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  • 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:文军,张镇华主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京航空航天大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7810770934
  • 页数:695 页

第一部分 语言、文化与教学 1

从二语习得的角度论语言的心理实体性&郝兴刚 1

英汉语篇衔接手段的对比&黄莉 晏生宏 8

A Study on Pragmatic Meaning——A Case of Discourse Analysis&Mingguang Yang(杨明光)Qinyong Yang(杨勤勇) 15

关联理论中的语境知识及作用&黄春丽 刘繁 22

英语情态动词的认知语义分析&王新梅 29

主谓一致&周昆华 36

英语分裂句的语义语用分析&王红成 39

The Effect of Borrowing Language&Li Yuan(李媛) 45

Short Forms Used in EST&Zhou Qian(周茜) 49

商标词的联想&田俊英 56

浅析英语中的希腊语词源&王扶剑 60

日语敬语趋势探析&桑凤平 65

“动”“静”之间——比较英汉句子结构中动词的地位和作用&董平荣 陈梅 69

英泰语“心”的词语比较及其隐喻研究&赵瑛 80

与人体部位相关的英语习语例释&王方路 91

Culture and Industry—Comment on the Idea of Horkheimer and Adorno&Zhang Meng(张艋) 97

英汉社交对称称呼语的对比——中西交际及文化差异实例解析&邓萍 113

Sex Differentiation in English&Wang Dongxin(王董心) 123

Education Should Be Based on Social Experiences&Zhao Rong(赵蓉) 134

A Review of Effect of Topic Label Repetition and Importance on Reading Time and Recall of Text&Yan Shenghong(晏生宏),Huang Li(黄莉) 141

A Brief Introduction to Cooperative Language Learning&Chun Liyuan(寸丽元) 151

Error Analysis and Second Language Learning&Jin Yan(金燕) 161

Culture Value on the Application of CLT in China&Guan Rongyun(官荣芸) 173

论课程改革与教师观念的转变&王露 184

论成功学在外语教学中的运用&李月林 190

交际法在外语教学中的实践&薛松 195

对《新编大学英语》教学模式的探讨&牛晓 202

下义关系理论的教学实践&帅建林 206

The Role of Pronunciation in Listening Comprehension&Bai Lanping(白兰萍) 211

雅思听力技能的障碍与策略&李于南 220

Integrating Speaking with Listening in EFL Classroom To Imple-ment Spoken English&Wang Xilei(王锡磊) 226

The CET Spoken English Test:Mirror of the Coilege English Teaching&Zhou Xueqian(邹雪茜) 234

Influences of Cultural Differences on English Reading&Zeng Qingyuan(曾庆元) 242

Comparison of The Tests of Reading in CET-4 and TEM-4 in Terms of Readability and Its Implications&Chen Yuan(陈媛) 251

英语阅读教学中词汇的理解&张东升 261

Reading or Rendering——An Attempt to Probe into the Difficul-ties of Chinese College Learners in EFL Reading&Wang Yongxue(王永学) 266

日语写作中的拓展训练环节刍议&桑凤平 273

浅谈英语写作课的教学组织及教学辅助措施&沈家贤 278

How to Motivate English Learners in English Writing Class&He Xiaoqin(贺晓琴) 282

A Survey of the Research on Gender Differences:Vocabulary Retention and Access to Translations for Beginning Language Learners in CALL&Zhang Yanxia(张艳霞) 292

A Learning-Centered Approach to Teaching the Passive in EST&Zhou Mei(周梅) 303

A Possible Application of Reader-response Theory in Teaching Literature in Chinese EFL Context——A Good Approach to the Teaching of Literary Texts to English Majors&Zheng Fengyun(郑风云) 314


CULTIVATING PLURALISTIC THINKING THROUGH LIT-ERATURE TEACHING——A Brief Thought of Teaching Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea to Chinese College English Majors&Duan Pinghua(段平华) 339

The Study of Kinesics and Its Role in Social Communication&Li Hui(李惠) 347

Book Review on How the War was Remembered:Hollywood & Vietnam&Zhang Meng(张艋) 355

The Influence of People's Concept on the Change of American Family Structure&Zhang Xinfeng(张新峰) 362

第二部分 翻译理论与实践 369

译史·译事·译时——漫谈中国翻译的史训今鉴&李志凌 369

试论译者在翻译过程中应遵循的原则&陈益 376

译者风格的阐释&刘立胜 380

关于几个词汇的翻译的讨论——文化背景知识在翻译工作中的意义&朱进 385

Loss and Compensation of National Culture in Chinese Verse Translation into English&Tang Li(唐丽) 389

从高校学生的科技翻译观看专业英语教学——对高校学生科技翻译的一项调查与分析&文军 周洪洁 彭俊 葛川梅 396

科技英语翻译初探&许奋荣 402

翻译中的选词&吴爱丽 406

浅谈双关及其翻译&段丽萍 412

试议商务英语汉译中词义引伸的手法&钟原越 417

Numerical Patterns in Chinese Four-character Idioms And The Translation of These Idioms&Gan Xia(甘霞) 422

The Cultural Differences of Chinese and English Idioms and Their Influences on Translation&Shen Qunxue(申群学) 430

英汉谜语及其可译性&彭俊 436

析合同英语的翻译&黄晶 441

Conditions for and Approaches to Translation of the Signifiers in Metaphors&Lan Yuming(兰裕明) 446

The Translation of Tourist Materials&Lu Guihua(卢桂华) 454

对等与否——从功能对等评析徐述华教授的“How to Grow Old”译文&张艋 461

英语的误用与误译&李雪顺 464

科技发展呼唤完备的机器翻译系统——对我国机器翻译的一项调查与分析&文军 胡晓姣 469

劳伦斯·文努迪近著《翻译丑闻录》述评&蔡以强 475

《译者的策略及创造力》评介&邓琪 484

《翻译、重写及其对文学作品的操纵》评介&杨梅 492

第三部分 英美文学 503


The Movements of Reformation and Enlightenment,Impacts of Two Great Movements&Li Yuan(李媛) 513

The Great Impact Of The Enlightenment Movement&Li Xiaoya(李晓娅) 522

Religion Vs Reason&Yang Yan(杨燕) 529

Sexism and Ageism&Zhao Anhai(赵安海) 538

华兹华斯诗论与公安派诗论比较研究&张智义 544

艾略特诗歌简论&陈青 胡庆洪 551

《茶花女》的叙述者及叙述视角&王良兰 557

婚姻的折射——《傲慢与偏见》的女性主义解读&盛荔 564

A Bird Came Down the Walk一诗中语音的形象效果初探&龚银玲 569

平淡中的深远——对《未选择的道路》的音韵、词汇与意象的分析&董茜 574

诗歌赏析——浅析罗伯特·弗洛斯特的诗《未选择的路》&吴长旗 581

永恒的潮水,变幻的人生——赏析《潮水涨,潮水落》的音韵、节奏与诗歌主题意义的关系&覃儒奎 廖志勤 585

音形义之间的密切关系——试析Walt Whitman一诗音、形、义之间的密切关系&刘繁 黄春丽 590

诗兴于情,寓于境——析爱伦·坡笔下《安娜贝尔·李》的意境美&潘月 595

十四行诗与律诗之比较&胡庆洪 陈青 602

A Stylistic Analysis of"Paying It Forward"&Zhao Rong(赵蓉) 607

A Symbol of the Old Traditions——An Analysis of the Heroine in A Rose for Emily&Jiang Ling(姜凌) 614

Aestheticism in The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde&Huang Xinrui(黄鑫蕊) 618

My Understanding of the Mother Generation and the Daughter Generation in The Joy Luck Club&Tong Xiaomu(佟晓牧) 623

The Disunderstanding and Understanding between the Mothers and Daughters in The Joy Luck Club&Li Jiang(李江) 632

一部发人深思的现代美国悲剧——评阿瑟·密勒的《推销员之死》&刘敏 642

Dead or Alive&Ren Qin(任勤) 650

The Conflict of Convention and Passion as Represented in The Good Soldier&Zhang Hongqi(张红旗) 653

从《洗澡》和《一件小小的好事》看雷蒙·卡弗人生观的演变&唐玲 659

To Be a New Woman Feminist View of Orlando and A Room of One's Own&Zhang Beibei(张贝贝) 664

William Wordsworth's Secret&Zhang Ping(张平) 671

A Beautiful Spirit&Gao Jing(高菁) 674

Disillusionment of Frederic Henry&Zhang Mei(张梅) 676

A New Perspective on Characters and Relationship in Jane Eyre through a Comparison with Wide Sargasso Sea&Zheng Fengyun(郑凤云) 681

Kate Chopin's The Story of an Hour:A Happy and Miserable Hour&Zhang Hongqi(张红旗) 692
