Perspectives in Virology Volume 10PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出 版 社:Raven Press
- 出版年份:1978
- ISBN:0890042144
- 页数:248 页
1.New Structures in Viral RNA:Noncovalent Circles and Covalently-Linked Protein&David Baltimore,Ralf F.Pettersson,James B.Flanegan,Martinez J.Hewlett,John K.Rose,and Victor Ambros 1
2.Evolution of F1 Phage&Norton D.Zinder 13
3.Murine Mammary Tumor Virus and the Regulation of Eucaryotic Gene Transcription&Wade P.Parks 21
4.Receptor for the Group B Coxsackieviruses:Characterization and Extraction from HeLa Cell Plasma Membranes&R.L.Crowell and J-S.Siak 39
5.Influenza Virus Genes:Characterization and Biologic Activity&Peter Palese,Jerome L.Schulman,and Mary B.Ritchey 57
6.Cell-Mediated Immunity in Virus Infections:Influenza Virus and the Problem of Self-Non-Self Discrimination&Peter C.Doherty,Rita B.Effros,and Jack Bennink 73
7.Papilloma Viruses and Squamous Cell Carcinomas in Man&Harold zur Hausen,Lutz Gissmann,Herbert Pfister,Wolfgang Steiner,and Shadrak Ojwang 93
8.Studies on In Vitro Production of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen by a Human Hepatoma Cell Line&Jennifer Alexander,Given Macnab,and Rachel Saunders 103
9.Reovirus-Like Agents(Rotaviruses)Associated with Diarrheal Illness in Animals and Man&Richard G.Wyatt,Anthony R.Kalica,Charles A.Mebus,Hyan W.Kim,William T.London,Robert M.Chanock,and Albert Z.Kapikian 121
10.An Experimental Protein Vaccine for Foot-and-Mouth Disease&Howard L.Bachrach,Douglas M.Moore,Peter D.McKercher,and Jerome Polatnick 147
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