122 50
.With a leaden heart we bade farewell 51
to the dead. 124 52
.Nothing is more precious than time 52
. Wealth is nothing,position is 53
yet nothing is less valued! 126 53
nothing,fame is nothing,to serve 54
the patients heart and soul 54
is everything. a doctor said. 128 54
.We have not heard from Steven as 54
well as from Andy. 131 55
.I,also,phoned Mr.Lin today. 134 55
.During her absence in New York, 56
I paid a visit to her. 136 57
.He is no fool. 139 57
.They are the students of Hong Kong 58
.John,read the tenth and last 59
Baptist College. 142 59
paragraph of the text,please. 144 60
.Give me a pail of purifying water, 60
please. 146 61
.His native town is in the west of 61
China. 148 62
.He has been wired to from home. 150 62
.They will get married in a month. 152 63
.Both(the)men are writing an article. 154 64
.We are seeing Mr.Li tomorrow. 157 65
.We sat reading all the evening. 159 66
.You must begin with this work. 161 67
.I don t like to go to Repulse Bay. 164 68
.It is a good machine that can work 69
without power. 167 70
.The distance between your college 70
and our institute is one kilometer, 71
or 1093.6 yd. 170 71
.What are the oyster today? 172 71
.Happily they did not die. 175 72
.Rightly,the meeting ended early 73
.I didn t know Mr.Wang from Mr.Li. 181 74
today. 178 74
.He must needs go away just when I 75
want his help! 183 76
.No one man can fulfil the task. 185 76
.Tighten the nut the right way,please! 187 77
.Sing Tao footballers are sure of 78
winning. 189 79
.The footballers of British Forces are 79
disappointing. 191 80
.You look pale.Don t tell me you re 80
.She is a dancing-teacher. 197 81
sick again. 194 81
.He is the Chinese Ambassador. 200 82
.Stick the stamp on yourself,please. 203 83
.Mr.Smith did not explain it correctly 84
and clearly. 206 85
.Mr.Lin explained to me that he 85
could not attend the meeting. 209 86
.Tyson is in jail. 211 86
.The Court Interpreter resigned for 87
the apparent reason that his health 88
was failing. 214 88
.I will avenge him. 216 88
.The road leading to Yau Ma Tei is 89
.He lives inthe country. 221 90
in repair. 219 90
.Have you ever read Reminiscences 91
of Marx by Lafargne? 223 92
.Three months have elased since our 92
departure. 225 93
.There are many fruits in the dish. 227 93
.You can t go for two or three days. 230 94
.I shall take a photo. 232 95
.I gave him ten dollars in notes. 234 96
.It is strange that you should agree 97
with them. 236 98
.They gave us the tickets freely. 238 98
.Is he in the dormitory ?,or in the 99
dining-room ?? 240 100
.Between you and me,it is nothing 100
serious. 242 101
.What is learned in the cradle lasts 101
to the grave. 244 102
.He caught me by the hand. 246 102
.I have stayed at home since I was ill. 248 103
.Failing that,they prefer recognition 104
but no trade relations. 251 105
.Hsiao Li is a boy of a girl. 254 105
.You are suppoced to know the law 106
.This room is nice and cool. 260 107
of the government. 257 107
.Did you see my watch and chain 108
this morning? 263 109
.To some Westerners,it is quite clear 109
that the economic situation of the 110
United States in 1992 is under greater 110
and greater challenge. 265 110
.She is Betty,or is she? 268 110
.This is a colony of termites. 270 111
.I m fully occupied today.If you 112
won t come tonight,well and good. 273 113
.It is not half snowy today. 275 113
.At the meeting they offered twenty 114
and twenty suggestions. 277 115
.He used to beat the boy black and 115
blue. 279 116
.He who should do this would be 116
sacked. 281 117
.The waitress served me a Coke of a 117
kind. 283 118
.Mary is,if anything,a little taller 118
than I. 285 119
.The bus is stopped. 287 119
.Let s meet sometime next week. 289 120
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