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云南牙形类动物群  相关生物地层及生物地理区研究
云南牙形类动物群  相关生物地层及生物地理区研究

云南牙形类动物群 相关生物地层及生物地理区研究PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:董致中,王伟编著
  • 出 版 社:昆明:云南科学技术出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7541619035
  • 页数:347 页
上一篇:中国人类学评论 第1辑下一篇:
《云南牙形类动物群 相关生物地层及生物地理区研究》目录

第一章 绪论Chapter Ⅰ Introduction 1

一、研究区的地理位置、范围及概况The geographic position,range and general situation of the study area 1

二、研究内容、工作区牙形石研究史及其研究素材的来源The study content,the study history of conodonts in the study area and the source of the study materials 1

三、研究区牙形石工作概况及其成果The general situation and results of conodont study in the study area 5

第二章 研究区地层分区及牙形石生物地理区系的研究Chapter Ⅱ The stratigraphic area division of the study area and the study of palaeobiogeographic division of conodont 17

一、研究区地层分区及相对应的大地构造单元The stratigraphic area divison of the study area and the corresponding tectonic unit 17

二、研究区牙形石生物地理区系的研究The study of palaeobiogeographic province of conodont in the study area 19

(一)概述Brief discussion 19

(二)寒武纪和奥陶纪Cambrian and Ordovician 19

(三)志留纪至三叠纪Silurian-Triassic 23

三、云南主要板、地块与寒武纪至三叠纪地史期间古地理位置的研究The study of palaeobiogeographic location of several main plates and blocks of Yunnan from Cambrian to Triassic 35

(一)概述:云南几个主要板、地块与冈瓦纳古陆的特殊关系Brief Discussion:The special relationship with several main plates and blocks of Yunnan and Gondwanaland 35

(二)寒武纪至石炭纪地史期间云南几个主要板、地块的古地理位置及相关问题的讨论The palaeobiogeographic location of several main plates and blocks of Yunnan from Cambrian to Carboniterous and the discussion on some correlative questions 36

(三)二叠纪至三叠纪地史期间云南几个主要板、地块的古地理位置及相关问题的讨论The palaeobiogeographic location of several main plates and blocks of Yunnan from Permian to Triassic and the discussion on some correlative questions 49

第三章 云南下古生代牙形类动物群及牙形石生物地层Chapter Ⅲ Early palaeozoic conodont fauna and conodont biostratigraphy in Yunnan 57

一、寒武纪Cambrian 57

(一)概述Brief discussion on conodont fauna 57

(二)牙形类动物群分析及牙形石带的划分与对比The analysis of conodont fauna and the division and comparison of comparison zones 58

(三)本区寒武系牙形石生物地层与国内外同期地层的对比Comparison of Cambrian conodont biostratigraphy between Yunnan and other areas 62

(四)问题讨论:有关寒武系顶界相关问题的讨论The discussions of about the top boundary of Cambrian and correlative questions 63

(五)牙形石生物地层剖面Stratigraphical section bearing conodont 65

二、奥陶纪Ordovician 65

(一)概述Brief discussion on conodont fauna 65

(二)奥陶系年代地层及牙形石带的划分与对比Ordovician chronostratigraphy and the division and comparison of conodont zones 66

(三)牙形石生物地层剖面The description of stratigraphical section bearing conodont 75

三、志留纪Silurian 75

(一)概述Brief discussion on conodont fauna 75

(二)志留系年代地层及牙形石带的划分与对比Silurian chronostratigraphy and the division and comparison of conodont zone 76

(三)问题讨论:关于志留系的顶界讨论The discussions on the top boundary of Silurian 83

(四)牙形石生物地层剖面Stratigraphical section bearing conodont 84

第四章 云南泥盆纪牙形类动物群及牙形石生物地层Chapter Ⅳ Devonian conodont fauna and conodont biostratigraphy in Yunnan 85

一、概述Brief discussion 85

二、泥盆系年代地层及牙形石带的划分与对比Devonian chronostratigraphy and the subdivision and comparison of conodont zone 86

三、问题讨论The question discussions 98

四、牙形石生物地层剖面Stratigraphical section bearing conodont 102

第五章 云南石炭、二叠纪牙形类动物群及牙形石生物地层Chapter Ⅴ Carboniferous—Permian conodot fauna and conodont biostratigraphy in Yunnan 103

一、概述Brief discussion 103

二、石炭系及二叠系年代地层及牙形石带的划分与对比Carboniferous—Permian chronostratigraphy and subdivision and comparison of conodont zones 104

三、有关问题的讨论The discussion of correlative questions 121

四、牙形石生物地层剖面Sstratigraphical section bearing conodont 126

第六章 云南三叠纪牙形类动物群及牙形石生物地层Chapter Ⅵ Triassic conodont fauna and conodont biostratigraphy in Yunnan 128

一、概述Brief discussion 128

二、三叠系年代地层及牙形石带的划分及对比Triassic chronostratigraphy and subdivision and comparison of conodont zones 129

三、问题讨论:有关保山地块中、下三叠统不同相区牙形类动物群的发现与对比以及河湾街组地质时代的讨论about the discovery and correlation of lower and Middle Triassic Conodont fauna from different facies and age of Hewanjie formation in the Baoshan block of west Yunnan 143

四、牙形石生物地层剖面Stratigraphical section bearing conodont 146

第七章 重要属种描述Chapter Ⅶ Description of genera and species 147

一、下古生代Early palaeozoic 147

二、泥盆纪Devonian 160

三、石炭纪和二叠纪Carboniferous and Permian 178

四、三叠纪Triassic 204

第八章 云南寒武系至三叠系牙形石生物地层剖面记述Chapter Ⅷ Description of stratigraphical section bearing conodonts from Cambrian to Triassic 218

一、寒武系Cambrian 219

(一)西部保山地层区Baoshan stratigraphic area in the West Yunnan 219

(二)东部华南地层区(云南境内)Yangze stratigraphic area in the East Yunnan 219

二、奥陶系Ordovician 222

(一)西部保山地层区Baoshan stratigraphic area in the West Yunnan 222

(二)东部华南地层区(云南境内)Yangze stratigraphic area in the East Yunnan 224

三、志留系Silurian 229

(一)西部保山地层区Baoshan stratigraphic area in the West Yunnan 229

(二)东部华南地层区(云南境内)Yangze stratigraphic area in the East Yunnan 233

四、泥盆系Devonian 240

(一)西部保山地层区Baoshan stratigraphic area in the West Yunnan 240

(二)东部华南地层区(云南境内)Yangze stratigraphic area in the East Yunnan 245

五、石炭系—二叠系Carboniferous and Permian 258

(一)西部保山地层区(包括部分西藏地区)Baoshan stratigraphic area in the West Yunnan and in some Tibetan area 258

(二)东部华南地层区(云南境内及部分西藏地区)Yangze stratigraphic area in the East Yunnan and in some Tibetan area 260

六、三叠系Triassic 273

(一)西部保山地层区Baoshan stratigraphic area in the West Yunnan 273

(二)东部华南地层区(云南境内)Yangze stratigraphic area in the East Yunnan 278

参考文献Refrences 286

图版说明Explanation of plates 312
