- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李正栓,陈岩著
- 出 版 社:北京市:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:7301115938
- 页数:382 页
? One American Poetry of the Colonial Period 2
Ⅰ.Anne Bradstreet(1612-1672) 2
1.Life Story 2
2.On Anne Bradstreet's Poems 2
3.Selected Poems 3
(1)To My Dear and Loving Husband 3
(2)A Letter to Her husband,Absent upon Public Employment 5
(3)In Memory of My Dear Grandchild Elizabeth Bradstreet,Who Deceased August,1665 Being a Year and a Half Old 9
Ⅱ.Philip Freneau(1752-1832) 12
1.Life Story 12
2.Writing and Achievements 12
3.Selected Poems 13
(1)The Wild Honey Suckle 13
(2)The Indian Burying Ground 17
? Two American Poetry of Early Romantic Period 26
Ⅰ.William Cullen Bryant(1794-1878) 26
1.Life Story 26
2.Selected Poems 27
(1)Thanatopsis 27
(2)To a Waterfowl 37
Ⅱ.Edgar Allan Poe(1809-1849) 43
1.Life Story 43
2.Poe's Writings and Position in Literary History 43
3.Poe's Aesthetic Theory 44
4.Writing Features of Poe 44
5.Selected Poems 45
(1) To Helen 45
(2)The Raven 48
(3)Annabel Lee 63
? Three American Poetry of High Romantic Period 71
Ⅰ.Henry Wadsworth Longfellow(1807-1882) 71
1.Life Story 71
2.Major Works 71
3.Features of Longfellow's Poetic Works 72
4.Selected Poems 73
(1)The Quadroon Girl 73
(2)A Psalm of Life 78
(3)Daybreak 83
(4)The Tide Rises,the Tide Falls 85
(5)The Village Blacksmith 87
Ⅱ.Walt Whitman(1819-1892) 93
1.Life Story 93
2.Writing Features of Whitman 94
3.Selected Poems 94
(1)Youth,Day,Old Age and Night 94
(2)To Those Who've Failed 96
(3)The Bravest Soldiers 97
(4)Unseen Buds 98
(5)from A Song for Occupations 100
(6)To the United States 101
(7)I Sit and Look Out 102
(8)When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd 105
(9)There Was a Child Went Forth 128
(10)Cavalry Crossing a Ford 134
(11)O Captain,My Captain! 135
(12)Song of Myself(excerpted) 138
(13)I Hear America Singing 145
Ⅲ.Emily Elizabeth Dickinson(1830-1886) 148
1.Life Story 148
2.Features of Emily Dickinson's Poems 148
3.Selected Poems 149
(1)Success(67) 149
(2)Wild Nights—Wild Nights!(249) 151
(3)"Hope"Is the Thing with Feathers(254) 153
(4)The Soul Selects Her Own Society(303) 155
(5)On a Columnar Self—(321) 157
(6)Some Keep the Sabbath Going to Church(324) 160
(7)Our Share of Night to Bear 162
(8)This Is My Letter to the World(441) 163
(9)I Died for Beauty(449) 165
(10)I Heard a Fly Buzz—When I Died—(465) 167
(11)I Like to See It Lap the Miles—(585) 170
(12)Because I Could Not Stop for Death(712) 173
(13)Alter?When the Hills Do(729) 177
(14)A Narrow Fellow in the Grass(986) 178
(15)Tell All the Truth But Tell It Slant—(1129) 182
(16)We Never Know How High(1176) 184
(17)He Ate and Drank the Precious Words(1587) 185
(18)I Never Saw a Moor 187
(19)To Make a Prairy 188
(20)The Sky Is Low—The Clouds Are Mean 189
(21)Apparently with No Surprise(1624) 190
? Four American Poetry of the Modernist Period 194
Ⅰ.Robert Frost(1874-1963) 194
1.Life Story 194
2.Major Works of Frost 195
3.Writing Features of Robert Frost 195
4.Selected Poems 197
(1)The Road Not Taken 197
(2)Stopping by Woods on Snowy Evening 200
(3)After Apple-picking 202
(4)Fire and Ice 208
(5)Design 210
(6)Home Burial 212
(7)The Death of the Hired Man 226
(8)Mending Wall 241
(9)Birches 247
(10)Nothing Gold Can Stay 255
(11)Departmental 257
Ⅱ.Edwin Arlington Robinson(1869-1935) 262
1.Life Story 262
2.Major Works of Robinson 263
3.Writing Features of Robinson 263
4.Selected Poems 264
(1)Richard Cory 264
(2)Miniver Cheevy 267
(3)The House on the Hill 271
Ⅲ.Stephen Crane(1871-1900) 275
1.Life Story 275
2.Writing Features of Crane 276
3.Selected Poems 276
(1)Black Riders Came from the Sea 276
(2)A Man Said to the Universe 278
Ⅳ.Ezra Pound(1885-1972) 280
1.Life Story 280
2.Pound's Major Works 281
3.Selected Poems 281
(1)In a Station of the Metro 281
(2)A Pact 283
(3)A Virginal 284
Ⅴ.Hilda Doolittle(1886-1961) 288
1.Life Story 288
2.Major Works of Hilda Doolittle 288
3.Selected Poems 289
(1)Oread 289
(2)Helen 290
Ⅵ.William Carlos Williams(1883-1963) 294
1.Life Story 294
2.Williams' Major Works 294
3.Selected Poems 295
(1)The Red Wheelbarrow 295
(2)This Is Just to Say 296
(3)Spring and All 298
Ⅶ.T.S.Eliot(1888-1965) 302
1.Life Story 302
2.Eliot's Major Works 303
3.Selected Poem The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock 303
Ⅷ.Carl Sandburg(1878-1967) 326
1.Life Story 326
2.Characteristics of Sandburg's Poems 327
3.Selected Poems 327
(1)Chicago 327
(2)Fog 332
(3)Grass 333
Ⅸ.Wallace Stevens(1879-1955) 336
1.Life Story 336
2.Characteristics Of Stevens' Poems 336
3.Stevens' Major Poems 337
4.Selected Poems 337
(1)Thirteen Ways of Loking at a Blackbird 337
(2)The Snow Man 344
(3)The Emperor of Ice-cream 346
Ⅹ.E.E.Cummings(1894-1962) 349
1.Life Story 349
2.Characteristics of Cummings' Poems 349
3.Major Works of Cummings 350
4.Selected Poems 350
(1)L(a 350
(2)[R-P-O P-H-E-S-S-A-G-R] 352
(3)In Just— 354
? Five American Poetry of Contemporary Time 358
Ⅰ.Theodore Roethke(1908-1963) 358
1.Life Story 358
2.Characteristics of Roethke's Poems 358
3.Major Works of Roethke 359
4.Selected Poems 359
(1)In a Dark Time 359
(2)My Papa's Waltz 363
Ⅱ.Langston Hughes(1902-1967) 367
1.Life Story 367
2.Characteristics of Hughes' Works 367
3.Major Poems of Hughes 368
4.Selected Poems 368
(1)The Negro Speaks of Rivers 368
(2)Dreams 370
(3)Words like Freedom 371
(4)Warning 372
Ⅲ.Robert Lowell(1917-1977) 374
1.Life Story 374
2.Characteristics of Lowell's Writings 374
3.Major Works of Lowell 375
4.Selected Poem Katherine's Dream 375
Bibliography 381
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