英语文笔精华 英汉对照PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:徐丁娟,张峰编译
- 出 版 社:武汉:华中科技大学出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7560916635
- 页数:277 页
Excerpts from On the Feeling of Immortality in Youth 2
《论青春常在之感》节选 3
The Two Roads 6
两条道路 7
Excerpts from Jonathan Livingstone Seagull 10
《海鸥乔纳森·利文斯顿》节选 11
Excerpts from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 16
《汤姆·索亚历险记》节选 17
Excerpts from The Moon and Sixpence 20
《月亮和六便士》节选 21
How to Grow Old 26
如何安度晚年 27
Excerpts from “The Other Side of the Hedge” 32
《在树篱的那一边》节选 33
Excerpts from“The Moon and Sixpence” 44
《月亮和六便士》节选 45
Excerpts from “Jane Eyre” 48
《简·爱》节选 49
Excerpts from “The Moon and Sixpence 56
《月亮和六便士》节选 57
Excerpts from “Daisy Miller (Rome) 60
《戴西·密勒》中“罗马”部分节选 61
A Clean, Well-Lighted Place 64
一个洁净、灯光明亮的地方 65
Excerpts from “Sense and Sensibility 74
《理智与情感》节选 75
自然 90
Excerpts from “Beauty” 90
《论美》节选 91
Excerpts from A Winter Walk 98
《冬日漫步》节选 99
Excerpts from The Adventure of Tom Sawyer 106
《汤姆·索亚历险记》节选 107
Excerpts from Sons and Lovers 114
《儿子与情人》节选 115
Excerpts from Sons and Lovers 122
《儿子与情人》节选 123
Excerpts from Brute Neighbors 128
《动物邻居》节选 129
Excerpts from Brute Neighbors 132
《动物邻居》节选 133
Excerpts from Brute Neighbors 136
《动物邻居》节选 137
Excerpts from “The Adventure of Tom Sawyer 142
《汤姆·索亚历险记》节选 143
Excerpts from “The Bear 148
《熊》节选 149
Excerpts from “David Copperfield 152
《大卫·科波菲尔》节选 153
The Author s Account of Himself 160
作者自叙 161
社会与文化 170
Americans: A Definition 170
我说美国人 171
Excerpts from The Adventure of Tom Sawyer 178
《汤姆·索亚历险记》节选 179
Excerpts from A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 188
《一个青年艺术家的画像》节选 189
Excerpts from “The Moon and Sixpence 196
《月亮和六便士》节选 197
Excerpts from “The Moon and Sixpence 202
《月亮和六便士》节选 203
Excerpts from “Of Human Bondage 206
《人性的枷锁》节选 207
Excerpts from “Sister Carrie 222
《嘉莉妹妹》节选 223
Excerpts from Westminster Abbey 226
《威斯敏斯特寺》节选 227
Excerpts from “On Familiar Style 232
《论平易的文体》节选 233
Of Studies 238
论读书 239
Companionship of Books 242
书友 243
Excerpts from Salt 246
《盐》节选 247
Salvation 252
灵魂的拯救 253
Excerpts from “The Scarlet Letter 258
《红字》节选 259
Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech 266
接受诺贝尔奖时的演说 267
Ralph Waldo Emerson to Walt Whitman 270
爱默森致惠特曼书 271
Excerpts from The Moon and Sixpence 274
《月亮和六便士》节选 275
人 281
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