新编英美概况 修订版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:许鲁之编著
- 出 版 社:青岛:青岛海洋大学出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7810672428
- 页数:383 页
Part One The United States 3
Chapter Ⅰ.Geographical Features and Natural Resources 3
1.Location and Geographical Divisions 3
2.Climate 7
3.Natural Resources 9
Chapter Ⅱ.American Population 16
1.Composition of the US Population 16
2.Population Distribution 20
3.Internal Migration 22
Chapter Ⅲ.Discovery and Colonization of the New World 27
1.American Indians and Great Discoveries 27
2.Colonization of the New World 30
3.Governmental and Social Structures of the 13 Colonies 32
Chapter Ⅳ.American Revolution 38
1.Britain s Policy to American Colonies 38
2.The Road to the Revolution 40
3.The Outbreak of War and the Second Continental Congress 42
4.Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War 43
Chapter Ⅴ.The Confederation and the Constitution 49
1.Articles of Confederation 49
2.Constitutional Convention 50
3.Opinions on the Ratification Issue 52
4.The New Government and the Louisiana Purchase 53
5.The War of 1812 54
Chapter Ⅵ.American Expansion and the Civil War 59
1.Monroe Doctrine 59
2.Westward Movement 60
3.Economic Antagonism Between North and South 61
4.The Way to the Givil War 63
5.Civil War 65
Chapter Ⅶ.Reconstruction ant the Birth of US Imperialism 72
1.Reconstruction in the South 72
2.Becoming a Great Industrial Power 76
3.Becoming an Imperial Power 78
Chapter Ⅷ.World War I and the Depression 83
1.World War I 83
2.America s Entrance into the War 84
3.Peace Conference of 1919 86
4.Era of Prosperity and the Coming of Great Depression 88
5.Franklin Roosevelt and His New Deal 90
Chapter Ⅸ.America During and After World War Ⅱ 95
1.From Isolation to Intervention 95
2.Important Conferences During World War Ⅱ 98
3.The Cold War and Civil Rights Movement 99
4.From Eisenhower to Clinton 101
Chapter Ⅹ.The Federal System and Congress 108
1.The Three Basic Principles of US Political System 108
2.The Membership and Powers of Congress 109
3.Leadership and Committees in Congress 111
4.How a Bill Becomes a Law 113
Chapter Ⅺ.The President and the Judiciary 118
1.The President and His Powers 118
2.The Organization of Executive Branch 121
3.The Federal Court System 122
4.The State Court System 124
Chapter Ⅻ.Political Parties and Elections 129
1.The Development of Political Parties 129
2.The Structure and Function of Political Parties 130
3.Differences Between Democrats and Republicans 132
4.Voting and Elections 133
5.Electing President 135
ChapterⅩⅢ.American Education 140
1.Introduction 140
2.Elementary and Secondary Education 141
3.Higher Education 143
ChapterⅩⅣ.The Mass Media 151
1.Evolution of Newspapers and Magazines 151
2.Radio and Television 155
3.The Information Highway 157
ChapterⅩⅤ.American Family and Character 161
1.American Family 161
2.American Character and Customs 164
Part Two The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 173
Chapter Ⅰ.Geographical Features and Natural Resources 173
1.Geographical Features 173
2.Climate 177
3.Rivers and Lakes 178
4.Natural Resources 179
Chapter Ⅱ.Population of the United Kingdom 184
1.The English 184
2.The Welsh 186
3.The Scots 187
4.The Irish 189
5.Immigrants 190
Chapter Ⅲ.The Origins of a Nation 195
1.Early Settlement 195
2.Roman Britain 196
3.Anglo-Saxon Times 197
4.The Danish Invasion 199
5.The Normans 202
Chapter Ⅳ.Feudal England 209
1.Consolidation of Monarchy 209
2.The Great Charter and the Beginning of Parliament 212
3.The Hundred Years War 215
4.The Black Death and Peasant Uprising 217
5.The Wars of the Roses 219
Chapter Ⅴ.England Under the Tudors 225
1.The Consolidation of New Monarchy 225
2.Reformation 227
3.Elizabeth I 230
4.The English Renaissance 232
Chapter Ⅵ.The Bourgeois Revolution 240
1.The Absolute Rule of the Stuarts 240
2.The Civil Wars 244
3.The Commonwealth 246
4.The Restoration and the “Glorious Revolution” 248
Chapter Ⅶ.Hanoverian England and Industrial Revolution 255
1.The Georges 255
2.Industrial Revolution 256
3.The chartist Movement 259
4.Cultural Results of the Industrial Revolution 261
Chapter Ⅷ.Party Politics and Colonial Expansion 267
1.Party Politics and Reforms 267
2.Trade Unions and the Labour Party 269
3.Colonial Expansion 271
Chapter Ⅸ.Britain in the Two World Wars 279
1.Britain and World War I 279
2.Britain Between the Two Wars 281
3.Britain and World War Ⅱ 283
4.The Postwar Britain 284
Chapter Ⅹ.British Monarchy and Government 293
1.The Monarchy 293
2.The Executive and Administration 296
3.The Privy Council 298
4.Local Government 300
Chapter Ⅺ.Parliament and Judicial System 306
1.The House of Lords 306
2.The House of Commons 308
3.The Passage of Bills 311
4.The Judicial System 313
Chapter Ⅻ.Political Parties and Election 320
1.The Development of Parties 320
2.The Conservative Party 321
3.The Labour Party 322
4.The Liberal and Other Minor Parties 323
5.Election 325
ChapterⅩⅢ.Education 331
1.Provisions of Education 331
2.Primary Education 333
3.Secondary Education 335
4.Independent Schools 337
5.Higher Education 338
ChapterⅩⅣ.Mass Media 346
1.Broadcasting 346
2.Newspapers and Magazines 349
ChapterⅩⅤ.British Family Life,Character and Customs 357
1.Marriage 357
2.Meals and Drinks 359
3.Social Contact 361
4.Conservatism and Temperament 361
5.Privacy 365
6.Customs Connected with the King or Queen 365
Appendixes 370
Appendix Ⅰ Admission of States to the Union 370
Appendix Ⅱ The US Presidents 372
Appendix Ⅲ Population of the United States 374
Appendix Ⅳ Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom 375
Appendix Ⅴ English and British Monarchs 378
References 382
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