1+X脱口说英语 情景会话PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:常骏跃,马立冬主编
- 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7561118503
- 页数:422 页
1 Part Ⅰ 2
1.Greeting People 见面问候 2
Greeting Somebody 招呼某人 3
Asking after Somebody 问候某人 6
Stating How You Are 说明近况 8
2.Starting Up a Conversation 开始交谈 10
3.Taking Up a Point 接谈话题 14
4.Changing Topics 改换话题 18
5.Drawing Attention 吸引注意 21
6.Introducing People 见面介绍 24
Introducing Somebody 介绍某人 25
Introducing Oneself 自我介绍 26
Responding to an Introduction 应答介绍 28
7.Making Affirmative Response 肯定回答 30
8.Making Negative Response 否定回答 33
9.Closing a Conversation 结束谈话 36
10.Taking Leave and Seeing Off 辞别送行 41
2 Part Ⅱ 46
11.Atthe Customs 在海关 46
Asking about Customs Procedures 了解手续 47
Basic Questions and Answers 常规问答 48
Checking the Bags 开包检查 52
Dutiable Items 缴税物品 54
Violating Rules and Regulations 违规行为 56
Passing 验放过关 57
12.Finding the Way 找路 59
Asking the Way 求人问路 60
I’m a Stranger Here 我不熟悉 62
It’s That Way 就在那边 63
Going Straight Ahead 一直向前 64
On the Right or Turning Right 右侧/右拐 66
On the Left or Turning Left 左侧/左拐 67
The Distance 两地距离 68
13.Taking a Bus 乘公共汽车 71
The Route 行车路线 72
Changing Buses 中途转车 74
Something Is Wrong 乘车出错 76
Getting on a Bus 上公交车 77
Getting off a Bus 下公交车 82
14.Taking a Taxi 乘出租车 82
Calling for a Taxi 叫出租车 83
Attending Passengers 接待乘客 85
Pulling up 要求停车 88
Paying the Fare 付费下车 89
15.Taking a Train 乘火车 91
Asking for Information about Trains 了解信息 92
Giving Information about Trains 提供信息 93
Buying Tickets 购买车票 95
Selling Tickets 出售车票 97
Changing Trains 火车中转 98
The Arrival Time 到达时间 99
Delivering Baggage 行李托运 100
Looking for the Platform 寻找站台 101
Waiting for aTrain 等候列车 102
Getting on/off a Train 上车/下车 103
16.At the Hotel 在旅馆 106
Making Reservations 预定房间 109
Confirming Reservations 确认信息 118
No Room Available 旅馆客满 119
Checking In 入住登记 121
Entering the Room 进入房间 123
Other Information 其他信息 125
Checking Out 结账退房 127
17.At the Post Office 在邮局 129
Surface Mail 普通邮寄 130
Registered Mail 挂号邮寄 131
By Airmail 航空邮寄 132
Overweight 邮件超重 134
Buying Stamps 购买邮票 135
Sending a Parcel 邮寄包裹 136
Claiming a Parcel 领取包裹 138
Sending a Money Order 寄汇款单 139
Cashing a Money Order 领取汇款 140
Delivery Time 投递时间 141
Sending a Fax 发出传真 143
18.At the Bank 在银行 144
Opening an Account and Depositing 开户存款 146
Withdrawing from or Closing an Account 取款清户 150
Cashing the Checks 兑换现金 153
Traveler’s Checks 旅行支票 157
Handling Remittance 处理汇款 158
Other Services 其他服务 159
19.At the Barber’s and Hairdresser’s 在理发店 163
Asking about the Hair Style 询问要求 164
Stating How You Like Your Hair Cut/Done 说明发型 165
Cutting the Hair Short 剪短头发 168
Keeping the Same fashion 保持发型 169
Handling Hair Bangs 整理刘海 170
Handling Partings 整理分头 170
Washing the Hair 清洗头发 172
Using Hair-tonic 护理头发 173
Perm or Cold-Wave 烫发定型 175
Having the Hair Dried 头发吹风 176
Dyeing the Hair 头发染色 176
Shaving 整理面部 177
Manicuring Nails 整修指甲 178
20.Atthe Ginema 在影院 179
Talking about Movies 谈论电影 180
At the Box Office 在售票处 183
Commenting on the Movie 观后感受 183
Academy Award 奥斯卡奖 186
21.At the Filling Stations 在加油站 190
Refilling the Car 添加汽油 191
Oil and Water 机油和水 192
Checking the Battery 查蓄电池 194
Checking the Tires 检查轮胎 195
Repairing and Maintaining 维修维护 196
22.At the Hospital 在医院 201
Registration 挂号登记 202
Feeling Upset 感觉不适 203
Feeling Weak 感觉虚弱 206
Feeling Pain 感觉疼痛 206
Bronchitis and Pneumonia 支气管炎和肺炎 209
Catching Cold and Having a Fever 感冒发烧 210
Having a Bad Appetite 胃口不好 213
Rheumatism and Allergy 风湿过敏 215
Suffering from Insomnia 失眠困扰 216
At the Dental Department 在口腔科 217
Fracture 骨折骨裂 218
Eye Problems 眼睛疾患 219
Taking Blood Pressure 测量血压 221
Checking the Lungs and the Heart 心肺检查 222
Laboratory Test and Other Auxiliary Examinations 化验检查 223
Infection 疾病感染 225
Injections 注射药物 226
Prescribing Drugs 开列药方 226
Doctor’s Advice 医嘱患者 227
Operation and Hospitalization 手术住院 231
23.At the Library 在图书馆 233
Library Regulations 借阅规则 234
Ending a Book in the Stacks 开架查阅 235
Recommending Books 推荐图书 236
Using the Card Catalogue 查阅目录 237
The Call Number 索书号码 239
Borrowing Books or Magazines 借阅资料 240
Renewing a Book 续借图书 242
Hold-in Registration 预约登记 242
24.At the Restaurant 在餐馆 244
Greeting Guests 接待客人 246
Changing Tables 调换餐桌 247
Waiting for a Free Table 等待空桌 249
Presenting the Menu 出示菜单 251
Recommending Dishes 推荐菜肴 253
Introducing Specialties 特色菜肴 256
Ordering 开始点菜 257
Ordering the Same Courses 相同要求 261
Ordering Specific Courses 特别要求 262
Sea Food 海味菜肴 264
Enjoying the Soup 享用汤类 266
Desserts 饭后甜点 267
Drinks and Beverages 饮料和酒 268
Asking for a Favor 请求传递 269
Expressing and Responding to Hospitality 进餐应酬 270
Dealing with Complaints 处理抱怨 276
Settling the Bill 结账付款 279
25.At the Tailor’s 在裁缝店 282
Workmanship and the Price 做工价格 283
Materials 服装布料 284
Patterns 服装式样 285
Taking Measurements 测量尺寸 288
Trying on and Collecting Clothes 试衣取衣 288
Talking about Unfitness 谈论不适 290
Asking for Fixing and Altering 要求修改 292
Making Alterations 修改处理 293
26.On the Campus 在校园 295
Courses and Majors 学科专业 296
Further Study 继续深造 297
Studying Abroad 出国留学 298
27.Shopping 购物 304
Attending a Customer 招呼顾客 305
Telling the Shop Assistant What You Want to Do 说明要求 306
Asking What a Customer Wants 询问顾客 308
Asking the Shop Assistant for Help 求助店员 309
Attending a Customer 照顾顾客 311
Stating That It Is Out of Stock 说明缺货 313
Asking about Prices 询问价格 315
Telling about Prices 说明价格 317
The Price Is Too High 价格太高 318
The Price Is Not High 价格不高 320
Bargaining 讨价还价 321
Talking about Prices 谈论价格 323
Talking about Fashions and Designs 谈论式样 324
Talking about Colors 谈论颜色 325
Talking about the Size 谈论尺码 327
Trying on the Dress 试穿衣服 329
Making a Decision 做出决定 330
28.Sightseeing 观光 331
Talking about One’s Plan for Sightseeing 谈论计划 332
Asking about Sightseeing Information 了解信息 333
Offering Sightseeing Information 提供信息 334
Sightseeing 观看风景 335
29.Smoking 吸烟 339
Offering a Smoke 敬献香烟 340
Responding to an Offer 应答敬烟 341
Borrowing a Light 向人借火 343
Talking about Smoking 谈论吸烟 344
30.Talking about Sports 谈论体育运动 346
Watching Track and Field Events 田径比赛 347
Talking about Sportsmen 谈论选手 350
Talking about Scoring 谈论比分 351
31.Talking about TV or TV Programs 谈论电视及电视节目 356
Information Concerning TV Programs 节目信息 357
Watching TV 收看电视 358
Commenting on TV Programs 评论节目 360
Talking about TV Sets 谈电视机 362
Picture and Volume 图像音量 363
Reception 接收情况 364
32.Talking about Time and Date 谈论时间和日期 365
Talking about the Date 谈论日期 366
Talking about Weekdays 谈论星期 367
Talking about Time 谈论时间 368
Talking about the Date or Time Concerning Work,Events,etc. 谈论工作、事件等的日期或时间 370
Talking about Clocks and Watches 谈论钟表 373
33.Talking about the Weather 谈论天气 375
Good Weather 晴好天气 376
Bad Weather 恶劣天气 377
Weather Change 天气变化 378
Local Weather 地方天气 379
Weather Report 天气预报 380
Temperature 气温高低 381
Cloudy Weather 有云天气 382
Rainy and Thunderous Weather 雷雨天气 382
Windy Weather 有风天气 385
Hot Weather 炎热天气 386
Clearing and Improving Weather 转晴转好 387
Cold Weather 寒冷天气 388
Snowy Weather 下雪天气 389
34.Talking on the Telephone 打电话 390
Asking the Operator for Help 请求接线 391
Connecting the Caliers 接通电话 392
Starting a Phone Call 初接电话 393
Fetching Someone to Receive the Phone Call 找人通话 396
Dialing the Wrong Number 打错电话 396
Telling the Caller to Wait a Moment 请人等候 397
Someone Can’t Receive the Call 不能通话 398
Leaving a Message 转留信息 399
Apologizing for Keeping Someone Waiting 等候致歉 401
Telephone Messages 电话信息 401
Not Answering the Call 不接电话 402
3 Part Ⅲ 405
35.Birthday Party 生日晚会 405
Giving Best Wishes 良好祝愿 406
Responses 应答致谢 407
36.Dance 舞会 408
Inviting Someone to Dance 请人跳舞 409
Accepting an Invitation to Dance 接受邀请 410
Declining an Invitation to Dance 谢绝邀请 410
37.Easter 复活节 412
Giving Good Wishes 良好祝愿 413
Responses 应答祝愿 413
38.Entertainment 宴请 414
39.Christmas 圣诞节 417
Giving Good Wishes 良好祝愿 418
Responses 应答祝愿 419
40.New Year 新年 420
Giving Good Wishes 良好祝愿 421
Responses 应答祝愿 422
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