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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:朱秀娟,鞠一平编
  • 出 版 社:北京:华语教学出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7800528456
  • 页数:273 页

Part One 1

看图作文 1

Part Two 31

30~50 words compositions(30~50词作文) 31

Before the English Exam(英语测试前) 31

The Olympic Games(奥运会) 33

Planting Trees(植树) 35

Chat in English on the Internet(网上英语聊天) 37

Mending a Bike(修理自行车) 39

The First Night Alone at Home(第一个独自在家的夜晚) 41

Help My Father Give Up Smoking(帮助爸爸戒烟) 43

My Beloved Teacher(我爱戴的老师) 45

A Good Friend of Mine(一位好朋友) 47

A Lovely Pig (可爱的小猪) 49

My Winter Vacation(我的寒假) 51

Polluted Rivers(污染的河流) 53

Smoking and Health(吸烟与健康) 55

My Ideal(我的理想) 57

My Ideal Is to Be a Singer(我的理想是当一名歌唱家) 59

I Climbed Up the Great Wall(我登上了万里长城) 61

Stamp Collecting(集邮) 63

Send an Umbrella to Father(给爸爸送伞) 65

I Can Speak English with Foreigners(我能用英语与外国人交谈) 67

I Am a Little Netizen(我是一个小网民) 69

A Dirty Boy(一个“脏”孩子) 71

My English Teacher s Bike(英语老师的自行车) 73

My Bike(我的自行车) 75

My Small Bookcase(我的小书柜) 77

My Writing Desk(我的写字台) 79

I Want to Be Free(我想自由) 81

Keep Water Clean(保护水资源) 83

Go Home by Air(坐飞机回家) 85

Travel by Train(火车游览记) 87

The First Snow(初雪) 89

My Best Friend(我最好的朋友) 91

Part Three 93

60~80 words compositions(60~80词作文) 93

Alas,I Am Too Careless(唉,我太粗心了) 93

A Typing Match in My Family(家庭电脑打字比赛) 95

The Moonlight(月光) 97

A Good Deed(一件好事) 99

English Corner on the Campus(校园英语角) 101

The First Time to MeDonald s(第一次去麦当劳) 103

An Unlucky Day(不走运的一天) 105

It s Not Easy to Be a Child(当个小孩不容易) 107

A Part-time Job(打工) 109

Adjust Our Eyesight(调整我们视力) 111

Computers(电脑) 113

We Won the Day(我们赢了) 115

What Can Money Bring to Us(钱能给我们带来什么) 117

Talk with Foreigners(与外国人交谈) 119

Don t Give Up(不要放弃) 121

A Hard Day(艰难的一天) 123

A Basketball Game(一场篮球赛) 125

An Incident(一件小事) 127

Snow Cleaning(除雪) 129

Candles in the Corridor(楼道里的蜡烛) 131

I Will Never Be Careless Again(再也不粗心了) 133

Spare the Rod,Mum(妈妈,不要再打我了) 135

Don t Treat Me like That,Mum(妈妈,不要再那样对待我了) 137

The Stars I Prefer(我喜欢的明星) 139

Climbing the Hill(爬山) 141

I Love Winter(我喜欢冬天) 143

The Sunset(日落) 145

Money Is Not Everything(金钱不是一切) 147

Christmas(圣诞节) 149

Part Four 151

80~100 words compositions(80~100词作文) 151

The Color I Love Best(我最喜欢的颜色) 151

My English Teacher(我的英语老师) 153

Looking For Spring(找春天) 155

After Supper(晚饭后) 157

I Hope(我希望……) 159

During Summer Vacation(暑假生活) 161

Work for My Mother(为妈妈打工) 163

A Laid-off Worker(一个下岗工人) 165

TV,a Good Help to Us(电视,我们的好帮手) 167

The Early Morning(清晨) 169

I Want to Be a Teacher(我想当一名教师) 171

TV and Education(电视与教育) 173

The Spring Festival(春节) 175

Tea(茶) 177

How to Succeed in Life(如何才能成功) 179

Failure(失败) 181

Part Five 183

100~120 words compositions(100~120词作文) 183

The Beautiful Fields in Autumn(秋天的田野) 183

Sand Hills Have Been Clothed in Green(沙岗穿上了绿衣裳) 185

The Four Seasons(四季) 187

Catching the Thief(抓小偷) 189

My Mother(我的妈妈) 191

Mum,Please Trust Me Again!(妈妈,请相信我吧) 193

Mother s Love(母爱) 195

My Happy Time During the Summer Vacation(我的暑假生活) 197

A Visit to Golden Hill(浏览金山) 199

A Foolish Act in My Childhood(童年“傻”事) 201

An Exam(一次考试) 203

My Net Friend(我的网友) 205

Teacher,I Thought You Couldn t Smile(老师,原来你会笑) 207

No More Additional Lessons(不要再给我补课了) 209

Bamboo(竹) 211

Looking for Living Things Outside the Earth(寻找外星人) 213

It May Not Be Helpful to Read All Books(开卷未必有益) 215

What Can We Write in a Diary?(日记,记啥) 217

We Are Too Tired(我们太累了) 219

Believe in Yourself(相信自己) 221

Mother s Advice(母亲的忠告) 223

Sandstorm(沙尘暴) 225

My Family Has an E-mail Box(我家有了电子信箱) 227

I Want to Do Something for 2008 Olympics(我为2008北京奥运会表心意) 229

If I Were a Teacher(假如我是老师) 231

Possible Versions(参考答案) 233
