- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:田坦,姜弢主编
- 出 版 社:哈尔滨:哈尔滨工程大学出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7810731181
- 页数:367 页
PartⅠ 1
Lesson 1 Periodic Signals 1
1.1 Time-Domain Descriptions 1
1.2 Frequency-Domain Descriptions 3
1.3 Orthogonal Functions 4
1.4 The Fourier Series 8
词汇 12
课文注释 14
Lesson2 Aperiodic Signals 16
2.1 Introduction 16
2.2 The Exponential Form of Fourier Series 16
2.3 The Fourier Transform 18
2.4 The Laplace Transform 28
词汇 34
课文注释 35
Lesson3 Sampled-Data Signals 37
3.1 Introduction 37
3.2 Mathematical Description Using the Dirac Function 37
3.3 Spectra of Sampled-Data Signals 40
3.4 The z-Transform 43
3.5 Discussion 52
词汇 54
课文注释 54
4.1 Introduction 55
Lesson 4 Random Signals 55
4.2 Elements of Probability Theory 58
4.3 Amplitude Distributions and Monments 64
4.4 The Autocorrelation and Power Spectral Density Functions 68
4.5 Important Types of Random Signal 75
词汇 94
课文注释 95
Lesson5 Signals and Systems 96
5.1 Introduction 96
5.2 Basic Aspects of Linear Processing 97
5.3 Convolution,Corelation and Filtering 110
5.4 The Processing of Random Signals 113
5.5 Nonlinear Processing 120
词汇 122
课文注释 123
Lesson 6 Modulation and Sampling 125
6.1 Introduction to Modulation 125
6.2 Signal Sampling and Reconstitution 127
613 Other Modulation Processes 135
词汇 142
课文注释 144
Lesson 7 Filters 145
7.1 Introduction 145
7.2 General Aspects of Filter Performance 146
7.3 Analogue Filters 150
7.4 Digital Filters 154
词汇 162
课文注释 163
PartⅡ 165
Lesson 1 Underwater Acoustic Signal Processing 165
1.1 Quantitative Description of Signal 165
1.2 Qualitative Description of the Sorces of Noise 170
1.3 Comparison of Sonar,Radar,and Seismic Parameters 175
1.4 Target Strength and the Sonar Range Equation 181
1.5 Reflection and Scattering from Boundaries 184
1.6 Effects of an Inhomogeneous Medium 188
1.7 Criteria for Measuring the Success of Detection 189
1.8 Directional Arrays 193
Lesson 2 Underwater Acoustic Imaging 196
2.1 Introduction 196
2.2 Properties of Underwater Acoustic Imaging Systems 197
2.3 Targets and Environmental Requirements 200
2.4 Underwater Acoustic Imaging System Concepts 206
2.5 Examples of Various Acoustic Imaging Techniques and Systems 210
2.6 Summary 218
Lesson 3 HF Radio Communications 223
3.1 Introduction 223
3.2 Principles of Radio Communications 227
3.3 The Ionosphere and HF Radio Propagation 237
3.4 Elements in an HF Radio System 247
3.5 Noise and Interference 261
3.6 Data Communication Via HF Radio 265
3.7 Adaptive Radio Technology 273
3.8 Securing Communications 276
3.9 HF Systems and Applications 284
3.10 Future Directions 293
Lesson 4 VHF/UHF Radio Communications 296
4.1 Introduction 296
4.2 Principles of Radio Communications 300
4.3 VHF/UHF Radio Propagation 303
4.4 Elements in a VHF/UHF Radio System 310
4.5 Noise and Interference 322
4.6 Data Communication Via VHF/UHF Radio 325
4.7 UHF Satcom 333
4.8 Securing Communications 341
4.9 Systems and Applictions 344
4.10 Future Directions 350
Lesson 5 355
5.1 Introduction 355
5.2 New System Requirements 356
5.3 Em 300 Implementation 358
5.4 Results 364
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