实用英语教程 银行国际业务 3PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:中国银行上海分行编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:1984
- ISBN:7218·103
- 页数:178 页
Lesson One 1
Text:Collection of Personal Property(Ⅰ) 17
Grammar:The Infinitive(Ⅱ) 17
Reading Material:Power of Attorney 17
Illustration:Bond 17
Lesson Two 17
Reading Material:Corporate Stock 32
Illustration:Share Certificate 32
Lesson Three 32
Grammar:The Gerund(Ⅱ) 32
Text:Collection of Personal Property(Ⅱ) 32
Text:Bank Credit Cards 52
Grammar:The Participle(Ⅲ) 52
Reading Material:Cheque Cards 52
Illustrations:Credit Cards 52
Lesson Four 52
Text:The Double-Entry Bookkeeping System 75
Grammar:Formation of Words 75
Reading Material:Profit and Loss Statement and Bal-ance SheetIllustration:Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss StatementLesson Five 75
Lesson Six 92
(Ⅱ)Overdrafts 92
Grammar:The Relative Pronoun 92
Reading Material:(Ⅰ)Deposits 92
Text:Reconciliation of Statement of Nostro Account 92
Text:Credit Investigation 107
Grammar:The Complex Object and the Complex Subject 107
Reading Material:(Ⅰ)Letter on Credit Inquiry 107
(Ⅱ)Letter of Reply(1) 107
(Ⅲ) Letter of Reply(2) 107
Lesson Seven 107
Grammar:The Position of the Predicative in Sentences and the Correct Use of the Predicative NounReading Material:Cables Concerning the Issue and Handling of Letters of CreditIllustration:Time Table of the Major Cities of the WorldLesson Eight 122
Text:Telegraphic Communication Between Banks 122
Text:Services Offered by Banks in the Trust Business 140
Grammar:The Position of Objects in Sentences 140
Reading Material:(Ⅰ)Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee 140
(Ⅱ)Trade Enquiry 140
(Ⅲ)Letter of Guarantee 140
Illustration:Diagram of Funds Procurement and Utiliza-tion of a Trust Banking Company in JapanLesson Nine 140
Text:kinds of Letters of Credit 159
Grammar:Usage of Some Indef inite Pronouns(Ⅰ) 159
Reading Material:The Rule of Strict Compliance Governing CreditsIllustrations:Irrevocable Revolving Credit and Irrevo-cable Credit with Red ClauseLesson Ten 159
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