高等学校教材 英语 理工科用 第1册 修订版 第2版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:复旦大学,上海科学技术大学编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海译文出版社
- 出版年份:1982
- ISBN:7532701603
- 页数:283 页
Lesson One 1
Text 17
Dialogue 17
The Alphabet 17
Phonetics:Vowels [i:][i][e][?] 17
Consonants [p][b][m][t][d][n] 17
Lesson Two 17
Text 29
Dialogue 29
Phonetics:Vowels [?][?][?][ei] 29
Consonants [k][g][?][f][v][s][z][l] 29
Lesson Three 29
Text 42
Dialogue 42
Phonetics:Vowels [u:][u][?][ai][?] 42
Consonants [w][j][θ][?] 42
Lesson Four 42
Text 55
Dialogue 55
Phonetics:Vowels [?][?][au] 55
Consonants[?][?][h][r] 55
Lesson Five 55
Text 67
Dialogue 67
Phonetics:Vowels [?][?][?] 67
Consonants [ts][dz][?][?][tr] 67
Lesson Six 67
Text 76
Dialogue 76
Phonetics:A Summary of Vowels and ConsonantsLesson Seven 76
Text:In the Reading-room 88
Dialogue 88
Phonetics:Ⅰ.Strong Forms and Weak Forms 88
Ⅱ.The Pronunciation of the Verb"to be"in SentencesGrammar:Ⅰ.Parts of SpeechⅡ.Personal PronounsⅢ.Demonstrative PronounsⅣ.Verb"to be"Reading Material:A FreshmanLesson Eight 88
Text:A Clock 101
Dialogue 101
Phonetics:The Pronunciation of the Verb"to have"in SentencesGrammar:Ⅰ.Verb"to have"Ⅱ.The Number of NounsⅢ.The Possessive CaseⅥ.Possessive PronounsReading Material:Clocks and WatchesLesson Nine 101
Text:Mr White's Study 112
Dialogue 112
Phonetics:Ⅰ.The Pronunciation of"there be"in SentencesⅡ.The Intonation of EnumerationGrammar:Ⅰ."There be"StructureⅡ.The Article(Ⅰ)Reading Material:The New ApartmentLesson Ten 112
Text:A Day's Work 127
Dialogue 127
Phonetics:Ⅰ.Liaison 127
Ⅱ.The Pronunciation of the Auxiliary Verb"do"in SentencesGrammar:Ⅰ.Members of the Sentences(Ⅰ)Ⅱ.The Nominative Case and the Objec-tive Case of Personal PronounsⅢ.The Present Indefinite TenseReading Material:The West FamilyLesson Eleven 127
Text:Rain on a Monday Morning 138
Dialogue 138
Phonetics:Incomplete Plosion 138
Grammar:Ⅰ.The Present Continuous Tense 138
Ⅱ.Members of the Sentences(Ⅱ) 138
Reading Material:Mr Brown and Mr Smith Lesson Twelve 138
Text:The Camping Trip 147
Dialogue 147
Reading Material:Clang!Clang!Clang! 147
Lesson Thirteen 147
Text:Dan's Letter 158
Dialogue 158
Phonetics:The Intonation of General Questions,Alter-native Questions,and Disjunctive QuestionsGrammar:The Interrogative Sentence(Ⅰ)Reading Material:Shoes for the PartyLesson Fourteen 158
Text:Marie Curie 173
Dialogue 173
Phonetics:Sense Groups and Pauses 173
Grammar:Ⅰ.The Past Indefinite Tense 173
Ⅱ.The Preposition and Prepositional PhrasesReading Material:Two Great Men of ScienceLesson Fifteen 173
Text:The Scientist and the Willow Tree 184
Dialogue 184
Phonetics:The Intonation of Special QuestionsGrammar:Ⅰ.The Interrogative Sentence(Ⅱ)Ⅱ.Kinds of SentencesReading Material:The Food FactoryLesson Sixteen 184
Text:The Ecosystem 198
Dialogue 198
Phonetics:Lengths of Vowels(Ⅰ) 198
Grammar:Ⅰ.The Future Indefinite Tense 198
Ⅱ.Modal Verbs 198
Reading Material:Changing Environment 198
Lesson Seventeen 198
Text:A Letter Home 215
Dialogue 215
Phonetics:Lengths of Vowels(Ⅱ) 215
Grammar:Ⅰ.The Present Perfect Tense 215
Ⅱ.The Four Forms of Verbs 215
Ⅲ.Kinds of Verbs 215
Reading Material:A Letter 215
Lesson Eighteen 215
Text:A Speech 227
Dialogue 227
Reading Material:If I Don't Do Anything ElseSupplementary Readings 227
1.The Stamp Club 235
2.The Development of Railwav Transportation3.Hibernation4.Some Concepts in Biology5.A Letter to Mr Farias6.In the Science LaboratoryAppendix Ⅰ Rules of Penmanship 235
Appendix Ⅱ Rules of Pronunciation 240
Appendix Ⅲ Classroom English 244
Appendix Ⅳ A List of Common Irregular Verbs 252
Appendix Ⅴ Common Grammatical Terms 258
Appendix Ⅵ Vocabulary 263
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