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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:郭丽华,李卓夫,李德义编
  • 出 版 社:哈尔滨:哈尔滨工程大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:9787810739955
  • 页数:232 页
图书介绍:本书共计18课,从植物组成开始,逐渐过渡到多项农业技术及当今主要农业发展趋势。每课包括Part A与Part B两部分,是农业高等院校的专业英语教材,也可供相关科技人员和管理者作专用。

Unit 1 1

Part A Plants 1

Part B WHEAT-Triticum Spp.(Gramineae-Triticinae) 7

Unit 2 11

Part A Botany 11

Part B The Growth of Plants 14

Unit 3 16

Part A Carbon Dioxide Is Nature's Hidden Yield Enhancer 16

Part B Drainage and Irrigation 23

Unit 4 25

Part A Biological Power 25

Part B Ecofarming 30

Unit 5 34

Part A Crop Yields Decline with Topsoil Loss 34

Part B Potato 39

Unit 6 42

Part A Green Revolution 42

Part B Shrinking Wheat Cultivation Area 50

Unit 7 52

Part A Green Gene Technology 52

Part B The Agro-Ecological Zones(AEZ)Methodology 56

Unit 8 63

Part A The Biotech Century 63

Part B Comparison of Different Models for Agriculture 67

Unit 9 69

Part A Crop Yield Estimate Comparison Between Two Methods:Energy Balance and Water Balance 69

Part B Setting Realistic Crop Yield Goals 74

Unit 10 78

Part A Biodiversity and Organic Agriculture 78

Part B Triticum Aestivum L 83

Unit 11 92

Part A Plant Breeding 92

Part B Jumping Genes Make Genetic Leaps 96

Unit 12 99

Part A Food Safety and Quality As Is Affected by Organic Farming 99

Part B Effect of Till and No-Till Soybean Cultivation on Dynamics of Entomopathogenic Fungi in the Soil 106

Unit 13 110

Part A New Wheats Will Help Growers Fight Weeds 110

Part B CIMMYT Wheats Take the Heat 114

Unit 14 116

Part A Induction of Photoperiod Sensitive Genetic Male Steriles for Use in Hybrid Rice Seed Production 116

Part B Rice 121

Unit 15 125

Part A Baby Corn Research Project 1998 125

Part B Corn 134

Unit 16 137

Part A Crop Breeding for Organic Agriculture 137

Part B U.S.Organic Agriculture Introduction 146

Unit 17 150

Part A The Future of Agriculture:Challenges for Environment,Health and Safety Regulation of Pesticides 150

Part B Feeding a World of 10 Billion People:the Miracle Ahead(Ⅰ) 157

Unit 18 165

Part A A Pilot Project on Rapid Estimates of Crop Area Changes from a Scattered Sample of Mini-Sites 165

Part B Feeding a World of 10 Billion People:the Miracle Ahead(Ⅱ) 171

参考译文 178

Key to Exercises 218
