王宽诚教育基金会学术讲座汇编 第20集 2001PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:钱伟长主编(上海大学)
- 出 版 社:上海:上海大学出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7810583751
- 页数:194 页
扫描格式转换和增强型数字视频图像处理方法及其实现 郑南宁 1
New Chiral Sultam Auxiliaries for Asymmetric Synthesis 陈永康 11
感觉营销:从为顾客创造“附加值”到创造“无形价值” 周南 20
全科家庭医师的培训评审 陈兆仪 25
The Reform of Funding System in Mainland China’s Institutions of Higher Learning(speech at the Learning Conference 2000 held in Melbourne,July 2000) 蒋树声 29
Optimized Cast Design Model and Algorithm of Steelmaking-Casting 唐立新 33
Study on Amphiphilic Phthalocyanine Zinc as Photosensitizer for Photodynamic Therapy 陈耐生 42
Spectral,Thermal,Soluble,and Aggregation Properties of Some Alkoxy,Aryloxy and Halogen Substituted Phthalocyanines 陈耐生 54
Stability of Hopfield Neural Networks With Delay And Reaction-Diffusion Terms 廖晓昕 58
Stability of Cohen Grossbery type Ecological and Neural Networks Systems with Diffusion Terms 廖晓昕 65
On the Stability of Hopfield’s Type Neural Networks 廖晓昕 72
Reliability Analysis of Structures Containing Defects with a Probabilistic Failure Assessment Diagram 王威强 86
Visualization and Numerical Simulation of Three Dimensional Separated Flow Near a Fuselage Forebody 翁培奋 102
Oblique Vortex Street from a Circular Cylinder Oscillating in Water 戴光清 111
Theoretical and Experimental Study on Shape Memory Alloy Torsion Actuator 熊克 122
Bearing-Corrected Guidance with Incomplete Target Information for Over the Shoulder 高晓光 128
Finite Element Modelling of Gear Blank Casting 张敬宇 131
High Performance SPWM frequency Converter Three-Phase Cage Induction Motor’s Synchronous Modulation Variable Frequency Speed Regulation System 张小玫 142
Verifying Accumulation of Tension in the Upper Membrane of Vascular Endothelium Under Shear Flow 蔡绍皙 148
Case Study on Agriculture Ecosystem Rehabilitation of Coal Mine area in East China 卞正富 155
Semi Solid Metal Casting of Aluminum Alloys:The Influence of Shear Rate on Viscosity 杨湘杰 163
An Investigation to Determination the Influence of Geometric Parameters on Semi-Solid Metal Flow 杨湘杰 170
Genetic Polymorphism of CYPlAl and High Risk of Lung Cancer in Chinese 胡毅玲 176
Reaction Kinetics of amorphous Mg50Ni50 Hydride Electrode 刘卫红 186
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