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  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:香港浸会大学《人文中国学报》编辑委员会编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海古籍出版社
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:9787532550340
  • 页数:442 页

中国戏剧与宗教国际学术研讨会——论文选辑&(香港浸会大学中文系及宗哲系主办2007年9月12日至13日) 1

中国戏剧在道教、佛教仪式的基础上产生的途径&田仲一成 1

A Discussion of How Buddhist and Daoist Rituals Contributed tothe Birth of Chinese Drama&Tanaka Issei 34

简论宗教与戏剧之关系——以傩戏寺庙剧场与元明清杂剧为论述内容&曾永义 35

Brief Discussion on the Relationship between Religion and Opera—Nuo Play Temple Theater and the Mixed Opera in Dynasties of Yuan, Ming, and Ching&Yung-yi Tzeng 68

仪式与戏剧——以鬼魂为中心的观察&刘楚华 71

Ritual and Drama—a Comparative Study on Ghost&Lau Chor Wah 94

一点情千场影戏——论《南柯梦》里的视觉与宗教启悟的关系&华玮 95

Vision and Religious Enlightenment in Tang Xianzu’sNanke Meng&Wei Hua 111

论文 113

范仲淹与庆历科举改革&张希清 113

Fan Zhongyan and the Reform of the National Examination System (Keju) in the Qingli Reign-period&Zhang Xiqing 136

《文心雕龙》中“文”的多重含义及刘勰文学理论体系的建立&蔡宗齐 139

Wen and the Construction of a Critical System in Wenxin Diaolong&Cai Zongqi 170

论《三礼》主体名式和类旨&李开 173

On the Main Logic-name-form and Content of Different Categories of the Chinese Ancient Books SanLi&Li Kai 199

略论纪昀的《玉台新咏》研究&傅刚 201

A Brief Discussion of Ji Yun’s Study of the New Songs from the Jade Terrace&Fu Gang 218

《头陀寺碑文》所用佛典与《涅槃无名论》之真伪&程章灿 221

The Buddhist Allusion in Dhuta Temple Stele Inscription and the Authencity of The Treatise on Nirvana&Cheng Zhangcan 236

小说家诗歌的另一种风采——刘鹗《铁云诗存》诗学生态审美&李金坤 罗时进 237

Another Style of a Novelist’s Poems-Aesthetic View on the Ecology of Poetry in Tie Yun Shi Cun written by Liu E&Li Jinkun Luo Shijin 268

方东美与怀特海哲学&宛小平 271

The Philosophy of Fang Dongmei’s and Whitehead’s&Wan Xiaoping 285

西汉初年的正统性问题&冯树勋 287

A Study of Orthodoxy in Early Western Han&Fung Shu Fun 321

丛“感物”到“体物”——晋宋诗学的重要发展&蔡彦峰 323

From the Emotional Caused By Scenery to Scenery Description-An Important Development of Poetics of Jin and Song Dynasty&Cai Yanfeng 343

章太炎的白话文立场探析&陈学然 345

An Analysis of the Views of Zhang Tai Yan on Vernacular Literature&Chan Hok Yin 378

梦里不知身是客——重读脂评&赵咏冰 379

Between the Dream and Reality: Rereading “Zhi-ping”&Zhao Yongbing 403

书评 407

《域外汉籍丛考》&陈尚君 407

《明代后期士人心态研究》&陶慕宁 417

《〈全明词〉补编》&沙先一 425

《佛教与基督教对话》&高慎涛 435
