- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:许剑主编
- 出 版 社:天津:天津大学出版社
- 出版年份:1997
- ISBN:7561809883
- 页数:291 页
1.My Room 1
2.Mr White s Study 3
3.Our House 5
4.The New Apartment 7
5.Our Class 9
6.Our School 11
7.Our City 13
8.Always Keep Our Classroom Clean 15
9.In The Park 17
10.The Children s Palace 19
11.A Picture of Our Laboratory 21
12.The Zoo 23
13.A Crow and an Old Fox 26
14.The Greedy Dog 28
15.The Cat and the Bell 30
16.A Cat and a Fox 32
17.A Little Frog 34
18.The Fat Eagle 36
19.A Little Fish and a Duck 38
20.A Girl and a Bug 40
21.A Clock 42
22.Guess What s Talking 44
23.Susan and Mary 46
24.Supper Is Ready in Susan s Home 48
25.The Stammerer 50
26.A Poor Man 52
27.A Little Lady on a Plane 54
28.What Do you know about Eating 56
29.My Uncle s Farm 58
30.A Day s Work 60
31.My Day in a Shop 62
32.An American Worker 64
33.On the Road 66
34.The West Family 69
35.Our Good Teacher 71
36.The New School Year Begins 73
37.Tom and His New Friend 75
38.Alison and Her Husband 77
39.Mr Going To Do 79
40.Mr Brown and Mr Smith 81
41.Dan s Letter 83
42.A Lazy Boy 85
43.A Pleasant Old Man 87
44.My Friend,My Parents and I 89
45.Sometimes People Need a Push 92
46.Why Mr Green Gets Angry 94
47.A Careful Timekeeper 96
48.Here Comes Mother 98
49.Dr William N.Green 101
50.A New Secretary 103
51.What Does Mrs Mason Think? 105
52.Swimming 108
53.Applying for a Job 110
54.Blind People Do Useful Work 112
55.An Elementary School Teaeher 114
56.Patients Like Robot Doctors 117
57.Mr Able s Life 120
58.A Taxi Driver 123
59.Rain on a Monday Morning 126
60.Two Friends 128
61.My Grandfather 130
62.A Foreign Student in China 133
63.A Forgetful Couple 136
64.Hero,My Hero 139
65.Dreams 142
66.Never Go Down Alone 145
67.A Baby Puts on Ten Pounds a Day 147
68.Joyce Lewis 151
69.Father s Day 154
70.Clang!Clang!Clang! 157
71.I Have Lost Mine 159
72.Shoes for the Party 161
73.The Camping Trip 163
74.The Stamp Club 165
75.Ask Him to Post a Letter 167
76.One Place Ahead 170
77.Days,Months and Year 173
78.Take-away Food 175
79.In Another Country 177
80.Birthday 180
81.Clowns Are Fun 182
82.Halloween 185
83.Learning English 188
84.Children and Dogs 190
85.Nickels,Dimes and Quarters 193
86.College and University Degrees 195
87.The Sunday Newspaper 198
88.Different Buildings 201
89.A Letter to the President 204
90.Department Stores 207
91.Ways for Communication 209
92.Schools in the U.S.A. 212
93.The Teaching Machine 215
94.China 217
95.Malaysia 219
96.Customs in America 221
97.The Dead Sea 224
98.American Meals 226
99.Americans 228
100.Living Near the North Pole 230
101.Water 233
102.Rockets in the Sky 235
103.For Almost Everything 238
104.The Moon 240
105.Insects 242
106.Modern Roads 244
107.Mobot 247
108.Cars for Tomorrow 250
109.Future Transport 253
110.Force 256
111.Radio and Television 258
112.Sound 261
113.The Food Factory 263
114.Living Things Need Air 265
115.Plants 267
116.Different Weather 269
117.Heat 272
118.Hibernation 274
119.The Computer Classroom 276
120.Dr Robot 279
KEYS 281
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