- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:孙政等编写
- 出 版 社:太原:山西科学教育出版社
- 出版年份:1990
- ISBN:7537701865
- 页数:178 页
A 1
accept receive 1
act deed 1
action agency operation function 2
advance progress proceed 4
advantage benefit profit 5
adventure event incident accident 6
affect influence 8
altitude height 9
amount number quantity 10
answer reply respond 11
apparatus device 13
appear seem look 14
apply use utilize tap employ harness 15
area region 18
around round 19
arrive reach get 20
ask inquire require question 22
B 24
basic fundamental 24
basis base foundation 25
because for since as 26
beg request demand 29
begin start 30
below under beneath 32
besides except but 34
bring take carry fatch 35
C 37
capable able 37
carry convey transport transmit transfer 39
chance opportunity occasion 41
change alter modify turn convert vary 43
choose select elect pick prefer 46
combine connect link 48
complex compound composite complicated 50
concept idea 52
consider think regard 53
consist constitude 56
continuously continually 57
D 58
deal manage treat transact 58
decide determine 60
different various 61
discover invent find 63
display show 64
dissolve melt 65
distribute share 66
divide separate split 67
doubt suspect wonder suppose 69
E 71
each every 71
earth soil ground land 72
economical economic 74
effective efficient 75
enormous huge vast immense 77
enough sufficient adequate 78
environment surrounding 80
equal equivalent 82
example instance 83
expect hope wish want desire 84
F 86
fabric fibre 86
finally lastly 87
finish complete conclude achieve accomplish end 88
fit proper suitable 91
float drift 93
from since 93
G 94
gather collect 94
gear,set,device 95
get obtain acquire gain attain win 97
hard diffieult arduous 100
H 100
help aid assist relieve 102
power force strength 103
identical same 104
I 104
if whether 105
impact influence effect 106
include involve 107
institute college university 108
journey trip voyage tour travel 110
J 110
K 112
kind sort type 112
L 113
learn study 113
light bright 114
M 115
magnitude size 115
matter material substance 116
method way 118
mistake error 119
movement motion 120
must have to ought to 121
N 122
nearly almost 122
number digit amount quantity 123
O 125
opposite contrary 125
orbit turn circle move revolve travel rotate 126
pipe tube 129
power drive 129
P 129
powerful strong 132
practice exercise drill 133
precise accurate correct exact 134
precision accuracy 136
predict forecast 137
problem question 138
prevent stop 138
prove demonstrate turn out 139
provide supply 141
(push—)button knob 142
put place set 143
R 144
regard behold 144
reserve remain preserve keep sustain 145
rely depend 145
right correct proper fit 147
rise raise 149
S 150
search look see watch examine seek 150
several some 153
shape form figure 154
so such 155
some certain 157
sometime sometimes some time 158
special particular specific 159
stop cease 160
stress presure 162
suggest propose 163
suspicious doubtful 164
T 165
take send 165
tall high 165
task work job 166
technique technology 168
through across 168
till until 169
touch contact 170
try attempt 171
W 172
when as while 172
withstand resist contraidict oppose object 174
work labour toil 176
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