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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:王海华,程昕编著
  • 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7561117191
  • 页数:315 页
上一篇:词典论下一篇:当代英语口语 第4册

前言 1

Part One A Brief Introduction to Some Spoken English Tests 第一部分 常见英语口语考试简介 1

常见的英语口语考试 1

考试的形式 3

考试的题型 3

Part Two Basic Sentences 第二部分 基本句型 5

Unit One Greeting and Parting 打招呼和道别 5

Greeting(打招呼) 5

Parting(道别) 7

Unit Two Introductions介绍 9

Introducing somebody(介绍别人) 9

Responding to an introduction(对介绍的应答) 10

Introducing yourself(介绍自己) 10

Unit Three Personal History 个人情况 12

Name(姓名) 12

Telephone numbers(电话号码) 13

Addresses(地址) 14

Origin(背景) 14

Occupations(职业) 15

Birthday/Birth place(生日/出生地) 16

Education(受教育史) 16

Interests(爱好) 17

Unit Four About other people 关于别人 19

A student survey(一个学生的情况) 19

Unit Five Time and Date 时间和日期 23

Asking about the time and the date(询问时间和日期) 23

Telling the time and the date(说明时间和日期) 24

Unit Six Talking about the Weather 谈论天气 25

Asking about the weather(谈论天气) 25

Anticipating the weather(预测天气) 27

Unit Seven Thanks and Answers 感谢与应答 29

Expressing thanks(表达感谢) 29

Responding to thanks(对感谢的应答) 30

Unit Eight Invitations 邀请 31

Inviting(邀请) 31

Accepting an invitation(接受邀请) 32

Declining(拒绝邀请) 32

Unit Nine Descriptions 描述 33

Appearance(长相) 33

Deduction(推理) 35

Unit Ten Emotions 情感 37

Worry and apprehension(担忧与挂念) 37

Sympathy and consolation(同情与安慰) 38

Irritation and impatience(气愤与厌烦) 39

Surprise(惊奇) 40

Delight and relief(欣喜与宽慰) 41

Unit Eleven Telephone Calls 41

Making a phone call(打电话) 41

Receiving a phone call(接电话) 42

Informing someone that he/she is wanted on the phone(通知某人有电话找他/她) 44

Unit Twelve Requests,Offers and Suggestions 请求、提议与建议 45

Requests(请求) 45

Offers(提议) 46

Suggestions(建议) 46

Permission(允许) 47

Unit Thirteen Directions 方向 48

Asking the way(问路) 48

Giving the directions(指路) 48

Advice(忠告) 50

Unit Fourteen Communication 交流 50

Unit Fifteen Seeing a Doctor 看医生 52

Doctors(医生) 52

Patients(病人) 54

Unit Sixteen In a Restaurant 在餐馆 56

Waiters/Waitresses(餐馆服务员) 56

Customers(顾客) 58

Unit Seventeen At a Hotel 61

Making a hotel reservation(预订房间) 61

Checking in(登记) 62

Checking out(结账) 64

Unit Eighteen Shopping 购物 65

Shop assistants(店员) 65

Customers(顾客) 67

Bargaining(讨价还价) 70

Unit Nineteen Modes of Transport 交通方式 72

By train(乘火车) 72

By bus(乘汽车) 74

By air(坐飞机) 76

Unit Twenty Job Hunting 找工作 78

Hunting a job(找工作) 78

Qualification(资格) 80

Experience(经历) 80

Unit Twenty-one Likes and Dislikes 喜欢与不喜欢 82

Unit Twenty-two Opinions and Argument 意见与争论 85

Agreement and disagreement(赞同与反对) 85

Opinions(意见) 86

Persuasion(劝说) 87

Unit Twenty-three Congratulation祝贺 88

Congratulating(祝贺) 88

Responding to a congratulation(对祝贺的应答) 89

Part Three Practical Topics 第三部分 实用话题 90

Living Places 住处 90

My Apartment 我的公寓 91

Bedrooms 卧室 91

The Arrangement of the Furniture in a Bedroom 卧室里家具的安排 92

The Living Room 起居室 93

The Kitchen 厨房 94

Eating 饮食 94

Family Relations 家庭关系 95

Nuclear Family 核心家庭 97

Feelings 感情 98

Laughing 笑 99

Emergencies 紧急情况 100

Outside the Buildings 户外 100

Countryside and City 乡村与城市 102

Talking About Capital Cities 谈论首都城市 103

A Place You Visited 你去过的地方 103

World Climates 世界气候 104

World Weather Patterns 世界天气现象 105

Fog 雾 105

Clouds and Navigation 云彩和航海 106

Lightning 闪电 106

Snow Flakes 雪花 107

Oceans and Rivers 海洋和河流 107

College Life 大学生活 108

Working at Night 在夜晚工作 110

Holidays and Anniversaries 假日和纪念日 111

Transportation 交通 112

Taxis 出租车 114

Theater and Entertainment 剧院和娱乐 114

Navigation 航海 115

Sailing 坐船玩 117

Traveling Abroad 到国外旅行 117

Music and Concerts 音乐和音乐会 118

Sports 体育 120

Animals and Pets 动物和宠物 121

Toiletry and Beauty Care 洗浴和美容 122

Clothing 穿衣 123

Colors We Wear 我们穿着的颜色 125

Washing Clothes 洗衣服 125

Standard of Living 生活水平 127

The State 州 128

Taxation 税收 129

Agriculture 农业 130

Natural Disasters 自然灾害 131

Insects’Accidents 虫害 132

Post Offices and Mail 邮局和邮政 133

News and Press 新闻和传媒 134

Stocks 股票 135

The Internet 因特网 136

Cyber-addicts 网虫 137

Communications in the Future 未来通讯 138

Parts of the Personal Computer and What They Do 个人电脑的组成及用途 140

Part Four Passages for Recitation 第四部分 背诵文选 141

Time 141

Writing Summaries 141

Traffic Accidents 142

Credit Card 142

Stress 142

Goals 143

Making Schedules 144

What Is the HEART Study System? 144

Obeying the Laws 145

What Affects Your Reading Rate? 145

Test Worry 146

Tips for Taking Tests 146

The Day of the Test 147

Essays Tests 147

The Advantages of Owning a Car 148

The Disadvantages of Owning a Car 149

Judging Intelligence 149

The Powerful Influence of Weather 150

Advice for Consumers 151

Intelligent Consumerism 152

My Career Plan 152

What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up 153

My Friend 153

Obeying the Traffic Laws 154

A Youth and His Country 154

Spring 155

Summer 155

Autumn 155

Winter 156

My Favorite Sports 156

The Telephone 157

On Cooperation 157

On Courtesy 158

On Friendship 158

Physical Fitness 159

The Sky 159

Making Choices 160

Part Five Pasages for Understanding and Retelling 第五部分 短文理解与复述 161

Part Six Argumentation Based on Pictures 第六部分 看图讨论 173

Smoking 173

Fake Products 175

Friendship 178

Modes of Transport 180

Laid-off Workers 182

City Life or Country Life 184

Television 186

Computer 188

Part-time Jobs 190

Good Manners 192

Telephone 194

Attending College 196

One Child Family 198

Pets 200

Going Abroad 202

Women’s Lib 204

A Day in the Life of a Traditional Housewife 206

Teaching Method 207

Your Future 209

Pollution 211

Different Means of Communication 214

Going Shopping 216

Obeying the Traffic Laws 218

Part Seven Making Dialogues About the Pietures 第七部分 看图对话 220

Part Eight Looking up the Maps 第八部分 看地图找方向 232

Part Nine Describing the Graphs 第九部分 描述图表 238

Why Women Live Longer 238

How the Westerners Spend Their Money 240

Chairs 241

Coal Production in a Certain Coal Mine 242

Trees 243

Eggs 244

Part Ten Translation 第十部分 翻译点滴 246

翻译句子的基本标准 246

翻译的过程 248

外贸英语翻译实例 252

To Establish Business Relations 建立业务关系 252

Status Inquiry 咨询 254

Inquiries and Replies 询盘及答复 255

Offers and Counter-offers 发盘与还盘 257

Sales Promotion 促销 259

Orders and Their Fulfillment 订单及其执行 260

Terms of Payment 付款条件 262

L/C Amendment and Extension 信用证的修改与展期 263

Packing 包装 265

Insurance 保险 266

Shipment 装运 268

Agency 代理 269

Complaints,Claims and Ad justments 申诉、索赔与理赔 270

Import 进口 271

Joint Venture 合营企业 272

Compensation Trade 补偿贸易 274

数字的翻译 276

Part Eleven Grouping Topics 第十一部分 题目分类 278

Unit One A and B A与B 278

Unit Two A or B A或B 280

Unit Three Opinions 观点题 282

Unit Four Description 描述题 284

Unit Five Interrogative Topics 一般疑问句的题目 286

Unit Six Topics with Wh-words 特殊疑问句的题目 289

Unit Seven Imperative Topics 命令式题目 292

Unit Eight Declarative Topics 陈述式题目 294

Unit Nine Cooperative Topics 合作式题目 295

Unit Ten Group Discussion 小组讨论 298

Part Twelve Tips for Answering Questions and Coping with Nervousness第十二部分 回答问题的技巧及如何克服紧张的心理 304

回答问题的技巧 304

如何克服紧张的心理 305

附录 306
