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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:青闰,李宛悦,郭凤玲译注
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国宇航出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:7802182883
  • 页数:274 页

第一卷 做最好的自己鲜花学校 2

The Flower-School 3

飞鸟集 4

Stray Birds 5

时间 6

Time 6

秋千 7

Swing 8

一扇小窗 9

A Narrow Window 10

如果我要贿赂这只小鸟 11

If I Should Bribe the Little Bird 12

梦想 13

Dreams 13

小山上的下午 14

Afternoon on a Hill 15

做最好的自己 16

Be the Best of Whatever You Are 17

我有一只春天的鸟儿 18

I Have a Bird in Spring 20

我是今天 22

I Am Today 23

第二卷 雪花的重量河与岩石 26

The River and the Rock 27

雪花的重量 28

The Weight of a Snowflake 29

刺上的玫瑰 30

The Roses on the Thorns 31

树的四季 32

Four Seasons of a Tree 33

云的赐福 34

The Blessing of the Cloud 35

彩虹蛋 37

The Rainbow's Egg 38

气味和影子 40

The Smell and the Shadow 41

大树和小树 42

A Big Tree and a Young Tree 42

两只水罐 43

Two Pots 44

玫瑰是泥土的笑脸 45

Roses Are the Smiling Face of the Earth 46

第三卷 成功与一截树枝做一片湖 48

To Be a Lake 49

成功与一截树枝 50

Success and a Twig 51

山的回声 52

The Echo of the Mountain 53

金色窗户 54

The Golden Window 55

两个橡果 56

Two Acorns 57

再挖三英尺 58

Dig Three Feet Deeper 59

山泉与金砂 60

The Mountain Spring and the Gold Sand 61

沙与石 62

Sand and Stone 63

月亮和井 64

The Moon and the Well 65

三个筛子 66

Three Sieves 67

温暖的鹅卵石 68

The Warm Pebbles 69

果园里的金子 70

The Gold in the Orchard 71

一棵小苹果树 72

A Young Apple Tree 73

第四卷 宁静的真谛人生的意义 76

The Meaning of Life 77

把时间抛在身后 78

Leave Time behind You 79

换位思考 80

A Different Idea 81

快乐者的衬衣 82

The Shirt of a Happy Man 83

巨人的花园 85

The Giant's Garden 87

沙漠里的一朵小花 89

A Young Flower in the Desert 90

荒野的寂静之声 91

The Voices of Silence in Wilderness 92

宁静的真谛 93

The Real Meaning of Peace 94

幸运的小灯塔 95

The Lucky Little Lighthouse 97

印度白马 99

The Indian White Horse 101

烛芯 103

The Candlewick 104

第五卷 铺满钻石的土地小鸟的眼睛 106

The Eye of the Bird 107

春天就要来了,我却无法看到 108

Spring Is Coming and I Cannot See It 109

男孩和巨石 110

The Boy and the Huge Rock 111

男孩与木棍 113

The Boys and the Sticks 114

男孩与露珠 115

The Boy and a Drop of Dew 116

月亮里的男孩 117

The Boy in the Moon 119

男孩和钉子 121

The Boy and the Nail 122

女孩与小鹿 123

The Girl with a Deer 126

王子与骏马 129

The Prince and the Horse 131

华盛顿和樱桃树 133

Washington and the Cherry Tree 134

铺满钻石的土地 135

Acres of Diamonds 136

皇帝送的种子 138

The Emperor's Seed 140

第六卷 灵魂的清泉点不亮的蜡烛 144

The Unlighted Candle 145

状元和乞丐 146

The Number One Scholar and the Beggar 147

你来决定 148

It Is as You Will 149

禅师和男孩 150

The Buddhist Monk and the Boy 151

神奇的种子 152

The Wonderful Seed 154

鱼骨刻的老鼠 156

The Mouse Carved in Fishbone 157

灵魂的清泉 159

The Clear Spring of Soul 160

勇敢的气 161

The Breath of Courage 162

12次微笑 163

The Twelve Smiles 164

小女孩的灵丹妙药 165

The Little Girl's Good Medicine 166

第七卷 因为你明亮的眼睛耐心和勇气 168

Patience and Courage 168

以一挡万 169

One Against Ten Thousand 171

谁更聪明 173

Who Was Cleverer? 175

因为你明亮的眼睛 177

For the Sake of Your Bright Eyes 178

紫色仙子 179

The Purple Fairy 180

出售小狗 181

Puppies for Sale 182

苏姗的秘密 184

Susan's Secret 186

爸爸的忠告 188

Daddy's Advice 189

袋子哥哥 190

Brother Sack 191

种橡树的老人 193

The Old Man Who Planted Oak Trees 194

聪明的穷女孩 195

The Wise Poor Girl 197

穷与富 199

Poor or Rich 200

第八卷 人生不是一次彩排拥抱你的敌人 202

Embrace Your Enemy 202

过河 203

Crossing the River 204

你能看到,就能做到 205

If You Can See It,You Can Be It 206

人生的教训 207

A Lesson for Living 208

不要降低人生的标准 210

Don't Lower the Standards of Your Life 211

人生不是一次彩排 212

Life Isn't a Dress Rehearsal 213

第九卷 幸福就在我们身边幸福是一碗水 216

Happiness is a Bowl of Water 217

享受自己所有 218

Enjoy What You Have 219

幸福就在我们身边 220

Happiness Is All Around Us 221

幸福是一种态度 222

Happiness Is an Attitude 223

种植幸福 224

How to Grow Happiness 225

幸福时光 226

Happy Moments 227

幸福就是路 228

Happiness Is the Way 229

幸福就是投入 231

Happiness Is Devotion 231

幸福不需要列单子 232

Happiness Doesn't Need a List 234

第十卷 假如给我三天光明神奇的满月 238

Magic of a Full Moon 240

一把小提琴 243

A Violin 245

午夜奇遇 251

Adventure at Midnight 253

男孩的使命 256

A Boy with a Mission 258

假如给我三天光明 264

Three Days to See 266
