- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)安纳斯著;高峰枫译
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:7560068006
- 页数:196 页
1 Arguing with Plato 1
2 Plato's name,and other matters 12
3 Drama,fiction,and the elusive author 25
4 Love,sex,gender,and philosophy 43
5 Virtue,in me and in my society 53
6 My soul and myself 65
7 The nature of things 77
References 93
Further reading 96
Index 99
第一章 知识与意见 107
第二章 生平与师承 117
第三章 柏拉图解读法 131
第四章 爱欲与哲学 148
第五章 德行:个人与社会 159
第六章 灵魂与自我 170
第七章 万物本性 182
1 Bust of Plato Staatliche Antikensammlungen und Glyptothek,Munich.Photograph by Koppermann 7
2 Illustration of Egyptian art British Museum,London 16
3 Illustration of Greek art Kerameikos Museum,Athens.Photograph Hirmer Verlag 17
4 Bust of Socrates Museo Archivio Nazionale,Naples/Bridgeman Art Library,London 22
5 Atlantis,pictured in Jules Verne's Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea Mary Evans Picture Library 41
6 Attic black-figure cup with scene of man courting boy Museum of Fine Arts,Boston 44
7 Jean Delville,The School of Plato Musée d'Orsay,Paris/Bridgeman Art Library,London 51
8 Lottery mechanism from the Athenian Agora American School of Classical Studies,Athens.Photograph Craig Mauzy 63
9 Detail from Bust of a Young Man,Donatello Museo Nazionale del Bargello,Florence.Photograph AKG Berlin/S.Domingie 69
10 God the Father creating the world,from a medieval manuscript Austrian National Library,Vienna.Photograph AKG London 80
11 Plato and Aristotle,from Raphael's School of Athens Stanza della Segnatura,Vatican 88
12 Saint Justin Martyr,from Raphael's Dispute of the Sacrament Stanza della Segnatura,Vatican.Photograph AKG London,Pirozzi 89
图1.柏拉图头像 113
图2.古埃及艺术一例 121
图3.古希腊艺术一例 122
图4.苏格拉底半身像 128
图5.大西岛,小说《海底两万里》的插图 147
图6.带有古怪黑色人像的杯子,上面有一成年男子追求男童的图案 149
图7.让·德尔维尔的画作《柏拉图学派》 157
图8.古代雅典公共广场上的抽签机 169
图9.多那太罗画作《青年男子半身像》的局部图 174
图10.中世纪手稿中的一幅圣父创世图 185
图11.拉斐尔画作中的柏拉图和亚里士多德 192
图12.拉斐尔画作《圣体辩论》中的查士丁 193
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