王宽诚教育基金会学术讲座汇编 第19集 2000PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:钱伟长主编(上海大学)
- 出 版 社:上海:上海大学出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7810581902
- 页数:172 页
论未来的中国能源 林宗虎 1
气液两相流的涡街问题研究 林宗虎 11
Parallel Computation on Cow 陈国良 37
五四精神与现代审美意识的觉醒 吴中杰 49
市场经济与市场文艺 吴中杰 63
Recent Developments of Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment in (Sub-)Tropical Regions 方汉平 71
Study of Biofilm Using Atomic Force Microscopy(AFM) 方汉平 82
《广韵》版本考 余迺永 92
康复医学常用之统计分析方法概论 卢成皆 103
Stabilization to Nonlinear Systems with Short Time Delay in State Feedback 胡海岩 107
Investigation on the abrasion mechanisms of synthetic polycrystalline diamond compacts 孙家枢 116
A Method for Uniform Modeling and Solution of Topological Optimization of Skeleton and Continuum Structures 隋允康 122
A Fuzzy Neural Network Based on the TS Model with Dynamic Consequent Parameters and its Application to Steam Temperature Control System 谢克明 129
Characterization and Properties of RuO2-SnO2Nanomaterials 唐电 137
Multi-level Intelligent Control Using Three-Step Learning Strategy: Analysis and Implementation 费敏锐 142
Comparison of Physical Passivation of Hg1-xCdxTe 桑文斌 151
Equilibrium Partial Pressures and Crystal Growth of Cd1-xZnxTe 桑文斌 157
Overview of Recent Flutter Boundary Prediction Techniques Based on Testing Data Analysis 裴承鸣 163
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