The American Economy PrinciplesPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Richard D.Irwin
- 出 版 社:Inc.
- 出版年份:1953
- 页数:0 页
1 The Nature of Economics and Economizing 1
2 Production,Specialization,and Exchange 19
3 The Market Economy:A Preliminary View 33
4 Natural Resources and Capital Formation 53
5 Population:Quantity and"Quality" 76
6 National Income:The Structure of American Production 97
7 The Organization of Business 132
8 The Corporation in the American Economy:Control and Management 157
9 The Financing of Business:Security Markets 171
10 Big Business in the United States 194
11 Labor Unions:Growth,Structure,and Objectives 214
12 Labor Unions:Bargaining,Government's Role,Problems,and Trends 248
13 The Nature and Supply of Money 271
14 The Banking System of the United States 301
15 Bank Safety:Investment Institutions 333
16 The Value and Significance of Money 346
17 Employment Theory 361
18 Business Fluctuations (Cycles) 392
19 Demand 417
20 The"Law"of Supply and Demand 441
21 Cost and Supply:Firm and Industry 464
22 Price-Output Adjustment under Competition:Firm and Industry 486
23 Price-Output Adjustment under Monopoly and Oligopoly 500
24 The Sources of Monopoly and of Restrictions on Competition:Monopolistic Competition 516
25 Government Policies to Prevent Monopoly and to Regulate Competition 532
26 Public Utilities 553
27 The Principle of Marginal Productivity 567
28 Wages 576
29 Unions and Wages 609
30 Rent 624
31 Interest 653
32 Profit and Loss 679
33 Income Distribution by Size and the Problem of Inequality 702
34 Social Insurance and Public Assistance 723
35 Personal Finances:The Problems of the Consumer;Insurance 736
36 The Role of International Trade 756
37 International Payments:Currency and Financial Problems 784
38 International Investment;Imperialism;Point Four 806
39 Tariffs and Government Policy on International Trade 825
40 Government Spending and Budgeting 847
41 Taxation:Principles and Practice 879
42 Taxation:Government Borrowing 915
43 Monetary and Fiscal Policy for Economic Stabilization 938
44 Stagnation:Inflation;Is Either a Long-Run Possibility? 962
45 Government Farm Policy:A Case Study 990
46 Economic Growth 1017
47 Political Economy in the United States 1040
INDEX 1052
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