- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:朱理璇,姜东
- 出 版 社:保定:河北大学出版社
- 出版年份:1993
- ISBN:7810281836
- 页数:129 页
1. Fast Reading 1
2. How to Skim-read Effectively 1
3. A Wretched Journey 2
4. A Remarkablc Coincidence 3
5. My Companions on Board 4
6. The Expedition to the Forest 6
7. Miss Hughes' New Class 7
8. The Helpful Postman 8
9. Catching the Train 9
10. Out of Sight,Out of Trouble 11
11. Two Letters 12
12. My Unele's Cottage 13
13. Getting Lost in London 15
14. The Boring Shadow 16
15. A Surprlse 17
16. When to Start Work? 18
17. The Dlary 20
18. An Invitation Letter and the Rcply 21
19. A Cheating Trick 22
20. An Unsolved Case 24
21. SOS on the Hjgh Seas 26
22. A Mistaken Suspect 26
23. A Startling Story 27
24. Asking for Help 28
25. Looking for an Accommodation 30
26. The First Journey by Tube 31
27. Waiting at the Airport 33
28. In the Reference Libary 34
29. The Adventure 35
30. The Interview 37
31. Too Late for a Party 38
32. The Over~prudent Antique Dealer 39
33. The Commonwealth 41
34. Where Did the British People Come from? 43
35. Where did Americans Come from? 43
36. The Size of the United Dtates 44
37. Where Did Australians Come from? 45
38. Farm Life in the United States 46
39. Zip Codes and Area Codes 47
40. The Standard of Living 48
41. Americam in the Machine Age 49
42. The Use of Computers 50
43. American Youth 51
44. Adults and Teenagets Together 52
45. Young Artists and Writers 53
46. Women's Liberation in the U.S.A. 54
47. White Collar Worker 55
48. Blue collar 56
49. A Pink-Collar Worker's Blues 57
50. Social Customs and Behavjor 58
51. Freedom of Religion 59
52. A Changing America 60
53. Contemporary American Society 61
54. Culture Shock 62
55. Social Customs 63
56. The Concem for Health 64
57. Taxes,Taxes,and More Taxes 65
58. The Role of Women in the Unlted States 66
59. Women''s Liberatfon 67
60. Retirement 69
61. Dying for the Vote 69
62. Feedfng Seven Billion 71
63. Impulse Buying 72
64. The Energy Crisls 73
65. For Privacy 74
66. An Ideal Family House? 76
67. A Bargain 77
68. James' Visit 79
69. Molly 80
70. Modern Examinations 82
71. Foreign Faculty 83
72. Raclal Issues 84
73. American and Chinese Students 85
74.The Wlthdrawl 86
75. In Rome Doas the Romans Do 88
76. Reading Comprehension 89
77. The Fundamental Rule of the Sea 90
78. The Balloon Ascent 90
79. Earth Mover 91
80. A Life-saver 92
81. Ambassador Hotel 93
82. ASpecial Kind of Fuel 95
83. Reading Comprehension 96
84. Pupils from Primary to Seconary Schools 97
85. 'The Best Car in the World' 98
86. Breakways 98
87. Why They Lost Interest in Football Match? 100
88. The Man in the Park 101
89. A Aoliday 102
90. Mysteries of Memory 104
91. Living in London 105
92. The Woman witbout a Name 106
93. A Familiar Stranger 108
94. Completely Different Kinds of Life 109
95. The Brjtish Snake 111
96. A Shopper's Nightmare 112
97. Servants of the Future 114
98. How British Pigs Changed 115
99. The Lost Civilization 116
100. Locked Gates and Timer stand Death-trap 117
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