C++程序设计 程序设计和面向对象设计入门 第3版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:25 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:James P.Cohoon著;Jack W.Davidson著
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7900637508
- 页数:953 页
Preface,v 1
Chapter1 1
Computing and the object-oriented design methodology 1
1.1 Basic computing terminology 2
Self-check questions 13
1.2 Software 18
1.3 Engineering software 24
1.4 Object-oriented design 32
Self-check questions 40
1.5 Points to remember 41
1.6 To delve further 43
1.7 Exercises 44
Chapter 2 49
C++: The fundamentals 49
2.1 Program organization 50
2.2 A first program 50
2.3 A second program 52
2.4 Comments 53
Self-check questions 56
2.5 Assigning a value 56
2.6 Fundamental C++ objects 57
2.7 Constants 61
Self-check questions 69
2.8 Names 69
2.9 Definitions 73
Self-check questions 76
2.10 Expressions 77
Self-check questions 87
2.10 Output statements 88
2.12 Computing average velocity 91
Self-check questions 93
2.13 Points to remember 95
2.14 Exercises 98
Modifying objects 103
Chapter 3 103
3.1 Assignment 104
3.2 Const definitions 108
3.3 Input statements 109
Self-check questions 111
3.4 Computing the number of molecules in a hydrocarbon 112
3.5 Compound assignment 115
3.6 Increment and decrement 117
Self-check questions 119
3.7 Estimating yearly savings of change 120
3.8 The string class 122
Self-check questions 128
3.9 Ezwindows 130
3.10 Mowing lawns 134
Self-check questions 141
3.11 Points to remember 141
3.12 Exercises 146
Control constructs 153
Chapter 4 153
4.1 Boolean algebra 154
4.2 A Boolean type 156
Self-check questions 161
4.3 Conditional execution using the if statement 164
Self-check questions 173
4.4 Conditional execution using the switch statement 176
4.5 Computing a requested expression 179
4.6 Validating a date 181
Self-check questions 188
4.7 Iteration using the while statement 189
4.8 Simple string and character processing 195
Self-check questions 203
4.9 Iteration using the for construct 204
4.10 Simple data visualization 212
4.11 Solving the lazy hobo riddle 214
4.12 Iteration using the do construct 215
Self-check questions 217
4.13 Points to remember 218
4.14 Exercises 222
Chapter 5 233
Function basics 233
5.1 Function basics 234
5.2 The preprocessor 243
Self-check questions 246
5.3 Using software libraries 246
5.4 The iostream library 248
5.5 The iomanip library 251
5.6 The fstream library 258
5.7 Random numbers 263
5.8 The assert library 268
Self-check questions 269
5.9 Points to remember 272
5.10 To delve further 275
5.11 Exercises 275
Programmer-defined functions 281
Chapter6 281
6.1 Basics 282
6.2 A tasty problem 285
6.3 Some useful functions 290
6.4 Integrating a quadratic polynomial 293
6.5 The local scope 296
6.6 The global scope 299
Self-check questions 301
6.7 Reference parameters 304
6.8 Passing objects by reference 312
6.9 Validating telephone access codes 314
Self-check questions 317
6.10 Constant parameters 319
6.11 Default parameters 321
6.12 Casting of function parameters 323
6.13 Function overloading 324
Self-check questions 326
6.14 Recursive functions 328
Self-check questions 332
6.15 Displaying a price-interval stock chart 333
6.16 Points to Remember 342
6.17 To delve further 345
6.18 Exercises 345
Chapter7 363
The class construct and object-oriented design 363
7.1 Introducing a programmer-defined data type 364
7.2 The RectangleShape class 366
Self-check questions 374
7.3 Using the RectangleShape class 375
7.4 Constructors 379
Self-check questions 380
7.5 Building a kaleidoscope 382
7.6 Object-oriented analysis and design 387
7.7 Points to remember 397
7.8 To delve further 399
7.9 Exercises 400
Chapter 8 405
Implementing abstract data types 405
8.1 Introducing abstract data types 406
8.2 Rational ADT basics 406
8.3 Rational interface description 413
Self-check questions 421
8.4 Implementing the rational class 423
8.5 Copy construction, member assignment, and destruction 430
Self-check questions 435
8.6 ADT for pseudorandom integers 437
8.7 Red-yellow-green game 444
8.8 Points to remember 461
8.9 Exercises 465
Chapter 9 471
Lists 471
9.1 Named collections 472
9.2 One-dimensional arrays 472
Self-check questions 483
9.3 Arrays as parameters 485
9.4 Sorting 488
Self-check questions 493
9.5 Container classes 494
9.6 Class vector 497
9.7 QuickSort 511
9.8 Binary searching 516
9.9 String class revisited 518
Self-check questions 520
9.10 Find that word-exploring a two-dimensional list 521
9.11 Maze runner 525
9.12 Multidimensional arrays 549
Self-check questions 552
9.13 Points to remember 553
9.14 Exercises 558
The EzWindows API:a detailed examination 565
Chapter 10 565
10.1 Application programmer interfaces 566
10.2 A simple window class 567
10.3 The bitmap class 577
10.4 Mouse events 579
10.5 Bitmaps and mouse events 583
10.6 Timer events 586
10.7 Alert messages 589
Self-check questions 590
10.8 Simon says 591
10.9 Points to remember 607
10.10 Exercises 608
Chapter11 615
Pointers and dynamic memory 615
11.1 Lvalues and rvalues 616
11.2 Pointer basics 616
Self-check questions 626
11.3 Constant pointers and pointers to constants 629
11.4 Arrays and pointers 630
11.5 Character string processing 633
11.6 Program command-line parameters 637
Self-check questions 639
11.7 Pointers to functions 641
Self-check questions 644
11.8 Dynamic objects 645
11.9 A simple ADT for representing lists of integer values 651
Self-check questions 660
11.10 Points to remember 661
11.11 Exercises 665
Chapter12 673
Testing and debugging 673
12.1 Testing 674
Self-check questions 682
Self-check questions 693
12.2 Debugging 693
Self-check questions 704
12.3 Points to remember 705
12.4 To Delve Further 705
12.5 Exercises 706
Chapter13 707
Inheritance 707
13.1 Object-oriented design using inheritance 708
13.2 Reuse via inheritance 709
13.3 A hierarchy of shapes 711
Self-check questions 725
13.4 Protected members and inberitance 727
13.5 Controlling inheritance 730
Self-check questions 732
13.6 Multiple inheritance 735
Self-check questions 743
13.7 A prettier kaleidoscope 743
13.8 Points to remember 756
13.9 Exercises 759
Templates and polymorphism 765
Chapter14 765
14.1 Generic actions and types 766
14.2 Function templates 766
14.3 Class templates 769
14.4 A simple list class using a class template 770
Self-check questions 778
14.5 Sequential lists 779
14.6 Polymorphism 801
Self-check questions 801
14.7 Virtual function nuances 804
14.8 Abstract base classes 807
14.9 Virtual multiple inheritance 810
Self-check questions 812
14.10 Points to remember 815
14.11 Exercises 817
Chapter 823
Software project-Bug Hunt! 823
15.2 Base class Bug 824
15.1 Bug hunt 824
15.3 Class GameController 839
15.4 Bug hunt 842
Self-check questions 843
15.5 Points to remember 844
15.6 Exercises 847
Appendix A 849
Tables 849
A.1 ASCII character set 850
A.2 Operator precedence 851
AppendixB 853
Standard libraries 853
B.1 Library naming and access 854
B.2 Iostream library 854
B.3 Stdlib library 856
B.4 Math library 856
B.5 Time library 857
B.6 Cstring library 858
B.7 Algorithm library 860
Appendix C 865
Standard classes 865
C.1 Container Classes 866
C.2 Class string 871
Appendix D 875
Advanced topics 875
D.1 Namespaces 876
D.2 Exception handling 881
D.3 Friends 888
Appendix E 891
EzWindows API reference manual 891
E.1 Enumerated types 892
E.2 Coordinate system 892
E.3 Class Position 894
E.4 Class SimpleWindow 894
E.6 Class RaySegment 898
E.5 Class WindowObject 898
E.7 Class Shape 900
E.8 Class EllipseShape 901
E.9 Class CircleShape 902
E.10 Class RectangleShape 902
E.11 Class TriangleShape 904
E.12 Class SquareShape 904
E.13 Class Label 905
E.14 Class BitMap 907
E.15 Class Randomlnt 908
E.16 Miscellaneous functions 909
Appendix F 911
Projects and makefiles 911
F.1 Project and makefile fundamentals 912
F.2 Borland C++ IDE 912
F.3 Microsoft Visual C++IDE 920
F.4 UNIX Makefiles 926
Index, 933
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