对比修辞 第二语言写作的跨文化层面PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)Ulla Connor著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7810802836
- 页数:201 页
1 Toward an extended definition of contrastive rhetoric 3
Writing in a second language:anecdotal evidence about problems and solutions 3
Study of second language writing:the emergence of contrastive rhetoric 5
Aims,purposes,and outline of this book 6
Building a comprehensive theory of contrastive rhetoric 8
2 Contrastive rhetoric studies in applied linguistics 12
Contrastive analysis,error analysis,and analysis of interlanguage 12
Development of contrastive rhetoric:parallel with contrastive analysis 14
International Englishes 16
New directions in contrastive rhetorical research in applied linguistics contexts 18
Summary 26
3 Historical evolution of contrastive rhetoric:from Kaplan's 1966 study to diversification in languages,genres,and authors 28
Origins of contrastive rhetoric 28
Arabic 34
Chinese 37
Japanese 41
Korean,German,Finnish,Spanish,and Czech 45
Summary 54
4 Contrastive rhetoric and the field of rhetoric and composition 59
The role of rhetoric and composition in college education in the United States 59
Classical rhetoric 62
The expressionist approach 71
Contrastive rhetoric and the expressionist approach 72
Writing as a cognitive approach 74
The social constructivist approach 76
Summary 79
5 Contrastive rhetoric and text linguistics 80
Brief overview of the history of text linguistics;definitions 80
Major schools of thought in text linguistics 81
Concepts and methods of text linguistics and their application to the study of writing 83
NORDTEXT and NORDWRITE text linguistic projects of student writing 89
Survey of contrastive rhetorical studies with a text linguistic emphasis 90
Summary 97
6 Writing as an activity embedded in a culture 100
Definition of"culture" 101
Psychological investigations of culture and literacy 101
Anthropological study of culture and literacy 105
Educational study of culture and literacy 107
Studies of culture and literacy conducted by applied linguists 113
Summary 115
7 Contrastive rhetoric and translation studies 117
Development of theories of translation studies 117
Transfer in contrastive rhetoric and translation theory 120
Issues in common:theories of"acceptability"and"adequacy"in translation 121
Summary 123
8 Genre-specific studies in contrasnve rhetoric 126
The concept of genre 126
School writing 129
Academic writing 132
Professional writing 135
Learning academic writing in sociocognitive perspective as a dynamic activity 145
Summary 149
9 Methods of research in contrastive rhetoric 153
Guidance from studies of composition pedagogy 153
Methods of contrastive rhetorical research 155
Summary and implications 162
10 Conclusion:Implications and research directions 166
Implications from contrastive text studies 167
Implications from contrastive process-based writing 167
Implications from contrastive genre-specific research in EFL settings 169
Testing ESL/EFL writing in a cross-cultural setting 170
Research directions 172
References 175
Author index 195
Subject index 199
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