商务信函 2500成功沟通范例 英汉对照PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)约翰·伍兹(John Woods)著;王楚明译
- 出 版 社:上海:上海人民出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7208043078
- 页数:501 页
简介 1
第一章 销售信 7
Adding a bigwig to a prospect tour 在一次客户旅游中加入一位“大人物” 7
Accompanying a catalog 寄送产品目录 8
Accompanying a renewal notice 寄送续保通知 10
Announcing a sales contest 宣布一次销售竞赛 12
Announcing an ad campaign to sales staff 向销售人员宣布一次广告宣传活动 13
Announcing a change in sales policy 宣布销售政策的变化 14
Announcing a new catalog 发布一份新目录 15
Announcing new products 宣布新产品 16
Announcing a price decrease 宣布降低价格 18
Announcing a price increase 宣布价格上涨 19
Approaching new contact at current client company 与目前的委托公司达成新的协议 20
Approaching new management after old management rejection 在旧的管理方案遭到否决后达成新的管理方案 21
Asking for a testimonial letter 请求提供一封推荐信 22
Avoiding a business sales pitch 婉拒商业促销 23
Closing to overcome business bad now objection 纠正“目前生意难做”的观点 24
Closing to overcome customers don t ask for your product objection 纠正“客户不需要你的产品”的看法 26
Closing to overcome the next trip objection 改变“下次再谈”的想法 27
Closing to overcome high price objection 克服对于高价的反感 28
Closing to overcome I always do business with someone else objection 纠正“我一直与别人合作”的观点 30
Closing to overcome I m happy with what I ve got objection 纠正“我对目前拥有的一切很满意”的观点 32
Closing to overcome it s new objection 纠正“这是新的”的观点 34
Closing to overcome low price must mean low quality objection 纠正“低价一定低质”的观点 36
Closing to overcome retail price too high objection 改变“零售价过高”的观点 38
Closing to overcome the my boss decides objection 改变“由我老板决定”的看法 40
Closing to overcome think about it objection 改变“让我们再考虑考虑”的想法 41
Closing with be first 利用“争当第一”的心理 42
Closing with before and after 利用“前后对比” 43
Closing with customization offer 通过提供客户化服务作促销 44
Closing with points of agreement 确认协议 46
Closing with a special introductory offer 提供特别的试销机会 48
Closing with success stories 以成功的事例作促销 49
Closing with a trial basis 试用建议 50
Cold call 电话推销 52
Confirming a sale closing meeting 确定一次生意成交会见 54
Congratulating a sales person for a testimonial 祝贺一位销售人员收到表扬信 55
Congratulating a sales person on a large sale 祝贺一位销售人员赢得一份大宗订单 56
Contacting a formerly hot lead 联系一位从前热心生意的客户 57
Contacting a prospect whose name is unavailable 联系一位不知道名字的客户 58
Declining to do business 婉拒生意合作 60
Explaining a demotion to a client 向客户解释降职的原因 61
Explaining changes in travel systems to sales people 向销售人员解释差旅变化 62
Explaining commission plan changes to sales people 向销售人员解释佣金政策的变化 64
Explaining a promotion to a client 向客户解释升职的原因 66
Explaining territory changes to sales people 向销售人员解释营销市场的变化 67
Extending a follow-up membership offer 提供一项补充性会员优惠 68
Fax for a phone interview 要求电话采访的传真 69
Faxing about preparing to make an immediate decision 准备即刻作出决定的传真 70
Faxing about an urgent sales issue 关于一笔紧急销售业务的传真 72
Following up after mailing a brochure 邮寄目录的附信 73
Faxing a summary to someone who forgets what s been discussed 给一位忘记讨论内容的人发一份总结传真 74
Faxing to a prospect about early deadline 给客户发一份关于截止日期的传真 76
Faxing to a prospect overseas 给海外客户的传真 78
Finding the decision maker 找到决策者 80
Following up on a sales proposal 销售创意书的附信 82
Getting an appointment 争取一次会面 84
Getting a phone interview 争取一次电话采访 86
Introducing a new sales person 介绍一位新的销售人员 87
Introducing a new business 介绍一桩新的生意 88
Introducing your replacement 介绍你的替任者 90
Offering a referral 提供参考 91
New product 新产品介绍 92
Offering a membership 提供会员制服务 94
Overcoming a prospect s past bad experience with your company 克服客户过去曾与你公司有过的不愉快经历 96
Prospecting based on company being new in the area 以该行业的新人身份进行业务开发 98
Prospecting a new member of the local chamber of commerce 开发本地商会的新会员 99
Prospecting community leaders 劝说社区负责人 100
Prospecting someone recently appointed to a volunteer position 游说某个新任志愿工作的人 102
Prospecting someone who just got a new job 游说某个刚刚获得新工作的人 103
Prospecting a technical professional 游说一位技术人才 104
Prospecting a training manager 游说一位培训经理 106
Providing prospect information to a dealership 向特许经销处提供客户信息 107
Prospecting with a contest 用竞赛游说 108
Reminding that a sale is about to end 提醒销售行动即将结束 110
Requesting a meeting based on travel schedule 请求在出差途中安排一次会晤 111
Requesting appointment after initial discussion 初次讨论后要求会面 112
Requesting a meeting with the true decision maker 请求一次与真正决策者的会面 114
Rescheduling a sales appointment 重新安排一次销售会晤 116
Selling additional products 出售其他产品 117
Retaining customers 挽留客户 118
Selling additional services 推销其他服务 120
Selling a business product 推销商务产品 121
Selling a consumer product 推销消费产品 122
Selling an educational seminar 推销一次学习研讨会 124
Selling membership renewal 推销会员延期 126
Selling a subscription 推销订阅 127
Selling to a CEO 向CEO推销 128
Sending materials and suggesting another purchase 寄送材料建议再次购买 130
Special prospecting techniques 特殊的开发技能 131
Setting up an appointment 安排一次会面 132
Soliciting a distributor for a product 征求一种产品的分销商 134
Soliciting a Sale for a client s once-in-a-lifetime event 以客户一生中的大事征求业务 136
Thanking for a recommendation 感谢推荐 138
Tickler 记事簿 139
Updating clients on new product features 为客户提供有关新产品特点的最新信息 141
Updating sales people on mid-period sales performance(bad news)为销售员提供最新中期销售业绩(坏消息) 142
Updating sales people on mid-period sales performance(good news)为销售员提供最新中期销售业绩(好消息) 143
Using special prospecting techniques,example #1 使用特别的业务开发技巧(范例1) 144
Using special Prospecting techniques,example #2 使用特别的业务开发技巧(范例2) 146
Welcome a new subscriber 欢迎新订户 147
Welcome a new customer 欢迎新客户 148
1.广告 152
第二章 市场营销 152
Agency hiring 雇用代理公司 153
Agency rejected 婉拒代理公司 154
Agency review 回顾与代理公司的合作 155
Agency termination 终止代理合作 156
Confidentiality agreement 保密协议 157
Competition 有关竞争 158
Request for bus rates 要求汽车广告的报价 160
Request for electronic rates 要求电子广告的报价 161
Request for outdoor rates 要求户外广告的报价 162
Request for Print rates 要求印刷品广告报价 163
Request for presentation 要求一次展示 164
Request for proposal 要求提供创意 166
2.投标报价过程 167
Acceptance of bid 接受报价 168
Asking questions in response to a request to bid 客户要求报价,回信询问问题 169
Confirming terms 确认条件 170
Cover letter to a revised quote 修改报价的附信 171
Making bids and quotes 投标并报价 172
Proposal cover letter 创意书附信 174
Proposal example 创意书实例 176
Request for deadline extension 请求推迟截止日期 178
Submitting contracts 提交合约 179
Requesting opportunity to quote 请求给予报价机会 180
Submission of bid 提交报价 182
3.直复营销 184
Announcing a special sale 宣布一次特别销售 185
Announcing a new catalog 宣布新的目录 186
Asking for a referral 请求推荐 188
Building store traffic 增加商店顾客量 190
E-mail pitch 电邮推销 191
Congratulations on your birthday 祝贺你的生日 192
Congratulations on child s birthday 祝贺孩子的生日 194
Congratulations on your new baby 祝贺孩子的诞生 196
Congratulations on your move to a new house 祝贺乔迁之喜 198
Congratulations on your promotion letter 祝贺你的升迁 200
Cover letter 推荐信 202
Encouraging a sale from an inactive account 向一位被动的客户进行推销 204
Following up after a trade show 商贸展览会后的接洽 205
Following up with a referral 得到推荐后接洽 206
Helping a sales person out of a slump 帮助一名销售人员摆脱困境 207
Follow-up 跟进信 208
Force-free trial offer 自由订购建议 210
Lift letter 举荐信 212
Magazine ad lead 响应杂志广告 214
Post card 邮寄卡片 216
Renewal letter 延期信 218
Requesting names of clients to invite to a trade show 询问客户姓名以便邀请参加展览会 219
Response sheet/order form 答复信/订单格式 220
Soliciting a sale from a long-term inactive account 向一位长期但被动的客户推销 222
Telemarketing script 电话市场调查 223
Trade show lead 展览会后接洽 224
Welcome letter 欢迎信 226
Thanking for a referral 感谢推荐 228
4.问卷/调查 229
Accompanying a questionnaire 问卷附信 230
Informing of survey results 告知调查结果 232
Surveying customers 调查客户 234
Surveying potential customers 调查潜在客户 236
Thanking for completing a questionaire 感谢填写问卷 238
第三章 管理 242
Announcements--annual report 宣布年终报告 242
Apology--employee 给雇员的致歉信 244
Award--company 公司奖励 245
Award--individual 个人奖励 246
Bad news--layoffs 有关公司裁员的坏消息 247
Bad news--company sale 有关公司出售的坏消息 248
Celebrations--anniversary dates outside company 来自公司以外的周年纪念祝贺信 250
Celebrations--individual 个人祝贺 252
Complaints--manager to subordinate 经理对下属的抱怨 253
Compliments--enjoyed article 赞扬信--喜欢某篇文章 254
Deal--calling off decision/action 放弃决议/行动 255
Deal--encouraging decision/action 鼓励作出决议/行动 256
Decline to do business 婉拒生意合作 257
Decline to do business--prior commitment 在许诺之前婉拒生意合作 258
Events--invitation 邀请 259
Events--merger 合并 260
Events--resignation 辞职 262
FYI--informing subordinates with pleasure 仅供参考--高兴地通知下属 263
FYI--informing superior 仅供参考--通知上级 264
Goodwill--acknowledging request for a donation 收到捐款的请求 265
Goodwill--seeking more information 寻求更多信息 266
Gratitude--commendations to presiding chairman or official 感谢信--对主持大会的主席或官员的赞扬 268
Gratitude--thanking employees 感谢信--感谢雇员 270
Inquiry--brochure 询问--宣传册 271
Inquiry--information 询问--信息 272
Invitation--accept 接受邀请 273
Invitation--decline 婉拒邀请 274
Meeting,external--apologizing for a missed external meeting 对未能参加外部会议而道歉 275
Marketing--complaint to opponent 市场营销--对竞争对手的抱怨 276
Meetings,external--cancelling an extermal meeting 取消一次外面的会议 278
Meetings,internal--annual meeting 内部年会 279
Meetings,internal--canceling an internal meeting via e-mail 通过电子邮件取消一次内部会议 280
Meetings,internal--declining internal meeting 婉拒一次内部会议 281
Notifying employees of new procedures 通知员工新的程序 282
Offers to purchase--cover for counter offer 开价购买--告之还盘 283
Offers to purchase--positive response to query 开价购买--对询问作出积极答复 284
Operations--making inquiries,example #1 问讯信,范例1 285
Operations--making inquiries,example #2 问讯信,范例2 286
Performance--accepting a promotion 接受提升 288
Permissions--authorizing absence after the fact 在事后批准请假 289
Performance--asking an employee to better control expenses 要求一名员工更好地控制支出 290
Permissions--authorizing absence in advance 事先批准请假 292
Permissions--bending company policies 遵守公司的政策 293
Permissions--denying a special project 否决一项特殊提议 294
Permissions--refusing to bend company policies 拒绝违背公司制度 295
Policies--informing 政策通知 296
Policies--punishing employees 处罚员工 297
Policies--reminding employees 提醒员工 298
Problems--asking for assistance 寻求帮助 299
Problems--expressing concern over absenteeism 表达对缺勤的担心 300
Problems--refusing leave of obsence 拒绝休假申请 301
Procedures--change 寻求改变 302
Procedures--explaining proper procedures 解释正常程序 304
Recognition--adoption 收养确认 306
Recognition--birth 祝贺孩子的诞生 307
Recognition--anniversary of doing business 开业周年纪念 308
References--declining to give a referances 谢绝提供证明 310
References--providing a reference for a terminated employee(competent) 为(有能力的)期满的员工提供证明 311
References--providing a reference for a terminated employee(incompetent) 为(没有能力的)期满的员工提供证明 312
Reminder 提醒 313
Report to a peer 给同级别同事的报告 314
Requests--asking for assistance 要求帮助 316
Requests--denial 拒绝请求 317
Reservations--confirm 确定房间预订 318
Response for support 对提供支持的答复 319
Shareholders--accepting a board member s resignation 接受一名董事会成员的辞职 320
Shareholders--acknowledgement of intension to attend annual meeting 确认参加年会的意愿 322
Shareholders--congratulations on annual report 对年终报告的祝贺 323
Transmittal 传达调查报告结果 324
Accepting a press interview 接受媒体采访 328
第四章 公共关系和宣传 328
Accepting an invitation to serve on a board 接受加入董事会的邀请 329
Accompanying a speaker s payment 寄送发言人的报酬 330
Advising employees about dealing with the press 建议员工如何与报界打交道 331
Acknowledging request for donation 确认捐赠 332
Addressing bad news 处理坏消息 334
Advising staff about discussing competitors 建议员工如何谈论竞争者 336
Announcing a move to customers 向客户通知搬迁 337
Agreeing to contribute an article 同意投稿 338
Agreeing with an editorial 赞同一篇社论 340
Denying permission to use copyrighted material 拒绝他人使用版权资料 342
Explaining a reduction in corporate earnings 解释企业盈利降低的原因 343
Disagreeing with an editorial 不赞同某篇社论 344
Getting permission to use someone else s material 获得使用他人材料的许可 346
Letter asking to make a speech 要求作演讲 347
Requesting referrals for donations 请求为捐款提供推荐 348
Responding to a solicitation positively 积极回复对方请求 350
Saying thanks for Positive coverage 对正面报道表示感谢 351
Thanking for funds received 对收到的捐助表示感谢 352
第五章 客户服务 356
1.抱怨 356
Acknowledging complaint example #1 确认收到抱怨,样板1 357
Acknowledging complaint example #2 确认收到抱怨,样板2 358
Acknowledging purchase has been shipped 确认订货已经装运 359
Adjustments 调解事件 360
Defending company 为公司辩护 361
Explaining--as a customer 以客户的身份作解释 362
Low product quality--as a customer 以客户身份反映产品质量差 363
Promise to check 答应核查 364
2.客户感谢信 365
Example #1 样板1 366
Example #2 样板2 367
Example #3 样板3 368
3.客户订单 369
Back order拖单 370
Being processed 正在加工 371
Decrease in price 降价 372
Initial order 首次订单 373
Information 信息 374
Insurance claim 保险理赔 376
Large order 大额订单 378
Ready for pick-up 取货预备就绪 379
Sample 样品 380
4.其他 382
Cancel service 取消服务 383
Explanation of invoice 解释发票 384
Explanation of payment 解释付款支票 385
Explanation of Warranty 解释质量担保 386
Honoring warranty 兑现担保承诺 388
Recommending an additional warranty 推荐附加担保 390
Refusing to honor warranty 拒绝承兑担保 391
Refusal of a request for more information 拒绝提供更多信息 392
Request for customer feedback 寻求客户的反馈 394
Response to a request for information 答复信息咨询 395
Welcome to new customer 欢迎新客户 396
5.付款 397
Acknowledgement 致谢 398
Apology for incorrect payment 为错误的付款道歉 399
Close an account 关闭帐户 400
Discount for early payment 提前付款的折扣 401
Expired credit card 信用卡到期 402
Explanation for late payment 解释延迟付款的原因 403
Invalid credit card number 信用卡号码无效 404
Partial payment 部分付款 405
Postdated checks 远期支票 406
Over credit card limit 信用卡透支 407
Underpayment 付款不足 408
Requesting further information 要求更多信息 410
6.政策 411
Announcement 通知 412
Change in policy 政策变化 414
New policy 新政策 415
Reminder 提醒 416
7.问题 417
Apology for inappropriate collcetion letter 为不合适的收款信道歉 418
Billing error 帐单错误 419
Mistake in invoice 发票错误 420
Payment adjustment 调整付款 421
Mix-up 混淆 422
Response to an error 对错误作出回复 424
8.退货 426
Accept for credit 接受退货 427
Apology for unauthorized return 就未批准退货而道歉 428
Duplicate order 重复订单 429
Exchange 更换 430
Need more information 需要更多信息 431
Unauthorized return 未被批准的退货 432
第六章 人力资源 436
Accepting a job offer 接受工作 436
Accepting training 接受培训 437
Acknowledging receipt of a resume 确认收到简历 438
Addressing a potential conflict of interest 利益冲突 439
Announcing a weight-loss program 宣布减肥计划开始 440
Asking for job advice 寻求职业建议 441
Applying for a job 申请工作 442
Declining a job offer 婉拒工作邀请 444
Discrimination and harassment 歧视和骚扰 445
Explaining a change in withholding 解释扣缴税中的变化 446
General release 常规弃权协议 447
Explaining FMLA 解释FMLA(家庭和医疗休假) 448
Offering an entry-lever position 提供入门者的职位 450
Praising a temp 表扬一位临时员工 452
Providing a life insurance conversion form 提供人寿转换保单 454
Rejecting a candidate 拒绝一位候选人 455
Reminder to employees 提醒员工 456
Requesting continuing professional development 要求持续的职业发展培训 458
Training as a reward 用培训作为奖励 460
Requesting vacation time 要求休假时间 462
第七章 会计和财务 466
1.收款 466
During the holidays 在假日销售季中 467
Explanation promising payment 解释预付款项 468
Requests,first 首次催款 470
Requests,second,example #1 二次催款,样本1 471
Requests,second,example #2 二次催款,样本2 472
Requests,third,example #1 三次催款,样本1 473
Requests,third,example #2 三次催款,样本2 474
Requests,fourth 四次催款 475
Requests,last,example #1 最后催款,样本1 476
Requests,last,example #2 最后催款,样本2 477
Repossession,example #1 强行收回,样本1 478
Repossession,example #2 强行收回,样本2 480
2.信贷 481
Acknowledgment 通知 482
Approval 批准 483
Canceling 取消 484
Inquiry 询问 485
Reference 证明参考 486
Refusal 拒绝 487
Restrictions 限制 488
3.采购 489
Accepting a bid 接受报价 490
Compliment to vendor 赞扬供货商 491
Addressing contract changes 说明合约变化 492
Contract billing error 合约金额错误 494
Returning item 退货 495
Notification of non-compliance 不符点通知 496
Requesting a proposal 寻求创意 498
Vendor contact information 供货合约信息 500
编者后记 501
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