![A Critical Survey Of Indian Philosophy](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/67/s61ea85c.jpg)
![A Critical Survey Of Indian Philosophy](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/67/s61ea85c.jpg)
A Critical Survey Of Indian PhilosophyPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出 版 社:Rider & Company
- 出版年份:1960
- 页数:415 页
Preface 11
1 The Vedas and the Upanisads 13
2 Bhagavadgītā 32
3 Materialism 40
4 Jainism 48
5 Early Buddhism 69
6 Shūnyavāda 84
7 Vijnānavāda 108
8 Svatantra-Vijnānavāda 124
9 Sānkhya 149
10 Yoga 169
11 Vaishesika 175
12 Nyāya 191
13 Pūrva-Mīmāmsā 211
14 Pre-Shankara Vedānta 239
15 Shankara Vedānta 252
16 Post-Shankara Vedānta 290
17 Buddhism and Vedānta 318
18 Rāmānuja Vedānta 335
19 Other Schools of Vedānta 372
(ⅰ) Madhva Vedānta 372
(ⅱ) Nimbārka Vedānta 375
(ⅲ) Vallabha Vedānta 377
(ⅳ) Mahāprabhu Chaitanya 380
(ⅴ) S'ri Aurobindo 381
20 Shaiva and Shākta Schools 386
(ⅰ) Shaiva Siddhānta 386
(ⅱ) Kāshmīra Shaivism 388
(ⅲ) Shākta Schools 390
Bibliography 393
Index 405
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- 《中国近代文学大系 1840-1919 第4集 第14卷 诗词集 1》钱仲联主编 1991
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