雅思考试 IELTS 听说并进 初级PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Nevin Blumer著
- 出 版 社:世界图书出版公司北京公司
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7506252449
- 页数:298 页
Part Ⅰ: Listening and Speaking Exercises 2
Units 1 Confirming Information 2
1A-Just call me Mary 2
1B-Could I have your identification? 6
Units 2 What I Do 12
2A-The marketing major 12
2B-My typical day 21
2C-Life is better for university students 29
Units 3 Hometown and Weather 38
3A-My hometown is quite large 38
3B-My hometown is beautiful 48
3C-What makes a good place? 56
Units4 Future 64
4A-I want to study in New Zealand 64
4B-I think England is beautiful 70
4C-Plans and future 76
Units 5 Language 85
5A-English is getting more popular 85
5B-English learning experience 92
5C-English is key to our careers 98
6A-In my spare time I just relax 105
Units 6 Free Time and Travel 105
6B-My favourite hobby is joke telling 112
6C-Hobbies make people happy 119
Units 7 Food and Restaurants 127
7A-People like spicy dishes 127
7B-A dish I like to eat 134
7C-Diets are changing 142
Units 8 Family and Friends 149
8A-My parents and friends 149
8B-My best friend 156
8C-Friends and friendships 163
Units 9 Wildlife and Environment 170
9A-Landscape 170
9B-My favourite animal 176
9G-The environment is a big concern 184
Units 10 Important Events 193
10A-Spring Festival 193
10B-A happy day in my life 201
10C-Festivals are important 209
Units 11 Transportation and Traffic 217
11A-I usually go by bus 217
11B-My favourite transportation 225
11C-The traffic jams are terrible 232
Units 12 Homes and Houses 240
12A-My apartment is on the first floor 240
12B-My home 247
12C-The housing situation in China 255
Part Ⅱ: Transcripts 262
1A Just call me Mary 262
1B Could I have your identification? 262
2B My typical day 263
2A The marketing major 263
2C Life js better for university students 264
3A My hometown is quite large 265
3B My hometown is beautiful 266
3C What makes a good place? 267
4A I want to study in New Zealand 268
4B I think England is beautiful 269
4C Plans and future 270
5A English is getting more popular 271
5B English learning experience 272
5C English is key to our careers 273
6A In my spare time just relax 274
6B My favourite hobby is joke telling 275
6C Hobbies make people happy 276
7A People like spicy dishes 277
7B A dish I like to eat 278
7C Diets are changing 279
8A My parents and friends 280
8B My best friend 281
8C Friends and friendships 282
9A Landscape 282
9B My favourite animal 283
9C The environment is a big concern 284
10A Spring Festival 285
10B A happy day in my life 286
10C Festivals are important 287
11A I usually go by bus 287
11B My favourite transportation 288
11C The traffic jams are terrible 289
12A My apartment is on the first floor 290
12B My home 291
12C The housing situation in China 292
Part Ⅲ: Answer Key 293
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