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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(英)科尔斯(Coles,P.)著;罗阿理译
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:7560068030
  • 页数:251 页

1 A brief history 1

2 Einstein and allthat 12

3 First principles 27

4 The expanding Universe 39

5 The Big Bang 57

6 What's the matter with the Universe? 74

7 Cosmic structures 93

8 A theory of everything? 107

Epilogue 129

Further reading 131

Index 135

第一章 宇宙学简史 143

第二章 爱因斯坦的理论及其影响 153

第三章 第一原理 166

第四章 膨胀的宇宙 176

第五章 大爆炸 191

第六章 宇宙发生了什么 204

第七章 宇宙的结构 220

第八章 统一理论 233

后记 251

1 The Babylonian God Marduk From The Mythology of All Races,ed.J.A.MacCulloch(Cooper Square.1964);see Echoes of the Ancient Skies,E.C.Krupp,p.68. 3

2 Thought-experiment illustrating the equivalence principle From P.Coles,Einstein and the Birth of Big Science(Icon Books,2000) 19

3 The bending of light From P.Coles,Einstein and the Birth of Big Science(Icon Books,2000) 23

4 The curvature of space From P.Coles,Einstein and the Birth of Big Science(Icon Books,2000) 25

5 Open,flat,and closed spaces in two dimensions 35

6 Hubble's Law 40

7 The Hubble diagram From Hubble(1929),Proceedings of Nat.Acad.Sci.,15,168-173;see The Expanding Universe,R.C.Smith,p.92 41

8 Redshift 46

9 The Hubble diagram updated 48

10 The Hubble Space Telescope Space Telescope Science Institute 52

11 Cepheids in M100 Space Telescope Science Institute 53

12 The age of the Universe 55

13 The spectrum of the cosmic microwave background NASA and George Smoot 60

14 Looking back in time 66

15 Building blocks of matter Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory 69

16 The Friedmann models 77

17 The Coma cluster National Optical Astronomy Observatories 82

18 Coma in X-rays High Energy Astrophysics Archive Research Center 83

19 Gravitational lensing Space Telescope Science Institute 84

20 The Andromeda Nebula Jason Ware 94

21 The Lick Map Steve Maddox 95

22 The 2dF galaxy redshift survey Steve Maddox and the 2dF Consortium 97

23 The COBE ripples NASA and George Smoot 100

24 The Hubble deep field The Virgo Consortium 101

25 Simulation of structure formation Space Telescope Science Institute 103

26 BOOMERANG The Boomerang Collaboration 105

27 The flatness of space The Boomerang Collaboration 106

28 A theory of everything 113

29 Space-time foam From 300 Years of Gravity,ed.S.W.Hawking and W.Israel(Cambridge University Press,1987),p.625 116

图1.古代巴比伦人之神马杜克 145

图2.想象实验阐释等效原理 159

图3.光线的弯曲 163

图4.空间的弯曲 164

图5.开放、平坦和封闭的二维空间 173

图6.哈勃定律 177

图7.哈勃图 178

图8.红移 182

图9.更新后的哈勃图 183

图10.哈勃空间望远镜 187

图11.M100中的造父变星 188

图12.宇宙的年龄 189

图13.宇宙微波背景辐射谱 194

图14.回溯时间 198

图15.物质的组成 200

图16.弗里德曼模型 206

图17.后发星系团 210

图18.X射线波段的后发星系团 211

图19.引力透镜 213

图20.仙女座大星云 221

图21.Lick(里克)星系分布图 222

图22.2dF星系红移巡天 223

图23.COBE探测的宇宙背景波纹 226

图24.哈勃深场 227

图25.结构形成的模拟 229

图26.BOOMERANG气球 230

图27.平坦的空间 232

图28.统一理论 238

图29.时-空泡沫 241
