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  • 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:杜文主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7111187806
  • 页数:465 页


第1章 铁路运输(Railway Transport) 2

1.1 铁路运输设备(Railway Transport Equipments) 3

1.1.1 线路(Line) 3

1.1.2 机车(Locomotive) 4

1.1.3 车辆(Vehicle) 5

1.1.4 车站(Station) 7

1.2 铁路运输工作组织(Railway Transport Organization) 8

1.2.1 铁路货物运输工作组织(Railway Freightage Organization) 9

1.2.2 行车工作组织(Traffic Organization) 17

1.3 铁路运输能力(Railway Transport Capacity) 25

1.3.1 铁路区间通过能力(Passing Capacity of Railway District) 27

1.3.2 车站通过能力和改编能力(Passing Capacity and Classification Capacity of Station) 27

1.3.3 改变铁路运输组织方式以适应现代化运输的需要(Change Railway Transport Organization Modes to Fit the Demands of Modern Transport) 28

第2章 公路运输(Highway Transport) 30

2.1 公路(Highway) 31

2.1.1 公路概述(Summarization of Highway) 31

2.1.2 高速公路(Speedway) 32

2.2 公路运输设备(Road Transport Equipments) 33

2.2.1 汽车(Automobile) 33

2.2.2 公路站场(Highway Yard) 35

2.3 公路运输组织(Highway Transport Organization) 36

2.3.1 货物运输组织(Freightage Organization) 36

2.3.2 车辆运行组织(Vehicle Organization) 40

2.4 道路通行能力(Passing Capacity of Highway) 56

第3章 水路运输(Water Carriage) 59

3.1 水路运输的技术设备(Water Carriage Equipments) 61

3.1.1 船舶(Shipping) 61

3.1.2 港口(Harbor) 64

3.2 水路运输工作组织(Water Carriage Organization) 68

3.2.1 港口装卸工艺(Load and Unload Techniques in Harbor) 68

3.2.2 船舶运行组织(Shipping Organization) 73

3.3 水路运输通过能力(Passing Capacity of Water Carriage) 78

3.3.1 航道通过能力(Passing Capacity of Navigation Route) 78

3.3.2 港口通过能力(Passing Capacity of Harbor) 80

第4章 航空运输(Aviation Transport) 83

4.1 飞机和机场(Airplane and Airport) 84

4.1.1 飞机(Airplane) 84

4.1.2 机场(Airport) 86

4.2 货物运输飞行的组织(Aviation Transport Organization) 88

4.2.1 航空货物运输的当事人及其责任划分(Parties and Their Responsibilities Distinguish of Air Cargo Transport) 88

4.2.2 航空货物运输方式(Freight Modes of Air Cargo Transport) 89

4.2.3 航空快件运输(Express Luggage Freight of Aviation Transport) 91

4.3 机场容量(Airport Capacity) 93

4.3.1 跑道容量(Runway Capacity) 94

4.3.2 机位容量(Ramp Slot Capacity) 94

第5章 管道运输(Piping Transport) 96

5.1 输油管道运输(Piping Transport of Petroleum) 97

5.2 天然气管道运输(Piping Transport of Natural Gas) 101

5.3 固体料浆管道运输(Piping Transport of Solid Slurry) 103

第6章 各种运输方式的特点及交通运输业的发展方向(Characteristics of All Sorts of Transport Modes and the Development Trend of Traffic and Transport Industry) 105

6.1 各种运输方式的特点(Characteristics of All Sorts of Transport Modes) 107

6.2 选择运输方式的理论和方法(Theories and Methods on How to Choose Transport Modes) 109

6.2.1 运输原理(Transport Principles) 109

6.2.2 不同运输方式对物流系统合理化的影响(The Influences of Different Transport Modes on Rationalization of Logistics System) 111

6.2.3 选择运输方式的一般方法(Common Ways of Choosing Transport Modes) 111

6.3 交通运输业的发展方向(Development Trend of Traffic and Transport Industry) 113

6.3.1 交通运输的智能化(Intelligent of Traffic and Transportation) 113

6.3.2 交通运输的高速化和重载化(High Speeding and Heavy Load of Traffic and Transportation) 114

6.3.3 多式联运(Intermodal Transportation) 115

6.3.4 集装箱运输(Container Transportation) 115

6.3.5 开发新型“绿色”运输(Exploiting New“Green” Transportation) 116


第7章 现代物流配送的模式与流程(Modes and Processes of Modern Physical Distribution) 120

7.1 物流配送的概念及国内外物流配送的发展(Concept of Physical Distribution and Its Development Home and Abroad) 121

7.1.1 物流配送的概念(Concept of Physical Distribution) 121

7.1.2 国内外物流配送的发展(Development of Physical Distribution in International) 122

7.2 物流配送模式在物流系统中的作用及影响因素(Functions of Physical Distribution Modes in Logistics System and the Factors that Influence on It) 125

7.2.1 物流配送模式在物流系统中的作用(Functions of Physical Distribution Modes in Logistics System) 125

7.2.2 物流配送模式的影响因素(The Factors that Influence on Physical Distribution Modes) 126

7.3 现代物流配送模式(Modern Physical Distribution Modes) 128

7.3.1 现代物流配送模式分类(Classification of Modern Physical Distribution Modes) 128

7.3.2 现代物流配送模式的选择(Choice to Modern Physical Distribution) 132

7.3.3 现代物流配送中心的主要类型(Main Types of Modern Physical Distribution Centers) 140

7.3.4 配送合理化及其技术指标(Rationalization of Distribution and Its Technical Targets) 142

7.4 现代物流配送流程(Processes of Modern Physical Distribution) 145

7.4.1 配送流程的功能要素(Function Factors of Distribution Process) 145

7.4.2 现代物流配送的一般流程(Common Processes of Modern Physical Distribution) 146

7.5 物流配送发展的新模式(New Development Modes of Physical Distribution) 148

7.5.1 电子商务迅速发展对物流配送的影响(Influences of the Rapid Development of E-Commerce on Physical Distribution) 148

7.5.2 电子商务下的物流配送(Physical Distribution in E-Commerce) 151

第8章 物流配送中心的选址与布局(Sitting Physical Distribution and Its Layout) 155

8.1 物流配送中心网点的合理布局(Logical Layout of Physical Distribution Center Network Points) 156

8.1.1 物流网点布局的基本内容(Basic Content of the Layout of Logistics Network Points) 156

8.1.2 物流网点布局目标的分析与确定(The Analysis and Determination of the Object of the Layout of Logistics Network Points) 157

8.1.3 物流网点布局模型的建立及求解(Modeling of Layout of Logistics Network Points and Solution) 157

8.1.4 综合评价与决策(Synthetic Value and Decision) 159

8.1.5 网点布局的数学模型(Mathematics Model of the Layout of Network) 160

8.1.6 日本的配送实践(Distribution Practices in Japan) 162

8.2 物流配送中心的选址(Sitting Physical Distribution Center) 163

8.2.1 物流配送中心合理选址的意义和基本原则(Meanings and Basic Principles of the Logically Sitting Physical Distribution Center) 163

8.2.2 物流配送中心的选址原则(Principles of Sitting Physical Distribution) 164

8.2.3 进行物流配送中心选址的工作步骤(Processes of Sitting Physical Distribution) 165

8.2.4 物流中心选址的相关案例(Cases Concerned Sitting Logistics Center) 168

8.3 物流中心的内部布局(Inside Layout of Logistics Center) 168

8.3.1 配送中心总体规模的确定(Decision of Total Scope of Distribution Center) 169

8.3.2 物流中心内部的规划设计(Plan and Design of the Inside of Logistics Center) 170

8.3.3 评估(Evaluation) 187

8.3.4 物流配送中心规划设计的案例(Cases About Plan and Design of Physical Distribution Center) 188

第9章 现代物流配送中心的作业与管理(Work and Management of Modern Physical Distribution) 192

9.1 配送中心的基本功能(Basic Functions of Distribution Center) 193

9.2 配送中心的作业流程(Work Processes of Distribution Center) 195

9.3 配送中心作业管理(Work Management of Distribution Center) 198

9.3.1 进货作业与管理(Stock Work and Management) 201

9.3.2 搬运作业与管理(Handle Work and Management) 206

9.3.3 存储作业与管理(Storage Work and Management) 210

9.3.4 盘点作业与管理(Check Work and Management) 215

9.3.5 订单处理与管理(Order Treating and Management) 217

9.3.6 拣选作业与管理(Pick Work and Management) 221

9.3.7 加工作业与管理(Processing Work and Management) 229

9.3.8 补货作业与管理(Replenishment Work and Management) 232

9.3.9 发货作业与管理(Consignment Work and Management) 234

9.3.10 输配送作业与管理(Transport and Distribution Work and Management) 236

9.4 物流配送中心设备管理(Equipments Management in Physical Distribution Center) 240

9.5 物流配送中心内部管理(Inside Physical Distribution Center Management) 241

9.5.1 人员管理(Personnel Management) 241

9.5.2 合同管理(Contract Management) 243

9.5.3 场所管理(Locale Management) 245

9.5.4 物流配送中心现场作业控制(Fieldwork Control in Physical Distribution Center) 245

9.5.5 安全管理(Safety Management) 247

第10章 物流配送中心信息系统管理(Information System Management of Physical Distribution) 249

10.1 物流配送中心信息系统概述(Summary of Information System of Physical Distribution Center) 250

10.2 物流配送中心信息系统的功能与构成(Function and Constitute of Information System of Physical Distribution Center) 255

10.2.1 物流配送中心信息管理系统的功能(Function of Information System of Physical Distribution Center) 255

10.2.2 物流配送中心信息管理系统的构成(Constitute of Information System of Physical Distribution Center) 257

10.3 物流配送信息技术应用(Application of Physical Distribution Information Technology) 272


第11章 预测技术(Technique for Forecasting) 290

11.1 概述(Introduction) 291

11.1.1 预测概述(Summary on Forecast) 291

11.1.2 预测程序(Procedure of Forecast) 291

11.1.3 物流预测方法的分类(Classification of Method for Forecast Logistics) 291

11.1.4 预测方法的选择(Selection of Methods) 292

11.2 时间序列预测技术(Technique for Time Sequence Forecast) 293

11.2.1 移动平均预测法(Moving Average Forecast) 293

11.2.2 指数平滑预测法(Exponential Smoothing Forecast) 296

11.3 回归分析预测技术(Technique for Regression Analysis Forecast) 297

11.3.1 一元线性回归预测法(Single Linear Regression Forecast) 297

11.3.2 多元线性回归预测分析(Multiple Linear Regression Forecast) 298

第12章 库存优化问题(Inventory Problem) 303

12.1 库存问题概述(Introduction of Inventory Problem) 304

12.2 确定性库存模型(Models for Determinate Inventory Problems) 306

12.2.1 确定性库存基本模型(Basic Model for Determinate Inventory Problems) 307

12.2.2 缺货事后补足的模型(Model for Inventory Problems with Replenishment after Stock-Out) 309

12.2.3 允许缺货且供货能力有限的模型(Model for Capacitated Inventory Problems with Stock-Out) 310

12.2.4 有常数损耗率的库存模型(Inventory Model with Wastage) 312

12.2.5 考虑通货膨胀的情形(Inventory Model with Inflation) 313

12.2.6 批量折扣库存模型(Model with Discount Price) 314

12.3 随机库存模型(Stochastic Inventory Model) 316

12.3.1 单周期模型(Model for Single Period) 317

12.3.2 多周期模型(Model for Multiple Period) 321

12.3.3 基于稳态分析的随机库存模型(Model with Analysis of Steady-State) 323

12.3.4 基于安全库存量的随机库存模型(Model with Consideration on Safe-Stock) 331

12.4 一些进展(Some Progress of Research on Inventory Problem) 338

12.4.1 多品种多级库存系统的控制(The Inventory Control for Multicommodities and Multi-echelon Inventory System) 338

12.4.2 易腐物品库存管理(Inventory Management of Perishable Commodities) 340

12.5 结束语 344

第13章 运输问题(Transportation Problem) 347

13.1 物资调配问题(Material Transferring Problem) 348

13.1.1 运输问题及数学模型(Transportation Problem And Its Mathematical Models) 348

13.1.2 用表上作业法求解运输问题(Solve Transportation Problem by Table-working Method) 352

13.1.3 运输问题的进一步讨论(Further Discussion about Transportation Problem) 363

13.1.4 应用问题举例(Par Example) 370

13.2 网络流问题(Network Flow Problem) 374

13.2.1 图的基本概念(Concept of the Diagram) 374

13.2.2 最短路(Shortest Path) 378

13.2.3 最大流问题(The Maximum Flow Problem) 383

13.2.4 最小费用最大流问题(The Minimum Cost Maximum Flow Problem) 390

第14章 车辆路径问题(Vehicle Routing Problem) 396

14.1 物流配送车辆优化调度概述(Introduction of VRP for Logistics Distribution) 397

14.1.1 概述(Introduction) 397

14.1.2 路径特性(The Characteristics of Route) 398

14.1.3 常用的基本问题(The Basic Problems) 398

14.1.4 车辆路径问题的求解方法(The Method of Solving VRP) 399

14.2 单中心非满载送货车辆路径问题启发式算法(Heuristic Methods for One Center VRP with Non-fully Loaded) 402

14.2.1 禁忌搜寻法简介(Introduction of Tabu Search) 402

14.2.2 问题描述与符号表示(The Problem and Symbol) 403

14.2.3 求解过程(Arithmetic) 404

14.3 车辆调度的其他算法简介(Some Other Algorithms for VRP) 409

14.3.1 遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm) 409

14.3.2 神经网络算法(Neural Networks Algorithm) 410

第15章 选址问题(Location Problem) 413

15.1 概述(Introduction) 414

15.2 三维选址问题(Three-Dimension Location Problem) 418

15.2.1 遗传算法实现(Genetic Algorithm) 419

15.2.2 算例(Par example) 422

15.2.3 小结(Summary) 424

15.3 集装箱船配载优化方法研究(Research on the Optimal Methods for Container Ship Stowage) 424

15.3.1 集装箱重量分布的优化模型(The Optimal Model of Container Weight Distribution) 424

15.3.2 ?的确定(Confirm ?) 427

15.3.3 最少压载量的确定(The Minimum Ballast) 428

15.3.4 计算实例(Par Example) 428

15.4 点选址问题(Dot Location Problem) 429

15.4.1 连续点选址问题(Continuous Location Problem) 429

15.4.2 离散点选址问题(Discrete Location Problem) 437

15.5 无能力约束设施选址问题(Uncapacitied Facilites Location Problem(UFL)) 451

15.5.1 问题描述(Introduction) 451

15.5.2 UFL问题的线性规划模型(Linear Programming Model of UFL) 452

15.5.3 对偶问题(Dual Problem) 452

15.5.4 UFL的启发式算法(Heuristic Methods for UFL) 454

参考文献 461
