Lesson 1 Text:Power 1
Supplementary Reading: 8
Ⅰ.Power and Horsepower 8
Ⅱ.Force and Work 9
Lesson 2 Text:Pulleys and Belts 11
Supplementary Reading: 19
Ⅰ.Belts and Pulleys 19
Ⅱ.The Lever 21
Lesson 3 Text:Mechanized Farm Work 22
Supplementary Reading: 29
Ⅰ.Preface to"Farm Machinery and Equipment"(Extracted) 29
Ⅱ.Crops vs Farm Machinery 30
Lesson 4 Text:Gears 32
Supplementary Reading: 40
Ⅰ.Gear Types 40
Ⅱ.Driving Shaft 41
Lesson 5 Text:Lubrication 43
Supplementary Reading: 52
Ⅰ.Friction and Lubrication 52
Ⅱ.Bearings 53
Lesson 6 Text:Pioneer Farm Machines 55
Supplementary Reading: 64
Ⅰ.Field Power 64
Ⅱ.From Hand Farming to Power Farming 65
Lesson 7 Text:Internal-combustion Engine 67
Supplementary Reading: 74
Ⅰ. Gasoline and Diesel Engines 74
Ⅱ.Wankel Engine 75
Lesson 8 Text:Changing Concepts 77
Supplementary Reading: 86
Ⅰ.Basic Functions of Tractors 86
Ⅱ.Tractor Types 87
Lesson 9 Text:Any Progress on Farm Vehicle Automation? 89
Supplementary Reading: 96
Ⅰ.Safety Requirements for Automatic Vehicle Control 96
Ⅱ.Tomorrow's Combine 97
Lesson 10 Text:Electric Motors for the Farm 99
Supplementary Reading: 106
Ⅰ.Induction Motors 106
Ⅱ.Electric Power on Farms 107
Lesson 11 Text:Hydraulic Pumps 110
Supplementary Reading: 120
Ⅰ.Hydraulics 120
Ⅱ.Hydraulic Press or Jack 121
Lesson 12 Text:The Art of the Crawler Driver 124
Supplementary Reading: 133
Ⅰ.Tracklaying Tractors 133
Ⅱ.How to Avoid Danger on the Slopes 134
附录 136
Ⅰ.英译汉中的几个问题 136
Ⅱ.总词汇表 158
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