先进制造技术 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:唐一平主编
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:7030174542
- 页数:312 页
CHAPTER 1 Computers in Manufacturing 3
1 Computer-Aided Production and Control Systems 3
1.1 Automation Concepts 6
1.2 Computer Process Control 7
1.3 Management Information Systems 8
1.4 Engineering 8
1.5 Business 9
1.6 Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems 12
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2 Internet 25
2.1 Services Supported by Internet 28
2.2 Who Uses the Internet? 29
2.3 Internet Origins 30
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CHAPTER 2 Automated Manufacturing 35
3 Computer-Aided Design And Computer-Aided Manufacturing 35
3.1 Rationale for CAD/CAM 37
3.2 Historical Development of CAD/CAM 40
3.3 Computers and Design 41
3.4 CAD-to-CAM Interface 48
3.5 CAD/CAM Hardware 50
3.6 CAD/CAM Software 53
3.7 CAD/CAM Database 56
3.8 2-D Versus 3-D Software 57
3.9 CAD System Examples 60
3.10 Animation and CAD/CAM 64
3.11 CAD/CAM Selection Criteria 65
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4 Numerical Control 68
4.1 Historical Background 70
4.2 Computer Numerical Control 71
4.3 Principles of NC Machines 73
4.4 Types of Control Systems 75
4.5 Accuracy in Numerical Control 78
4.6 Advantages and Limitations of NC 78
4.7 Programming for Numerical Control 79
4.8 Machining Centers 82
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5 Flexible Manufacturing 89
5.1 Historical Development of Flexible Manufacturing 92
5.2 Rationale for Flexible Manufacturing 93
5.3 Flexible Manufacturing System Components 94
5.4 The Hierarchical Nature of Production Control 99
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6 Computer Integrated Manufacturing 103
6.1 Historical Development of CIM 104
6.2 The CIM Wheel 108
6.3 Benefits of CIM 109
6.4 CIM-Related Standards 109
6.5 Group Technology and CIM 116
6.6 Process Planning and CIM 123
6.7 Computer-Aided Process Planning 123
6.8 Manufacturing Resources Planning and CIM 125
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7 Intelligent Manufacturing 129
7.1 Integration of Expert System,Databases,and CAD 129
7.2 Knowledge-Based System for Process Planning 144
7.3 Intelligent Scheduling of Automated Machining Systems 150
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CHAPTER 3 Manufacturing Technology Facing the 21st Century What will 21st century manufacturing look like? 159
8 Agile Manufacturing 162
8.1 Introduction 162
8.2 AM—a new manufacturing strategy 163
8.3 AM is a production mode of the 21st century 167
8.4 Summary 186
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9 Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing 192
9.1 Introduction 192
9.2 Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing Technologies 196
9.3 Current application areas of RP&M 201
9.4 Data Preparation in RP&M 209
9.5 Problems and Research 212
9.6 Conclusions 216
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10 Environmentally Conscious Design and Manufacturing 218
10.1 Introduction 218
10.2 Overview 219
10.3 Environmentally Conscious Design and Manufacturing 223
10.4 Environmental Engineering 228
10.5 Summary 236
10.6 ISO 14000 Standards for Environmental Management 238
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11 Nanotechnology and Micro-Machine 245
11.1 Nanotechnology 245
11.2 Micro-machine 255
11.3 Fabrication of Microelectronic Devices 263
注释 289
总词汇表 293
AMT缩略语词汇表 307
参考书目 311
附录:世界著名机械工程学会名录 312
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