Human Resources Management Third EditionPDF电子书下载
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- 出 版 社:Macdonald & Evans
- 出版年份:2222
- 页数:278 页
CHAPTER Ⅰ Elementary individual psychology 3
Introduction 3
Attention and perception 5
CHAPTER Ⅱ Motivation in work 11
Needs and their satisfaction 11
Work and need-satisfaction 16
Job extension 20
Job satisfaction 22
CHAPTER Ⅲ Learning 27
Introduction 27
Experiments with animals 27
Conditioning 28
Animal and human learning 31
Transfer of learning 35
CHAPTER Ⅳ Individual differences 39
Introduction 39
Physique 40
Intelligence 41
Personality 44
Aptitude and achievement tests 47
Validating tests 49
CHAPTER Ⅴ Interviewing 51
The selection interview 51
Assessment 55
Multiple interviews 57
The counselling interview 60
The disciplinary interview 61
CHAPTER Ⅵ Physical conditions of work 63
Fatigue 63
Accidents at work 66
Ergonomics 67
The working environment 68
CHAPTER Ⅶ Social psychology at work 72
The behaviour of working groups 72
Attitudes 79
CHAPTER Ⅷ Leadership and participation 82
Unofficial and official leaders 82
Leadership studies 83
Effective leadership 86
Participation 89
CHAPTER Ⅸ Communications and change 97
Communications 97
Dealing with change 102
CHAPTER Ⅹ Other influences on employee behaviour 106
Introduction 106
Structural determinants 107
CHAPTER Ⅺ What is personnel management? 117
CHAPTER Ⅻ Manpower planning 121
CHAPTER ⅩⅢ Job analysis and job specifications 127
Job analysis 127
Job specifications 129
Performance standards 131
Personnel specifications 132
CHAPTER ⅩⅣ Recruitment and selection 134
Recruitment 134
Selection 140
Efficiency in recruitment and selection 146
CHAPTER ⅩⅤ Promotion,transfer,demotion and retirement 148
Promotion 148
Transfer 149
Demotion 150
Retirement 150
CHAPTER ⅩⅥ Resignation and dismissal 153
The contract of employment 153
Resignation 154
Dismissal 155
Redundancy 158
CHAPTER ⅩⅦ Labour turnover 163
CHAPTER ⅩⅧ Appraisal 167
Traditional appraisal methods 167
Management by objectives 171
CHAPTER ⅩⅨ Training principles and administration 176
The systematic approach 176
Training design 179
Validation and evaluation 182
Training administration 183
CHAPTER ⅩⅩ Training methods 186
Training in attitudes 186
Training in skill 188
Training in knowledge 192
Management development 195
CHAPTER ⅩⅪ Job evaluation 200
The basis of job evaluation 200
Methods 202
Job evaluation and pay 206
CHAPTER ⅩⅫ Wages and salaries 208
Wage structures 208
Payment by results 209
Wages law 213
Salary structures 214
Other pay legislation 215
CHAPTER ⅩⅩⅢ Safety and conditions of employment 218
Safety 218
Working conditions 223
Fringe benefits 225
Staff status for manual workers 227
Suggestions 228
Justice 229
CHAPTER ⅩⅩⅣ Personnel records and statistics 232
Personnel records 232
Statistics 235
CHAPTER ⅩⅩⅤ Industrial relations 237
Unions and employers 237
Collective bargaining 239
Disputes procedures 241
Statutory regulation of wages and conditions 243
Statutory bodies 245
Industrial relations law 246
APPENDICES Ⅰ Example of a job specification 254
APPENDICES Ⅱ Example of an appraisal rating scale 256
APPENDICES Ⅲ Examples of training job breakdowns 259
APPENDICES Ⅳ Examples of job evaluation schemes 261
APPENDICES Ⅴ Discrimination in employment 265
APPENDICES Ⅵ Bibliography 267
APPENDICES Ⅶ Examination technique 268
APPENDICES Ⅷ Specimen examination questions 271
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