中药炮制学实验与指导 中英文本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:杨中林主编(中国药科大学中药学院)
- 出 版 社:北京:中国医药科技出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:750672717X
- 页数:245 页
第一篇 炒法 1
一、清炒 1
(一)炒黄 1
实验一 槐米的炮制及其各炮制品中鞣质、芦丁的含量测定 1
1 The Processing of Flos Sophorae and the Assay of the Content of Rutin and Tannin 6
实验二 酸枣仁的炮制和不同炮制品中酸枣仁皂苷A、B含量测定 12
2 The Processing of Semen Ziziphi Spinosae and the Assay of Jujuboside A and Jujuboside B 15
(二)炒焦 18
实验三 山楂的炮制及其总有机酸和总黄酮含量测定 18
3 The Processing of Fructus Crataegi and the Assay of the Total Flavone and Organic Acid 21
二、辅料炒 25
(一)麸炒 25
实验四 苍术的炮制及炮制前后挥发油的定性、定量分析 25
4 The Processing of Rhizoma Atractylodis and the Assay of Volatile Oil 28
实验五 枳壳的炮制和不同炮制品中总挥发油的含量测定 32
5 The Processing of Fructus Aurantii and the Determination of Volatile Oil 35
(二)砂炒 38
实验六 骨碎补的炮制及总黄酮的含量测定 38
6 The Processing of Rhizoma Drynariae and the Assay of the Total Flavones 40
(三)米炒 43
实验七 斑蝥的炮制及其不同炮制品的毒性实验 43
7 The Processing of Mylabris and the Change of Toxic Action in Crude and Prepared Drugs 45
第二篇 炙法 48
一、酒炙 48
实验八 当归的炮制及阿魏酸的含量测定 48
8 The Processing of Radix Angelicae Sinensis and the Assay of Ferulic Acid 51
实验九 白芍的炮制及芍药苷的含量测定 54
9 The Processing of Radix Paeoniae Alba and the Assay of Paeoniflorin 56
实验十 丹参的炮制及各炮制品中丹参素、丹参酮ⅡA、总酚酸性成分的含量测定 59
10 The Processing of Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae and the Assay of the Content of Tanshione ⅡA Danshensu and Total Phenol Compositions 63
实验十一 黄连炮制及其成分在炮制前后的变化 68
11 The Processing of Rhizoma Coptidis and Its Component's Change after Processing 71
二、醋炙 75
实验十二 柴胡的炮制及其总挥发油和总皂苷的含量测定 75
12 The Processing of Radix Bupleuri and the Assay of the Volatile Oil and Saikosaponin 78
实验十三 延胡索的炮制及炮制前后生物碱的含量测定和药理作用比较 82
13 The Processing of Rhizoma Corydalis and Comparative Studies on the Alkaloids and Pharmaceutical Effects between the Crude and the Processed Drugs 87
三、蜜炙 95
实验十四 马兜铃的炮制及马兜铃酸A的含量测定 95
14 The Processing of Fructus Aristolochiae and the Assay of Aristolochine A 97
实验十五 甘草炮制前后甘草酸含量及药理作用的比较 100
15 Compare of the Content of Glycyrrhizic Acid and Pharmacological Action between Radix Glycyrrhizae and Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 105
实验十六 麻黄及其炮制品中总生物碱、l-麻黄碱、d-伪麻黄碱的含量测定 111
16 The Determination of Alkaloids in Herba Ephedrae and Processed Drugs 114
四、姜炙 119
实验十七 厚朴的炮制及厚朴酚与和厚朴酚的含量测定 119
17 The Processing of Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis and the Assay of Magnolol and Honokiol 121
五、盐炙 124
实验十八 补骨脂的炮制及补骨脂素的含量测定 124
18 The Processing of Fructus Psoraleae and the Assay of the Psoralen and Isopsoralen 127
实验十九 杜仲的炮制及其各炮制品中绿原酸、松脂醇二葡萄糖苷含量的测定 130
19 The Processing of Cortex Eucommiae and the Assay of the Content of Chlorogenie Acid and Pinoresinol di-O-β-D-glucopyranoside 133
六、油炙 137
实验二十 马钱子的炮制原理及其中马钱子碱和士的宁的测定 137
20 The Processing of Semen Strychni and the Assay of the Strychnin and Brucine 140
实验二十一 淫羊藿的炮制及总黄酮的测定 144
21 Quantitative Determination of Flavones in Herba Epimedii and Its Processed Product 146
第三篇 煅法 149
一、煅淬 149
实验二十二 炉甘石的炮制及氧化锌的含量测定 149
22 The Processing of Calamina and the Assay of Zinc Oxide 152
实验二十三 自然铜的炮制及其Fe2+煎出量的测定 155
23 The Processing of Pyritum and the Assay of the Ferrocynide Ion Content in the Water-soluble Extractives 158
二、扣煅 162
实验二十四 棕板炭的煅制及其止血作用实验 162
24 The Processing of Petiolus Trachycarpi and the Staunching Action of the Carbonizing Drugs 165
第四篇 蒸法 169
实验二十五 乌头炮制前后生物碱的定量分析及毒性实验 169
25 The Determination of Alkaloid in Wutou(Radix Aconiti and Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii)and the Toxic Test 175
实验二十六 黄芩的炮制及黄芩苷的含量测定 182
26 The Processing of Radix Scutellariae and the Assay of the Baicalin 185
实验二十七 地黄的炮制及其还原糖和梓醇的含量测定 189
27 The Processing of Radix Rehmanniae and the Assay of the Catalpol and the Reducing Sugar 192
实验二十八 何首乌炮制前后成分的含量变化 196
28 The Change of the Ingredient Content in Radix Polygoni Muhiflori after Processing 200
实验二十九 女贞子的炮制及其各炮制品中齐墩果酸的含量测定 205
29 The Processing of Fructus Ligustri Lucidi and the Assay of the Content of Oleanolic Acid 208
第五篇 燀法 211
实验三十 苦杏仁炮制前后苦杏仁苷的定性、定量分析 211
30 The Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Amygdalin between Crude and Processed Semen Armeniacae Amarum 215
第六篇 复制法 220
实验三十一 天南星的炮制及其不同炮制品中琥珀酸的含量测定 220
31 The Processing of Rhizoma Arisaematis and the Assay of the Content of Succinic Acid 224
第七篇 其他制法 228
实验三十二 巴豆制霜及巴豆炮制前后巴豆油的含量测定 228
32 The Processing of Fructus Crotonis and the Assay of the Fat Oil 231
实验三十三 干燥温度对洋金花中有效成分东莨菪碱含量的影响 234
33 The Processing of Flos Daturae and the Assay of the Scopolamine 236
实验三十四 葛根的煨制和各炮制品中总黄酮及其葛根素的含量测定 239
34 The Processing of Radix Puerariae and the Assay of Flavonoids and Puerarin in Crude and Prepared Drugs 242
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