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新世纪大学英语系列教材  听说教程  第1册
新世纪大学英语系列教材  听说教程  第1册

新世纪大学英语系列教材 听说教程 第1册PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:王海啸,李霄翔总主编;李霄翔主编;钱激扬等编著
  • 出 版 社:南京:南京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7305035785
  • 页数:161 页
《新世纪大学英语系列教材 听说教程 第1册》目录

Unit 1 Say You,Say Me 说你,说我  1

Part One Warm-up Exercises  1

Part Two It's Luck We've Met 有缘相见  5

Part Three At an Orientation Party 新生联欢会  9

Part Four A Secret to Make a Happy Life 幸福生活的秘诀  13

Unit 2 A Helping Hand 援助之手  17

Part One Warm-up Exercises  17

Part Two Do Me a Favour 请帮个忙  21

Part Three A Special Offer 特殊报价  25

Part Four Request for Help 请求帮助  27

Unit 3 Just Call to Say 电话传鸿音  31

Part One Warm-up Exercises  31

Part Two Call for Information 电话查询  35

Part Three Functions of the Phone 电话的功用  39

Part Four Just As Bad Luck Would Have It! 真不走运! 42

Unit 4 Time Flies Never to Be Recalled 光阴一去不复返  45

Part One Warm-up Exercises  45

Part Two April and May Are the Key of the Year 一年之计在于春  49

Part Three Punctuality Is the Politeness of Kings 守时是最大的礼貌  54

Part Four Work Daytime or Nighttime 白天工作还是夜间工作 56

Unit 5 Cheapest Is the Dearest 最便宜的就是最贵的 59

Part One Warm-up Exercises  59

Part Two Let's Go Shopping! 咱们购物去! 63

Part Three Are They Smart? 他们精明吗? 69

Part Four Be A Smart Shopper 做一个聪明的购物者  72

Unit 6 We Are What We Eat 人是铁,饭是钢  76

Part One Warm-up Exercises  76

Part Two Going to a Restaurant 下馆子  80

Part Three Slim or Healthy 苗条还是健康  86

Part Four Arguments about Meal and Food 用餐和食品的争议 88

Unit 7 A Place of My Own 自己的家园  93

Part One Warm-up Exercises  93

Part Two Where Is It? 东西在哪儿?  96

Part Three Finding Somewhere to Live 寻找安身之处  99

Part Four What's Wrong with it? 怎么了? 106

Unit 8 Beauty Is But Skin Deep 不可以貌取人  110

Part One Warm-up Exercises  110

Part Two What does He Look Like? 他长什么样? 113

Part Three What's He Like? 他是个什么样的人? 116

Part Four Guess Who Is Who? 猜猜他是谁? 119

Unit 9 A Sound Mind in a Sound Body 心平体健  123

Part One Warm-up Exercises  123

Part Two What's the Matter with You? 你怎么了? 126

Part Three Prevention Is Better Than Cure 预防胜于治疗  131

Part Four Artistic and Surprising Treatment 高雅而奇妙的疗法  134

Unit 10 Make the Best of Your Holiday 尽情享用假日 138

Part One Warm-up Exercises  138

Part Two How Would You Like to Spend Your Holiday? 你打算怎样度假?  142

Part Three Enjoy Holiday,Enjoy Life 享受假日,享受生活  146

Part Four Special Ways in Special Days 特别的日子,特别对待  150

Vocabulary List 词汇表  153
