国际经济贸易标准法律文书范本 中英文对照PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:21 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:宋雷主编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国民主法制出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7800782840
- 页数:755 页
第一章 对外经济贸易合同类文书 PART ONE Contracts 1
一、购销合同(Sales Purchase Contracts) 1
1.1 购销合同(Sales Agreement Form) 1
1.2 订购单(Purchase Order) 8
1.3 购销合同修改协议(Sales-Contract Amendment Agreement) 13
二、成套设备技术引进合同(Contract for Introduction of Complete Plant Technology) 14
三、劳务输出类合同(Employment Contract) 40
四、中外补偿贸易类合同(Compensation Trade Contract) 47
五、对外建筑工程承包合同(The Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction) 54
六、转让合同(Assignment Contract) 125
第二章 商品进出口类法律文书 PART TWO Import Export 129
一、货物到货通知单(Advance of Arrival of Imports) 131
二、检验证书(Inspection Certificate) 133
三、质检单(Analysis Certificate) 134
四、质量/数量证书(Quality/Quantity Certificate) 135
五、原产地证(Certification of Origin) 136
5.1 原产地证申请书(Application for Certificate of Origin) 136
5.2 一般原产地证明(General Certificate of Origin) 138
六、货运提单(Bill of Lading) 140
七、发票(Invoices) 144
八、装箱单(Packing List) 145
九、普惠证(Generalized Preferences Certificate) 147
十、受益人证明(Beneficiary s Certificate) 149
十一、进出口货物报关单(Import Export Declaration) 150
11.1 进口货物报关单(Entry Declaration) 150
11.2 出口货物报关单(Export Declaration) 152
十二、货物进出口证明书(Certificate of Importation Exportation of Goods) 153
12.1 货物进口证明书(Certification of Importation of Goods) 154
12.2 货物出口证明书(Certificate of Exportation of Goods) 155
第三章 招投标类法律文书 PART THREE Bidding Tendering 156
一、货物采购(Procurement of Goods) 156
1.1 招标公告(Invitation for Bids) 157
1.2 投标书(Bid Form) 158
1.3 货物价格表(Price Schedule) 161
1.4 合同(Contract) 163
1.5 投标保证金保函(Bid Security Form) 166
1.6 履约保证金保函(Performance Security Form) 168
二、国际土木工程招投标(Bid for International Civil Engineering Work) 169
2.1 邀标书(Invitation for Bids) 171
2.2 投标书(Bid Form) 173
三、咨询服务(Procurement of Service) 175
第四章 引进和利用外资类法律文书 PART FOUR Attraction Introduction of Foreign Investment 185
一、中外合资经营企业合同(Sino-Foreign Joint-venture Contract) 185
二、中外合资经营企业章程(Articles of Association By-laws of Sino-Foreign Joint-venture) 209
三、在中国设立外资企业申请表(Application for the Establishment of a Sino-Foreign Joint-venture in the PRC) 228
第五章 国外设立公司类法律文书 PART FIVE Forms Needed for the Establishment of a Corporation Outside the PRC 235
一、公司名称申请书(Request for Reservation of Corporate Name) 235
二、公司组织大纲注册申请书(Cover Letter for Filing Articles) 236
三、公司成立证书(Certificate of Incorporation of a Private Limited Company) 237
四、股份公司章程(Articles of Association By-laws) 238
4.1 (美国)公司章程(Memorandum Articles of Association) 238
4.2 (美国)公司章程(Articles of Associations By-laws) 264
五、有关公司董事会事项文书(Forms Pertaining to the Business of Directors) 294
5.1 同意不另行通知即召开首届董事会的决定(Waiver of Notice Consent to Holding of First Meeting of Board of Directors) 294
5.2 董事会会议记录(Minutes of the Meeting of Directors) 295
六、股东声明(Shareholder Representation Letter) 304
七、企业资产出售单(Bill of Sale for Assets of a Business) 308
八、支付股款现金收据(Receipt for Cash Payments) 310
九、股权证(Certificate of Shares) 311
十、股份有限公司管理条例(Regulations for Management of a Company Limited by Shares) 312
十一、公司执照申请表(Application for License) 349
十二、认股文书(Subscription) 352
十三、放弃权利声明(Waiver) 352
十四、同意不对公司进行审计的声明(Exemption from Audit Requirement) 354
第六章 金融类法律文书 PART SIX Financial Forms 355
一、信用证(Letter of Credit) 355
1.1 信用证申请书(Application for Letter of Credit) 355
1.2 不可撤销的信用证(Irrevocable L/C) 375
1.3 信用证通知书(Advice of Credit) 383
二、银行汇票(Bills of Exchange) 387
2.1 通用汇票(All-purpose Draft) 387
2.2 客户汇票(Customer s Draft) 388
2.3 商业承兑汇票(Trade Acceptance) 389
2.4 即期汇票(Sight Draft) 390
三、汇票通知书(Advice of Draft Issued) 393
四、支票(Checks) 394
4.1 普通支票(Ordinary Check) 394
4.2 法人签发的支票(Check-Corporate Signature) 395
4.3 旅行支票(Traveler s Check) 396
五、期票(Promissory Notes) 397
5.1 普通期票(Simple Promissory Note) 397
5.2 法人签发的期票(Corporate-Signature Promissory Note) 397
六、流通定期存款证书(Negotiable Time Certificate of Deposit) 398
6.1 不记名证书(Negotiable Time Certificate of Deposit-Bearer) 398
6.2 记名存款证书(Negotiable Time Certificate of Deposit-Order) 399
七、止付通知书(Stop-payment Notice) 400
八、信用付款收据(Trust Receipt) 401
9.1 发卡银行--持卡人合同(Issure-Cardholder Agreement) 404
九、银行信用卡(Bank Credit Card) 404
9.2 信用卡(Credit Card) 407
9.3 信用卡售货单(Bank Credit Card-Sales Slip) 408
9.4 信用卡预付现金单(Bank Credit Card-Cash Advance Slip) 409
9.5 信用卡贷方传票(Bank Credit Card-Credit Slip) 410
十、印鉴卡(Signature Card) 412
十一、资信证明(Certificate of Credit Status) 414
第七章 仓储运输类法律文书 PART SEVEN Warehousing Transportation 416
一、仓单(Warehouse Receipt) 416
1.1 可转让仓单(Negotiable Warehouse Receipt) 416
1.2 不可转让的仓单(Non-negotiable Warehouse Receipt) 419
二、存货抵押清单(Field Warehouse Receip) 421
2.1 第一联(First Copy) 421
2.2 第二联(Second Copy) 425
3.1 搬移货物及缴款通知(Demand to Pay Charges and Remove Goods) 430
三、缴款通知(Demand to Pay Charges) 430
3.2 催缴仓储费用通知(Demand for Payment of Warehouse Charges) 431
四、出售仓储货物的通知(Sales of Warehoused Goods) 432
4.1 非公开出售商人货物的通知(Notice of Private Sale of Merchant s Goods) 432
4.2 公开拍卖商人货物的通知(Notice of Public Sale of Merchant s Goods) 433
4.3 公开拍卖非商人身份之货物通知(Notice of Public Sale of Goods of Non-merchant) 433
五、统一记名提单(Uniform Straight Bill of Lading) 434
六、统一牲畜货运合同(Uniform Live Stock Contract) 450
七、场站收据(收货单)(Dock Receipts) 465
八、海运提单(Ocean Bill of Lading) 471
九、空运单(Air Bill of Lading) 498
十、承运人行使留置权而拍卖货物的文书(Notice of Sale) 500
10.1 拍卖通知(Notice of Sale) 500
10.2 偿还欠款以解除承运人留置权的通知(Notice of Tender to Satisfy Carrier s Lien) 501
一、国际航行船舶进口报告书(Report of Entry for Foreign-going Ship) 502
第八章 海关类法律文书 PART EIGHT Custom House 502
二、船员自用和船舶备用物品、货币、金银清单(List of Specified Articles,Foreign Currencies,Gold,Silver Belonging to Ship and/or Crews) 504
三、船舶吨税申报单(Application for Tonnage Dues Certificate) 505
四、船舶检查记录(Ship Inspection Record) 506
五、货物出口证明书(Certificate of Exportation of Goods) 508
六、货物进口证明书(Certificate of Entry of Goods) 509
第九章 税收类法律文书 RART NINE Duties Tax 510
一、工商统一税申报表(Uniform Industrial Commercial Tax Return) 510
二、外国企业季度所得税申报表(Foreign Business Quarterly Income Tax Return) 512
三、外国企业年度所得税申报表(Foreign Business Annual Income Tax Return) 514
四、中外合资经营企业季度所得税申报表(Sino-Foreign Joint-venture Quarterly Income Tax Return) 516
五、中外合资经营企业年度所得税申报表(Sino-Foreign Joint-venture Annual Income Tax Return) 518
六、汇出利润所得税申请表(Repatriated Profit Tax Rerutn) 521
七、个人所得税年度申报表(Individual Income Tax Return) 522
八、外国居民享受税收协定待遇(Agreed Tax Treatment for Foreign Residents) 524
九、商业税证明申请书(Application for Business Tax Permits) 527
第十章 商品检验类法律文书 PART TEN Inspection of Goods 531
一、出口商品预验申请单(Application for Preliminary Inspection of Exports) 531
二、出口商品运输包装性能检验申请单(Application for Inspection of Packing of Exports) 536
三、出口商品检(查)验申请单(Application for Inspection of Exports) 537
四、证书证单补发、重发、更改申请书(Application for Make-up Issuance,Re-issuance Modification of Certificates or Documents) 542
五、商品检验证书(Inspection Certificate) 543
六、质检单(Quality Analysis Certificate) 544
七、商品质量/数量证书(Goods Quality/Quantity Certificate) 544
八、普惠制产地证书申请书(Application for Generalized Sytem of Preferences Certificate of Origin) 545
第十一章 保险类法律文书 PART ELEVEN Insurance 549
一、海洋货物运输保险单(Marine Cargo Transportation Insurance Policy) 549
二、产品责任险投保单(Proposal Form for Products Liability Insurance) 551
三、产品责任保险单(Products Liability Insurance Policy) 553
四、人身意外险投保单(Proposal Form for Personal Accident Insurance) 554
五、人身意外险保单(Personal Accident Insurance Policy) 556
六、赔偿金额表(Indemnity Scale) 557
七、暂保单(Cover Note) 559
八、人身意外险费率表(Personal Accident Insurance Premium Rate) 560
九、出国人员人身意外险费率表(Personal Accident Insurance Premium Rate for Persons Going Abroad) 561
十、展览会责任险费率表(Exhibition Liability Insurance) 562
第十二章 公证类法律文书 PART TWELVE Notary 563
一、经济合同公证书(Notarial Certificate of Contracts) 563
1.1 国外使用的公证书格式(Forms Applicable Outside China) 563
1.2 中国通用的公证书格式(Forms Applicable in China) 564
二、企业法人资格公证书格式(Corporate Capacity Certificate) 565
三、招标公证书(Bid Notarial Certificate) 566
四、委托类公证书(Nortarial Certificates of Trust) 567
4.1 国外通用的公证书格式(Forms Applicable outside China) 567
4.2 中国通用的公证书格式(Forms Applicable in China) 568
五、商标注册公证书(Notarial Certificate of Trademark Registration) 569
六、赠与公证书(Notarial Certificate of Donation) 570
七、声明书公证书(Notarial Certificate of Declaration) 571
第十三章 仲裁类法律文书 PART THIRTEEN Arbitration 572
一、仲裁协定(Arbitral Agreement) 572
1.1 争议之前(Before Arising of Disputs) 572
1.2 出现争议之后…(After Arising of Disputes) 574
二、仲裁申请书(Application for Arbitration) 576
三、指定仲裁员声明(Statement of Appointing Arbitrator) 581
3.1 委托指定仲裁员声明(Statement of Appointing Arbitrator by Proxy) 581
3.2 联合指定一名仲裁员独任审理(Jointly Appointing Sole Arbitrator) 582
四、应诉通知书(Notice of Appearance) 583
五、案情陈述书(Statement of Case) 584
六、答辩陈述(Statement of Defense) 597
七、审理通知(Notice of Hearing) 599
八、申请签发传票(Application for Issuance of Summons) 600
8.1 要求传唤证人申请(Application for Issuance of Summons) 600
8.2 要求出示书证申请(Application for Issuance of Subpoena) 600
九、传票(Summons) 602
9.1 传唤证人到庭(Summons) 602
9.2 出示书证(Subpoena) 603
十、申诉人宣誓书(Claimant s Affidavit of Authenticity) 604
十一、仲裁费用表(Schedule of Fees) 605
十二、保全措施申请书(Application for Decision of Security Measures) 607
十三、裁定、裁决书(Award) 608
13.1 临时裁定书(Interim Award) 608
13.2 不注明理由的裁决书(Award Without Reasons for Decision) 611
13.3 注明理由的裁决书(Award with Reasons for Decision) 614
13.4 国际商会仲裁书(摘录)(Award by ICC Court of Arbitration) 617
十四、用于领取裁决的文书(Notice for Taking-up of Award) 623
十五、更改裁决申请(Application for Correction of Award) 623
十六、就更改裁决的裁定(Award for the Correction) 624
十七、经更改后的裁决(Corrected Award) 625
第十四章 涉外经济案件审判类法律文书 PART FOURTEEN Legal Forms for Economic Cases 627
一、诉状(Complaints) 627
二、传票(Summons) 636
三、传票送达回执或宣誓证明(Return on Service,Affidavit of Service) 644
四、证人宣誓书(Affidavit of Witness) 647
五、就书证的宣誓证明(加拿大)(Affidavit of Documents) 648
六、申请函件(Praecipe or Precipe) 652
七、和解提议书(Offer to Settle) 652
八、撤销和解提议文书(一般格式)(General Form) 657
九、接受和解提议书(Acceptance of Offer to Settle) 658
十、审判准备就绪通知(Notice of Readiness for Trial)(加拿大) 659
十一、答辩状(Answer on the Merits) 661
十二、要求简易裁判申请书(Motion for Summary Judgement) 668
十三、要求陪审团审判通知书(Jury Notice) 669
十四、动议通知书(加拿大)(Notice of Motion) 671
十五、诉讼中间裁决书(Interim Judgement) 673
十六、案件审理证明(Certificate of Pending Litigation) 686
十七、要求认证通知书(Request to Admit) 687
十八、判决书(Judgement) 690
十九、再审申请书(Motion for New Trail) 695
二十、扣押和变卖财产令(Writ of Seizure Sale) 697
二十一、判决执行协议书(Deed of Settlement) 699
二十二、权利主张陈述书(Statement of Claim) 702
二十三、上诉通知书(Notice of Appeal) 703
二十四、上诉状(Petition for Appeal) 705
一、聘用律师合同(Retaining Agreement) 721
第十五章 律师常用法律文书及其他 PART FIFTEEN Forms for Law Office others 721
二、风险代理协议(Contingent Fee Retainer) 725
三、委托代理合同(Agreement of Agency) 727
四、律师事务所雇员待遇规定(Law Firm Employee Benefits) 729
五、节假日通知书(Holidays Memorandum) 735
六、授权委托书(Power of Attorney) 737
七、撤销授权委托书通知(Notice of Revocation of Power of Attorney) 739
八、证明书(Certificate of Solicitor) 741
九、担保书(Guaranty) 741
十、宣誓书(Affidavit) 742
十一、招聘广告(Help-Wanted Advertising) 745
十二、推荐书(Recommendation) 747
十三、简历(Resume) 749
十四、论文摘要(Abstract of Thesis) 753
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