英语故事会 4PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:贾柱立主编
- 出 版 社:天津:天津大学出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7561813686
- 页数:314 页
1. He Became a Stone 1
2. Would You Like a Shave, or a Haircut? 2
3. One against Ten Thousand 4
4. The Beautiful Horse 6
5. The White Duck(Ⅰ) 10
6. The White Duck(Ⅱ) 14
7. Blue Beard(Ⅰ) 18
8. Blue Beard(Ⅱ) 20
9. Jafilah and Jafil(Ⅰ) 22
10. Jafilah and Jafil(Ⅱ) 25
11. Jafilah and Jafil(Ⅲ) 29
12. At the Employment Exchange 32
13. There s Nothing Wrong with You 33
14. In Arnside House(Ⅰ) 35
15. In Arnside House(Ⅱ) 38
16. In Arnside House(Ⅲ) 41
17. In Arnside House(Ⅳ) 45
18. The Three Wishes 48
19. The Two Travellers 50
20. The Hen Girl(Ⅰ) 52
21. The Hen Girl(Ⅱ) 55
22. Laura s Pet 58
23. Something About the Weather 60
24. Social Customs and Behavior 62
25. An Eskimo Little Hunter 64
26. A Lighted Cigarette and a Big Fire 67
27. Weekend Homework 68
28. Angel Falls 71
29. The Just Judge 72
30. The Magic Mill(Ⅰ) 76
31. The Magic Mill(Ⅱ) 79
32. The New Blue Dress 82
33. Self-Protection 86
34. Agnes Miller 88
35. The Lark and Her Young Ones 90
36. The Victorian and Albert Museum 93
37. The Red Dog(Ⅰ) 95
38. The Red Dog(Ⅱ) 99
39. To Find a Steed According to a Book 103
40. Philadelphia 105
41. Helen of Troy 107
42. Early Days of the Mail 110
43. Bending the Chimney and Removing the Firewood 114
44. It s the Luckiest Thing to Miss the Plane 116
45. A Terrible Chapter in the History 118
46. The Fruit of the Happiness Tree 120
47. Alexander and Bucephalus 124
48. The Merchant of Venice(Ⅰ) 127
49. The Merchant of Venice(Ⅱ) 132
50. The Merchant of Venice(Ⅲ) 137
51. The Merchant of Venice(Ⅳ) 142
52. Michael Faraday 148
53. A Herdsman with Starry Eyes 151
54. Dear Augustine 156
55. The Ungrateful Guest 160
56. The Invaders 163
57. One s Own Spear and Shield 168
58. The Trace Evidence 170
59. Brazil 172
60. Something about Colours 175
61. The Jujube Pit 177
62. The Roman Empire 180
63. News of the Engagement(Ⅰ) 183
64. News of the Engagement(Ⅱ) 186
65. News of the Engagement(Ⅲ) 189
66. Christianity 192
67. A Quiet Afternoon 195
68. A Rose for Miss Caroline 200
69. Blue Jeans(Ⅰ) 206
70. Blue Jeans(Ⅱ) 210
71. Abraham Lincoln(Ⅰ) 213
72. Abraham Lincoln(Ⅱ) 219
73. Abraham Lincoln(Ⅲ) 224
74. The Sons of William the Conqueror 229
75. A Friend on the Line(Ⅰ) 234
76. A Friend on the Line(Ⅱ) 238
77. Killer Sharks Saved My Life 242
78. The Baby 246
79. Shame(Ⅰ) 251
80. Shame(Ⅱ) 255
81. The Tiger Run Spring(Ⅰ) 259
82. The Tiger Run Spring(Ⅱ) 266
83. Dr. Johnson and His Father(Ⅰ) 273
84. Dr. Johnson and His Father(Ⅱ) 277
85. Lucky Jim(Ⅰ) 283
86. Lucky Jim(Ⅱ) 287
87. Love in an Unlikely Season(Ⅰ) 291
88. Love in an Unlikely Season(Ⅱ) 297
89. That Other Woman in My Life 303
90. Deathwatch 308
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