- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张德聪等编著
- 出 版 社:西安:西北工业大学出版社
- 出版年份:1993
- ISBN:7561704698
- 页数:292 页
Ⅰ.The parts of speech 1
1 Nouns 1
1.1 Nouns Definition and Classification 1
1.2 Nouns Number 3
1.3 Nouns Gender 6
1.4 Nouns Case 8
1.5 Uses of the Objective Case 10
1.6 Ways of Forming the Possessive Case 11
2 Pronouns 14
2.1 Personal Pronouns 14
2.2 Relative Pronouns 21
A.Simple Relative Pronouns 21
B.Compound Relative Pronouns 23
C.Relative Pronouns and their Amee?dents 25
D.Omission of the Relative Pronoun 25
2.3 Interrogative Pronouns 28
2.4 Demonstrative Pronouns 30
2.5 Indefinite Pronouns 32
A.Uses of Indefinite Pronouns 32
B.Some Indefinite Pronouns or Adjectives and their Uses 33
3 Verbs 37
3.1 Transitive and Intransitive 37
3.2 Linking Verbs and Subjective Complement 38
3.3 Factitive Verbs and Objective Complement 39
3.4 Dative Verbs and Double Object 40
3.5 Principal Parts of Regular and Irregular Verbs 42
3.6 Agreement 43
3.7 Tenses 47
A.Three Main Tenses 47
B.Table of the 26 Tenses 48
C.Uses of the Tenses 49
(1)The Present Tense 49
(2)Present,Present Continuous,and Present Perfect 50
(3)The Presen!Perfect and the Past Indefinite Compared 53
(4)Past,Past Continuous,and Past Perfect 54
(5)Future,Future Continuous,Future Perfect 56
(6)Perfect Continuous Tense 57
3.8 Voice 60
A.Active and Passive Voice 60
B.Tense and Voice 61
C.Other Passive Forms 62
(1)Dative Verbs 62
(2)Factitive Verbs 63
(3)Intransitive Verbs and Verbal Phrases 63
(4)Questions 64
3.9 Mood 65
A.There are three moods 65
B.Uses of the subjunctive mood 67
C.Other uses of the Subjunctive Mood 70
3.10 Auxiliary Verbs 78
A."Shall"and "Will" 78
B."Should"and "Would" 81
C."May,Can,Must"and"Ought" 83
D."Be,Have"and"Do" 85
3.11 The Infinitive 90
A.Tenses of the infinitive 90
B.Uses of the infinitive 91
C.The negative form of the infinitive 93
D.The complex structure of the infinitive 93
E.Omission of"to" 94
3.12 The Participles 96
A.Tenses of the Participles 96
B.Uses of the Participles 97
C.The Participial absolute construction 101
3.13 The Gerund 104
A.The forms of the gerund 104
B.Uses of the gerund 105
C.The perfect form and negative form of the gerund 107
D.The Gerundial Complex 108
3.14 A summary of the non—finjte forms of the verbs 112
A.The table of the usage of the non—finite forms of the verb 112
B.Gerunds and Par?ieiples 112
C.Gerunds and infinitives 114
4 The Adjective 117
A.Uses of the adj 117
B.The degrees of the adj and ad 117
C.Uses of the degrees of comparison 119
5 The Numeral 124
A.Cardinal Numerals 124
B.Ordinal Numerals 125
C.Uses of the Numerals 127
D.Note the followings 127
6 The Preposition 133
A.Three kinds of prepositions in general use 133
B.Some useful prepositions 134
C.Position of the preposition 138
D.Pay attention to the different meanings of the preposition 138
E.Omission of the prepositions 139
F.The substitution between prepositional phrases and clauses 141
7.The Conjunction 147
A.Coordinating Conjunctions 147
B.Subordinating Conjunctions 148
8 The Interjection 152
9 The Article 154
A.Uses of the Indefinite Article 155
B.Uses of the definite Article 156
C.Omission of Articles 159
10 The Adverb 168
A.Kinds of the Adverbs 168
B.Uses of the Adverbs 171
C.Formation of the Adverbs 172
D.Preposition—like Adverbs 174
E.Position of the Adverbs 175
Ⅱ The Sentence 182
1 Kinds of Sentences 182
A.Declearative Sentences 182
B.Interrogative Sentences 183
C.Imperative Sentences 186
D.Exclamatory Sentences 187
2 Types of Sentences 192
A.The Simple Sentence 192
B.The Compound Sentence 195
C.The Complex Sentence 199
D.The Compound——Complex Sentence 215
Ⅲ Direct and Indirect Speeches 218
1 Direct and Indirect Declearative Sentences 220
2 Direct and Indirect Questions 221
3 Direct and Indirect Imperative Sentences 222
4 Direct and Indirect Exclamatory Sentences 223
Ⅳ Transformation of Sentences 229
1 From Simple to Complex 229
2 From Complex to Simple 231
3 From Simple to Compound 232
4 From Compound to Simple 233
5 From Compound to Complex 234
Ⅴ The Inverted Order 237
Comprehensive Exercises 244
Key to Exercises 264
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