- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:卓益忠,李祝霞,赵恩广等主编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:9787504645982
- 页数:509 页
相对论Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck方程 1
Density and momentum dependence of the coupling strengths for scalar and vector fields 13
Medium effects on the NN inelastic cross section in relativistic heavy-ion collisions 25
Study of in-medium NN inelastic cross section from relativistic Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck approach 30
Effective nucleon-nucleon cross sections based on Skyrme interactions 44
Probing the EOS and nn cross section by analyzing the collective flow at high and intermediate energy in the RVUU approach 55
核内核子-核子非弹散射截面(Ⅰ) 69
核内核子-核子非弹散射截面(Ⅱ) 77
Screening Effects on the In-Medium NN Inelastic Cross Section 85
Density Isomers or △-Matter 97
Covariant Description of the △ in Relativistic Transport Theory 104
△粒子的相对论BUU方程 110
核内核子与△粒子的散射截面 122
核内△吸收截面 128
Study of in-medium △△ elastic scattering cross section 131
Self-consistent relativistic Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck equation for the △ distribution function 139
Medium effects on the double-△ production and absorption cross section 161
Transition to △ matter from hot,dense nuclear matter within a relativistic mean field formulation of the nonlinear σ and ω model 176
Relativistic transport theory of N,△,and N*(1440)interacting through σ,ω,and π mesons 186
Microscopic Models for Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ion Collisions 220
Relativistic quantum transport theory of hadronic matter:The coupled nucleon,△,and pion system 331
Kaon effective mass and energy from a novel chiral SU(3)-symmetric Lagrangian 372
Relativistic Hartree approach including both positive-and negative-energy bound states 380
Isospin dependence of nucleon-nucleon elastic cross section 401
Vacuum discharge as a possible source of gamma-ray bursts 413
Bound states of anti-nucleons in finite nuclei 421
Effect of tensor couplings in a relativistic Hartree approach for finite nuclei 427
Neutron Star Composition in Strong Magnetic Fields 447
A Study of Neutron Star Structure in Strong Magnetic Fields that includes Anomalous Magnetic Moments 454
张量相互作用对核子和反核子束缚态的效应 470
Spectra of Anti-Nucleons in the Vacuum of Finite Nuclei 479
Energy spectra of anti-nucleons in finite nuclei 485
Neutron spin polarization in strong magnetic fields 489
Effect of isovector-scalar meson on neutron-star matter in strong magnetic fields 495
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