The Field Sales Manger A Manual of PracticePDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出 版 社:D.B.Taraporevala Sons & Co.Private Ltd.
- 出版年份:1960
- 页数:380 页
PART ONE The Management Job 11
The Field Sales Manager and His Pace in the Organization&By Robert T.Davis 13
Basic Management Responsibilities of the Field Sales Manager&By Robert N.Carpenter 22
From Salesman to Field Sales Manager:Some Guides to Success&By George R.Sommers 37
PART TWO Planning,Organization,and Control 43
The Field Sales Manager's Responsibility for Planning,Organization,and Control&By Edward B.Reynolds 45
Developing and Using Standards of Sales Performance&By C.E.Smith 76
Planning and Organizing Territorial Coverage&By Henry Wedemeyer 95
Fact-Finding for Improved Sales Performance&By Sumner J.Robinson 112
Analyzing Selling-Expense Data for More Profitable Sales&By James Dowd 126
PART THREE Leadership 141
The Field Sales Manager as a Leader&By Samuel N.Stevens 143
Motivating Salesmen:Some Personal Observations&By Robert P.Alberts 151
Motivating Salesmen:Some Ends and Means&By Myles S.Gaythwaite 161
PART FOUR Communication and Reporting 187
The Field Sales Manager as a Communicator&By Don L.Rossiter 189
Communicating with Salesmen:Some Do's and Don'ts&By Clinton W.Blount 197
Planning and Conducting Successful Sales Meetings&by Robert A.Gopel 208
Reporting Sales Data from the Field:A Chief Sales Executive's View&By C.Mathews Dick,Jr. 223
Managing the Paperwork Load in the Field Sales Office&By George R.Beach,Jr. 240
PART FIVE Recruitment and Selection 249
The Salesman and the Sales Job:Guides for Selection&By Milton M.Mandell 251
Recruiting Salesmen&By Carl W.Maier 282
Selecting Salesmen&By Robert E.Stevens 297
PART SIX Training and Development 313
Appraising and Counseling Salesmen&By William Welp 315
Training Salesmen on the Job&By Ian E.McLaughlin 327
Developing Career Salesmen&By Arnold Michelson 333
Developing Sales Supervisors&By Robert F.Lovett 343
The Self-Development of the Field Sales Manager&By Stanley F.Staples 354
Appendix 363
Suggested Reading for the Field Sales Manager 365
Guides to Audio-Visual Aids of Interest to the Field Sales Manager 372
Index 375
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