- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李浩著
- 出 版 社:成都:四川大学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:7561437636
- 页数:220 页
Preface 1
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Section 1 Definition,Origin,Development and Nature of International Law 1
1.1 Rules of Law in National and International Community 1
1.2 Nomenclature of International Law 2
1.3 Definition of International Law 3
1.4 Features of International Law 3
1.5 Origin and Development of International Law 5
1.6 Nature and Binding Force of International Law 10
1.7 International Law and Private International Law 13
1.8 China and International Law 15
Section 2 Sources of International Law 17
2.1 Meaning of the Term"Source" 17
2.2 Sources of International Law 18
2.3 Hierarchy of the Effect of the Sources of International Law 23
Section 3 Subjects of International Law 24
3.1 Definition of the Subjects of International Law 24
3.2 Significance of the Determination of the Subjects of International Law 24
3.3 Characters of the Subjects of International Law 25
3.4 Scope of the Subjects of International Law 26
Section 4 International Law and Municipal Law 34
4.1 Significance of the Determination of the Relationship 34
4.2 Doctrines and State Practice Concerning the Relationship 35
Chapter 2 States under International Law 40
Section 1 Definition and Qualifications of States 40
1.1 Definition of States 40
1.2 Qualifications of States 41
Section 2 State Recognition and Succession 44
2.1 State Recognition 44
2.2 State Succession 50
Section 3 Fundamental Rights and Duties of States 52
3.1 Introduction 52
3.2 Fundamental Rights of States 53
3.3 Fundamental Duties of State 56
Section 4 State Responsibility 57
4.1 Definition and Elements of State Responsibility 57
4.2 Remedies for International Wrongful Acts 59
4.3 Defenses and Justifications 60
Section 5 Sovereign Immunity 61
5.1 Definition of and Rationale for Sovereign Immunity 61
5.2 Origin and Development of the Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity 63
5.3 Status quo of the Doctrine of Restrictive Immunity 66
5.4 An Appropriate Approach to the Issue 68
5.5 Speculation on the Future of Sovereign Immunity 68
Chapter 3 Individuals under International Law 70
Section 1 Introduction 70
1.1 The Link between International Law and Individuals 70
Section 2 Nationality 71
2.1 Definition of Nationality and Significance of Nationality 71
2.2 Acquisition and Loss of Nationality 72
2.3 Conflict of Nationality 75
Section 3 Legal Status of Aliens 77
3.1 Introduction 77
3.2 Definition and Scope of Aliens 78
3.3 The General Legal Status of Aliens 78
3.4 Entry,Residence and Exit of Aliens 79
3.5 Treatments of Aliens 81
3.6 Calvo Clause and the Two Rules Affecting the Interests of Alien 83
Section 4 Extradition and Asylum 87
4.1 Extradition 87
4.2 Asylum 95
Chapter 4 Territory of States 97
Section 1 Introduction 97
1.1 Definition and Character of Territory 97
1.2 Acquisition of Territory 99
1.3 Composition of Territory 101
Section 2 International Transit Waterways 102
2.1 Introduction 102
2.2 The Most Important International Transit Waterways 102
Section 3 Polar Regions 104
3.1 The Antarctic Region 104
3.2 The Arctic Region 105
Chapter 5 Jurisdiction of States under International law 107
Section 1 Introduction 107
1.1 Definition of Jurisdiction 107
1.2 Sources of Jurisdiction 108
1.3 Classifications of Jurisdiction 108
Section 2 Limitations of the exercise of Jurisdiction 112
2.1 Introduction 112
2.2 Limitations on the Exercise of Jurisdiction 112
Section 3 Active and Passive Nationality Principle of Jurisdiction 115
3.1 Introduction 115
3.2 Active Nationality Principle 115
3.3 Passive Nationality Principle 116
Section 4 Protective and Universal Principle of Jurisdiction 118
4.1 Protective Principle 118
4.2 Universal Principle 119
Section 5 Consular Jurisdiction 121
5.1 Definition and Origins 121
5.2 Nature of Consular Jurisdiction 122
Chapter 6 Diplomatic and Consular Relations 124
Section 1 Diplomatic Relations 124
1.1 Introduction 124
1.2 Classifications and Ranks of Diplomatic Agents 125
1.3 Accreditation and Functions of Diplomatic Agents 126
1.4 Diplomatic Privilege 128
1.5 Diplomatic Immunities 132
1.6 Rationale for Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities 133
Section 2 Consular Relations 135
2.1 Nature of Consular Relations 135
2.2 Classifications of Consular Officers 136
2.3 Ranks of Consular Officers 136
2.4 Appointment and Admission of Consular Officers 137
2.5 Functions of Consular Officers 137
2.6 Privileges and Immunities of Consular Officers 140
2.7 Termination of Functions of Consular Officers 141
Chapter 8 The Law of the Sea 143
Section 1 Introduction 143
1.1 Importance of the Sea 143
1.2 Definition and Codification of the Law of the Sea 144
Section 2 Baselines 146
2.1 Definition of Baseline 146
Section 3 Territorial Sea 147
3.1 Definition of Territorial Sea 147
3.2 Rules of International Law Governing Territorial Sea 147
Section 4 The Contiguous Zone and Exclusive Economic Zone 155
4.1 The Contiguous Zone 155
4.2 The Exclusive Economic Zone 155
Section 5 The High Sea 156
5.1 Definition of High Seas 156
5.2 Rules of International Law Governing the High Seas 157
Chapter 9 The Law of Airspace and Outer Space 162
Section 1 Introduction 162
Section 2 Airspace 163
2.1 Definition and Legal Status of Airspace 163
2.2 Rules of the Law Governing Airspace 164
Section 3 Outer Space 166
3.1 Introduction 166
3.2 Definition of Outer Space 167
3.3 Treaty Series Composing the Space Law 167
3.4 Principles of the Law of Outer Space 168
3.5 Outstanding Issues Concerning Outer Space 169
Chapter 10 The Law of Treaties 172
Section 1 Introduction 172
1.1 Definition and Nomenclature of Treaties 172
1.2 Municipal Law of Contract and International Law of Treaty 172
1.3 Forms of Treaty 173
1.4 Elements of Treaty 174
1.5 Significance of Treaty 176
Section 2 Reservations 178
2.1 Introduction 178
2.2 Definition of a Reservation 179
2.3 Validity of Reservations 180
Section 3 Validity of Treaties 182
3.1 Grounds that May Operate to Invalidate Treaties 182
3.2 Other Factor Affecting the Validity of Treaties 184
3.3 Legal Effects of Invalidated Treaties 187
Section 4 Treaties and Third Parties 188
Section 5 Termination,Suspension of and Withdrawal from Treaties 191
5.1 Introduction 191
5.2 Termination of Treaties 191
5.3 Suspension of Treaties 193
5.4 Withdrawal from Treaties 194
Chapter 11 Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes 195
Section 1 Introduction 195
1.1 Nature of International Disputes 195
Section 2 Means of International Disputes Settlement 196
2.1 Characteristics of the Means of the Settlement of International Disputes 196
2.2 Categorization of the Means of the Settlement of International Disputes 197
Annex 206
后记 219
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