

医疗卫生服务常用外语手册 中英PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:北京市卫生局编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国对外翻译出版公司
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7500109466
- 页数:130 页
一、北京奥运期间外国游客医疗服务方式介绍 Ⅰ.An Introduction to Beijing Medical Services for Foreign Visitors during the Olympic Games 1
1.接诊和分诊 Reception and Triage 1
2.就医流程 Hospitalization flow 4
3.费用结算 Account Settlement 8
二、急救用语 Ⅱ.First Aid 11
1.症状提问 Asking about Symptoms and Medical History 11
2.分类提问 Asking in Details 11
(1)发热 Fever 11
(2)头痛,眩晕 Headache,Dizziness 13
(3)胸痛 Chest Pain 16
(4)腹痛 Stomachache 19
(5)呼吸困难 Dyspnea 20
(6)咯血 Hemoptysis 22
(7)心悸 Palpitations 23
(8)恶心 Nausea,呕吐 Vomit,呕血 Spitting of blood,便血 Having blood in one's stool,腹泻Diar-rhoea 24
(9)晕厥 Faint(Syncope) 26
(10)昏迷 Coma 28
(11)关于创伤的提问 Asking about trauma 30
3.查体 Physical Examination 34
4.治疗 Treatment 38
5.交待病情 State of Illness 40
6.转运 Hospital Transfer 41
7.心肺复苏 Cardiopulmonary Resusci-tation 45
三、问诊和症状介绍用语 Ⅲ.Terms for Asking about Complaints and Describing Symptoms 47
1.综合科问诊 General Medicine Depart-ment 47
2.妇科问诊 Gynecology Department 51
3.眼科问诊 Ophthalmology Department 54
4.传染性疾病和流行性疾病问诊Tak-ing a History of Infectious Disease and Epidemic Disease 55
5.常见症状关键词汇表 Key Vocabulary for Common Symptoms 57
1.发热及伴随症状 fever and accom-panying symptom 57
2.腹泻及伴随症状 diarrhoea and ac-companying symptoms 57
3.疼痛伴随症状 pain and accompan-ying symptoms 58
4.性病伴随症状 sexual transmitted disease and accompanying symptoms 59
5.妇科常见症状 common symptoms of gynecology 60
6.传染性疾病伴随症状 infectious dis-ease and accompanying symptoms 60
四、检查诊断用语 Ⅳ.Terms for examina-tion,testing and diagnosis 63
1.检查用语 Terms for examination and testing 63
(1)查体 Physical Examination 63
(2)外科检查(骨折与创伤) Surgical Examination(bone fracture and trauma) 66
(3)妇科检查 Gynecology Examina-tion 69
(4)眼科检查 Ophthalmology Exami-nation 70
(5)辅助检查 Auxiliary Examination 70
2.诊断用语 Terms for diagnosis 72
五、治疗用语 Ⅴ.Terms for Treatment 75
六、建议和指导用语 Ⅵ.Terms for sugges-tions and instructions 79
七、出入境检验检疫指导用语 Ⅶ.Instruc-tions of Entry-Exit Inspection and Quaran-tine 83
八、医疗队用语 Ⅷ.Terms for Medical Teams 93
九、附录 Ⅸ.Appendixes 99
附1:人体外观图、人体骨骼图 Appendix 1:Figure of Human Body、Figure of Hu-man Skeleton 99
附2:各科常见疾病 Appendix 2:Common Diseases of Different Branches 103
一、内科 Ⅰ.Internal Medicine 103
1.呼吸系统 Respiratory System 103
2.消化系统 Digestive System 103
3.循环系统 Diseases of the Circulato-ry Systems 104
4.泌尿系统 Diseases of the urinary system 104
5.代谢疾病和营养疾病 Metabolic Diseases and Nutrition Diseases 104
6.理化因素所致疾病 Diseases Caused by Physical or Chemical Factors 105
二、神经系统 Ⅱ.Nervous System 105
1.脑脊神经疾病 Cerebrospinal Nerv-ous Diseases 105
2.脑部疾病 Brain Diseases 106
三、外科 Ⅲ.Surgery 106
四、妇产科 Ⅳ.Gynecology and Obstet-rics 107
五、皮肤科 Ⅴ.Dermatological Depart-ment 108
六、眼科 Ⅵ.Ophthalmology 109
七、五官科 Ⅶ.Department of the Five Sense Organs 110
1.鼻 Nose 110
2.咽 Pharynx 110
3.喉 Larynx/Throat 110
4.耳 Ear 111
八、传染科 Ⅷ.Department of Infection 111
附3:时间长短的描述表 Appendix 3:Time Period Description 112
附4:临床各科室名称词汇表 Appendix 4:Name of Clinical Departments 112
一、内科 Ⅰ.Internal Medicine Depart-ment(Medical Department) 112
二、外科 Ⅱ.Surgery 113
三、其它科室 Ⅲ.Other Departments 113
附5:出入境检验检疫指导用语相关词汇 Appendix 5:Vocabulary of Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine 114
一、检疫查验 Ⅰ.Quarantine 114
二、常见疾病及症状 Ⅱ.Diseases and Symptoms 115
三、时间及量词 Ⅲ.Words of Time and Quantity 116
四、职业 Ⅳ.Occupation 117
五、旅行目的及地点 Ⅴ.Traveling Pur-pose and Destination 117
六、饮食及携带物 Ⅵ.Food and Drink and Luggage 118
附6:世界各国国名和地区名称 Appen-dix 6:Names of Countries and Re-gions 119
十、北京2008年奥运定点医院及联系方法 Ⅹ.Hospitals for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games 128
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