当代商务英语阅读教程 1PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:井升华本册主编
- 出 版 社:上海:华东师范大学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:7561755082
- 页数:305 页
Unit 1 商标知多少 1
Topic-based Content:Trademark,Brand and Logo 1
Topic Reading:Extracts of Trademark,Brand and Logo 1
Extract 1:Trademarks 1
Extract 2:The Trademark Application Process 5
[实例链接]Link to Authentic Document:Sample Trademarks 9
Extract 3:Brand & Logo 11
Extract 4:Coca-Cola 13
[文化链接]Culture Link:Branding—It's All about Focus 16
[实例链接]Link to Authentic Document:Trademark Assignment 19
Unit 2 广告风云录 22
Topic-based Content:Advertising Industry 22
Topic Reading:Extracts of Advertising Industry 22
Extract 1:Advertising 22
Extract 2:Advertising Media 26
[相关链接]Related Link:Background History of Advertising 31
[文化链接]Culture Link:The Top Tens on the Internet 33
Extract 3:Misleading Advertising 36
Extract 4:Advertising Careers 38
[文化链接]Culture Link:Authentic Advertisements 41
Unit 3 广告妙语 46
Topic-based Content:Language of Advertising 46
Topic Reading:Extracts of Language of Advertising 46
Extract 1:Opinions on Advertising Language 46
Extract 2:Copywriting and Copywriter 50
[文化链接]Culture Link:Nice'n Easy 52
Extract 3:Creative Work by Copywriters 55
Extract 4:The Future of Ad Writing 58
[文化链接]Culture Link:Effective Ads 60
[阅读链接]Link to Reading Attack Skill:Acronym 62
Unit 4 传媒巨子风云录 67
Topic-based Content:Time Warner 67
Topic Reading:Extracts of Time Warner 67
Extract 1:Time Warner Inc. 67
Extract 2:Values of Time Warner 69
Extract 3:From Time Warner to AOL Time Warner and to Time Warner(TWX) 72
Extract 4:Background of the Merger 76
[文化链接]Culture Link:The Future of Digital Media 79
Unit 5 营销为王 84
Topic-based Content:Marketing Mix 84
Topic Reading:Extracts of Marketing Mix 84
Extract 1:Marketing Plan 84
Extract 2:Marketing Mix 88
[相关链接]Related Link:McDonald's Five P's 91
Extract 3:The Product Life Cycle 94
Extract 4:How to Create a Marketing Plan 97
[文化链接]Culture Link:The Five Roles of a Great Leader 98
[阅读链接]Link to Reading Attack Skill:"-driven"Compound Words 101
Unit 6 探秘营销模式 103
Topic-based Content:Market and Marketing Moulds 103
Topic Reading:Extracts of Market and Marketing Moulds 103
Extract 1:Market and Marketing 103
Extract 2:Projecting Market Share 108
[相关链接]Related Link:Network Marketing—Internet Business Do's and Don'ts 111
Extract 3:Internet Based Network Marketing Success 113
Extract 4:Creating New Retailing Moulds 115
[文化链接]Culture Link:Supermarket Competition in UK 122
Unit 7 销售文化 125
Topic-based Content:Different Kinds of Sales Cultures 125
Topic Reading:Extracts of Different Kinds of Sales Cultures 125
Extract 1:Car Boot Sale 125
Extract 2:Some Other Sales or Shops 128
[文化链接]Culture Link:16 eBay Success Secrets 131
Extract 3:Yard Sales and Garage Sales 133
Extract 4:Will Wal-Mart Last Forever? 138
[文化链接]Culture Link:Five-and-Dime Store 141
[相关链接]Related Link:Building Your MLM Business 142
Unit 8 期中复习 146
Topic-based Content:A Review of the Content from Unit 1 to Unit 7 146
Topic Reading:Extracts about Marketing Mix 146
Extract 1:Definitions of Advertising 146
Extract 2:Is Your Product D.U.M.B. Enough to Take Overseas? 148
Extract 3:How to Avoid Blunders in Advertising? 152
Unit 9 知识产权必知录 158
Topic-based Content:Intellectual Property and Patent 158
Topic Reading:Extracts of Intellectual Property and Patent 158
Extract 1:Intellectual Property 158
Extract 2:World Intellectual Property Organization 161
[实例链接]Link to Authentic Document(1):IPA 165
[实例链接]Link to Authentic Document(2):Patent 167
Extract 3:Patent and Its Application 169
Extract 4:Infringement & Piracy 173
[文化链接]Culture Link:Patents and Inventions 176
A Press Release 178
[实例链接]Link to Authentic Documents(3):Copyright 179
[阅读链接]Link to Reading Attack Skills:Parallel Structure 181
Unit 10 网络&“E”生活 185
Topic-based Content:Network and E-Life 185
Topic Reading:Extracts of Network and E-Life 185
Extract 1:Internet and E-Life 185
Extract 2:Online Shopping 189
[相关链接]Related Link:E-mail 192
Extract 3:Information Technology and e-mail 194
Extract 4:Applications of Networked Multimedia 196
[文化链接]Culture Link:The First e-mail Message 200
Unit 11 点击电子商务 205
Topic-based Content:Internet and E-Commerce 205
Topic Reading:Extracts of Internet and E-Commerce 205
Extract 1:ABCs of E-Commerce(1) 205
Extract 2:ABCs of E-Commerce(2) 209
[文化链接]Culture Link:TV Is Dying?Long Live TV! 213
Extract 3:Windows VistaTM 215
Extract 4:Will iPods Bring New Fans to TV Shows? 218
[相关链接]Related Link:How to Use the Internet 220
[阅读链接]Link to Reading Attack Skills:Transferred Negative 221
Unit 12 货币大观 224
Topic-based Content:Money and Its Types 224
Topic Reading:Extracts of Money and Its Types 224
Extract 1:Types of Money 224
Extract 2:Monetary Standards 226
[相关链接]Related Link:Currency Codes & Symbols(Signs) 228
[相关链接]Related Link:Foreign Exchange 230
Extract 3:Monetary Systems 231
Extract 4:Eurosystem and the European Central Bank 236
[文化链接]Culture Link:Inventor Who Coined Euro Sign Fights for Recognition 238
Unit 13 银行业务窥奥 243
Topic-based Content:Banking 243
Topic Reading:Extracts of Banking 243
Extract 1:Banking 243
Extract 2:Banking in the United States and Other Countries 248
[相关链接]Related Link:Banking History 250
Extract 3:Credit Cards 252
Extract 4:The History of Credit Cards 255
[文化链接]Culture Link:Bank Holiday 256
Unit 14 交易小百科 261
Topic-based Content:Commodity Transactions 261
Topic Reading:Extracts of Commodity Transactions 261
Extract 1:Commodity Transactions 261
Extract 2:The Futures Market 263
[文化链接]Culture Link:Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc.? 267
Extract 3:Different Order Types 268
Extract 4:Free Trade 270
[相关链接]Related Link:Trade Fairs 272
Unit 15 社会保障 275
Topic-based Content:Social Security 275
Topic Reading:Extracts of Social Security 275
Extract 1:Social Security 275
Extract 2:Health Insurance in the United States 279
[实例链接]Link to Authentic Document:Promotional Letter—Auto Insurance 283
Extract 3:Life Insurance 284
Extract 4:Some Other Insurance Items 287
[相关链接]Related Link:The Insurance Industry and Insurance Companies 290
Unit 16 期末复习 295
Topic-based Content:A Review of the Content from Unit 9 to Unit 15 295
Topic Reading:Extracts about Protecting the Legitimate Rights 295
Extract 1:How Trademarks Differ from Patents and Copyrights 295
Extract 2:What Is Piracy?Why Is Piracy Illegal? 297
Extract 3:Business Models 300
参考文献 305
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