- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:马迎军等编写
- 出 版 社:南昌:江西科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7539016450
- 页数:315 页
Chapter 1 Establishing Business Relationship 第一章 建立贸易关系 2
1. Announcing the establishment of a trading corporation 通告成立贸易公司 2
2. Promoting sales of one s own products 推销自家产品 4
3. Asking for information from an old customer 向老客户询问情况 8
4. Soliciting opinions from a customer who has stopped ordering for a long time 向中断订货的客房征求意见 10
Chapter 2 Credit Reference 第二章 资信调查 14
1. Seller s request for references 卖方要求提供信用资料 14
2. Asking for references 要求提供信用资料 16
3. Supplier requiring credit-application form 供应商要求客户填写信用调查表格 18
4. Customer s reply to required credit-application form 客户对要求填写信用调查表格函的回复 20
5. Customer supplying a banker s reference 顾客提供银行信用 22
6. Referring to a bank reference about an applicant for an agent 向银行了解申请代理的客户信用情况 24
Chapter 3 Inquiry 第三章 询盘 26
1. Asking for offer 请求报价 26
2. Domestic inquiry 国内询盘 28
3. Reply to the domestic inquiry 回复国内询盘 30
4. Export inquiry 出口询盘 32
5. Personal inquiry 个人询盘 34
6. Asking for the quotation of textiles 请求提供纺织品报盘 36
Chapter 4 Offer 第四章 报盘 40
1. Offer 报盘 40
2. Counter-offer 还盘 42
3. Firm offer 实盘 46
4. A non-firm offer 虚盘 48
5. A voluntary offer 自愿报盘 50
6. Offer in reply to the buyer s inquiry 应买方要求发盘 52
7. Asking for acceptance of the offer 要求接受报价 56
8. Persuading a customer to accept the offer 说服客户接受报盘 58
9. Declining the buyer s offer 谢绝买方出价 62
10. Declining the seller s offer 谢绝卖方报价 64
11. Complaining of high price 抱怨价格过高 66
12. Offering special sale 特别销售报价 68
Chapter 5 Counter-offer 第五章 还盘 72
1. A eounter-offer 还盘 72
2. A favorable reply to a counter-offer 对还盘的有利答复 74
3. An unfavorable reply to a counter-offer 对还盘的不利答复 76
4. A suggestion to a counter-offer 对还盘的建议 78
5. Buyer requiring price reduction 买方要求减价 80
6. Seller granting some allowance 卖方同意给予折让 82
7. Placing orders with others if discount is unacceptable 若折扣不合适即向他方订货 84
8. Requesting reduetion in the minimum of order 要求降低最低订量 86
Chapter 6 Order 第六章 订货 90
1. Initial order 首次订货 90
2. Acknowledgement of order 承接订单 92
3. Acknowledgement of S/C 承接合同 94
4. Making a trial order on sample 看样试购 96
5. Requesting discount 要求优惠订货 98
Chapter 7 Letter of Credit and Payment 第七章 信用证与付款 100
1. Asking for L/C 要求开证 100
2. Informing establishment of L/C 通知已开证 100
3. Extending time limit and urging establishment of L/C 延长期限及催请开证 102
4. Asking for amendment of L/C 要求改证 104
5. Informing amendment of L/C 通知已改证 106
6. Informing the receipt of remittance 通知已接到汇款 108
1. Informing completion of order and arranging shipment 通知订购货物完成并安排装运 110
Chapter 8 Shipment 第八章 装运 110
2. Shipping advice 装运通知 112
3. Informing the possibility of cancellation if shipment in much delayed 通知若装运延误过久即取消订货 114
4. Container transportation 集装箱运输 114
5. Delivery by air 空运 116
Chapter 9 Agency 第九章 代理 120
1. On sale of computers 代理销售计算机 120
2. On medical appliance 申请代理经销医疗器械 122
3. Agent for commodity-buying 采购代理 124
4. Agent for televisions 代理销售电视机 126
5. Offering the services of sole agency 提供独家代理服务 128
6. Declining the proposal of asking agency 谢绝商务代理的建议 130
Chapter 10 Insurance 第十章 保险 134
1. Asking the exporter to arrange insurance 谢出口商代办保险 134
2. The exporter s reply 出口商答复 136
3. Enquiring the rate for All Risks open policy 询问综合险预约保险费率 138
4. Reply to the client on premium rate 告知客户保险费率 140
5. Declaration under open policy 预约保险申报 142
6. Asking for insurance againet All Risks(1) 要求投保综合险(1) 144
7. Asking for insurance against All Risks(2) 要求投保综合险(2) 146
8. Asking for a special rate 要求特惠保率 148
9. Renewal of an open policy 延续预订保险 150
10. Accepting the insurance 接受保险 152
11. Insurance for shipping cameras(Inquiry) 运送照相机保险(询问) 152
12. Insurance for shipping cameras(Insurer s reply) 运送照相机保险(保险商答复) 154
13. Cameras damaged(Claim) 照相机损坏(索赔) 156
14. Cameras damaged(Insurer s reply) 照相机损坏(保险商答复) 158
15. Claim for damage by fire(Claim) 火险索赔(索赔) 160
16. Claim for damage by fire(Insurer s reply)火险索赔(保险商答复) 162
Chapter 11 Before and after Sales Service 第十一章 售前售后服务 164
1. Before-sales service 销售前服务 164
2. After-sales service 销售后服务 166
3. Services and maintenance 保养和维修业务 168
4. Providing quality service 提供优质服务 170
5. Visiting clients 访问客户 172
1. Quality problem 质量问题 176
Chapter 12 Claim of Trade Dis-pute 第十二章 贸易纠纷索赔 176
2. First lot disqualified, reserving to claim 对首批货物保留索赔权 178
3. Replying to complaint about defects of goods 对质量问题投诉的回函 180
4. Reply to the refusal of goods 对拒绝收货的回函 182
5. Apologizing for breakage and sending substitute 因破损而致歉并寄上更换品 184
6. Apology for mistaken delivery 对寄错货致歉 186
Chapter 13 Exhibition Sales 第十三章 展销 190
1. An invitation to an exhibition of the latest products 邀请参观新产品展览会 190
2. Replying to the invitation 答复邀请 192
3. Entrusting foreign firm with exhibilion sale of products 委托外商展销产品 194
4. Replying to proposal for exhibition sales 答复展销活动的建议 196
Chapter 14 Technology Transfer 第十四章 技术转让 200
1. Inquiring about technology acquisition 关于技术引进的询问 200
2. On technology transfer 关于技术转让 204
3. On eharge for technology transfer 关于技术转让费 208
4. On method of payment for use of patents 商谈专利支付方式 210
5. Preliminary proposal for know-how transfer 转让专有技术的初步建议 214
Chapter 15 Processing after Sam-ple Assembly and Compensation Trade 第十五章 加工装配及补偿贸易 218
1. Compensation trade 补偿贸易 218
2. Assembly 装配 222
3. Processing after sample with supplied materials 来料来样加工 230
4. Reprocessing of unqualified product 重新加工不合格成品 234
Chapter 16 Lease 第十六章 租赁 240
1. Inquiry 询价 240
2. Negotiation 磋商 242
3. Conclusion 签约 244
4. Execution 履行 248
5. Expiration 期满 250
1. Inviting tender 招标 252
Chapter 17 Inviting Tenders 第十七章 招标 252
2. Submitting tender 投标 254
3. Accepting tender 接受投标 256
4. Invitation to tender by advertising 登广告招标 258
5. Reply to submit tender 发函投标 260
Chapter 18 Barter Trade 第十八章 易货贸易 262
1. Proposal for barler trade 建议易货贸易 262
2. Discussing the barter 商讨易货 264
3. Suggestion of counter purchase 提出回购建议 268
4. Conclusion of barter business 达成易货交易 270
Chapter 19 Joint Venture And Ex-clusive Investment 第十九章 合资独资 274
1. Formalities for establishing a joint venture 建立合资企业程序 274
2. Seeking for joint venture partners (Incoming) 寻求合资伙伴(来函) 278
3. Seeking for joint venture partners (Outgoing) 寻求合资伙伴(复函) 282
4. On the conditions of establishing a wholly for-eign owned enterprise 外商举办独资企业的条件 284
5. Application procedures for the establishment of enterprises with foreign investment through en-trustment 接受委托代办外资企业申请手续 290
6. Inviting Chinese personnel to be director 关于邀请中方董事 298
1. Sender s address 发信人地址 302
Appendix 附录 302
2. Date 发信日期 303
3. Inside name address 信内姓名及地址 304
5. Complimentary close 结束语 307
6. Signature 签名 309
7. Enclosure 附件说明 310
8. Postscript 附言 311
9. Layout 信文格式 312
10. Envelope writing 信封写法 315
4. Salutation 称谓 350
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