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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:程正民著
  • 出 版 社:沈阳:辽宁人民出版社;沈阳:辽海出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7205038715
  • 页数:309 页

总序 1

自序 1

心理美学:历史、对象和方法 1

Psychological Aesthetics: History, Objects and Methods 1

Author' s Foreword 1

Preface 1

普希金的创作个性和艺术思维的特征 28

Characteristic of Writing Individuality and Artistic Thinking in Pushkin' s Works 28

陀思妥耶夫斯基:探索人类心灵奥秘的艺术 51

Dostoievsky: the Art of Exploring the Mystery of Human Mind 51

托尔斯泰的创作和俄国农民心理 87

Tolstoy' s Writing and the Mentality of Russian Peasantry 87

俄国文学主人公的演变和俄国社会心理的变化 116

The Developing of Heroes in Russian Literature and the Change of Social Psychology 116

Literary Psychology Research in Former USSR 154

前苏联的文艺心理学研究 154

On Bakhtin' s Poetics 184

巴赫金的诗学研究 184

On Bakhtin's Cultural Poetics 203

巴赫金的文化诗学 203

The Camivalesque Feeling of the World 212

狂欢式的世界感受 212

Bakhtin' s Holistic Concept of Culture: Plurality, Interaction and Openness 233

巴赫金多元、互动和开放的整体文化观 233

Genre of Novel and Carnival Culture in the Folk 254

小说体裁和民间狂欢化文化 254

Cultural Poetics: the Dialogue between Zhong Jing-wen and Bakhtin 283

文化诗学:钟敬文和巴赫金的对话 283

Appendix: Author' s Biography, Main Publication and Response among the Academic Circles 306

附录:作者小传、主要著作与学术反响 306
