- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:钟书能主编
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:7302130000
- 页数:343 页
Aa(an)/one 1
able/capable 2
about/on 4
above/on/over 5
accept/receive 7
accident/event/incident 8
across/through/over 10
act/action/deed 11
affair/business/matter 13
affect/effect/influence 14
after/in 16
ago/before 17
aid/assist/help 19
alive/live/living 20
all/entire/total/whole 22
allow/let/permit 24
almost/nearly 26
alone/lonely 27
also/either/too 29
altogether/all together 30
although/though 31
amaze/astonish/shock 32
among/between 34
anxious/eager 36
another/the other 38
answer/reply 40
any/some 42
arrive/reach/get to 44
as/because/for/since 47
attempt/try 49
attend/join/join in/take part in 51
award/prize 53
Bban/forbid/prohibit 56
there be/have 58
have been(to)/have gone(to) 60
beat/hit/blow/win 61
because/because of/due to/owing to 64
begin/start 66
behind/at the back of 68
believe/believe in/trust 70
below/beneath/under 72
besides/except/except for/but 74
big/large/huge/great 77
boat/ship 80
borrow/lend 81
break/damage/destroy/ruin 83
bring/take/fetch/carry 85
broad/wide 86
build/put up/set up/found 88
Ccall/telephone/ring 90
catch/seize/hold/grasp/snatch/catch(get,take)hold of 91
cause/reason 93
certain/sure 94
chance/opportunity 96
change/turn/exchange 98
chart/graph/diagram 99
cheat/fool/trick 101
check/examine/inspect 103
chief/main/head 104
choose(from)/select/pick 106
clean/clear/neat 108
clever/wise/smart 110
climate/weather 111
close/shut 113
clothes/cloth 114
collect/gather 115
command/order 117
company/firm/corporation 118
compare(to,with)/contrast 119
complete/end/finish 121
cost/price 122
country/nation/state 124
cry/call/shout/scream 125
cup/glass/mug 127
Ddecide/determine/make up one's mind 129
delighted/pleased/glad/happy 131
demand/require/request/ask 132
desire/expect/hope/long(for)/want/wish 133
difficult/hard 136
different/various 137
discover/invent/find 138
disease/illness/sickness 140
doubt/wonder 141
drag/pull/draw 143
drop/fall 144
dull/boring/bored 146
Eeach/every 148
electric/electrical 149
escape/flee/run away 151
especially/specially/particularly 153
ever/once 155
everyday/every day 157
everyone/every one 159
exact/precise/accurate 160
excuse/forgive/pardon 163
Ffairly/pretty/quite/rather 166
faith/belief 168
family/home/house 170
fast/quick/rapid/swift 172
fault/mistake/wrong/error 174
few/a few/little/a little 177
finally/eventually/at last/in the end 178
fmd/look for 180
fit/suit 181
foolish/silly/stupid 183
fortunate/lucky 185
Ggame/sport/match/race 187
gate/door/entrance 188
get/earn/gain/obtain 189
gift/present 191
guide/direct/lead/show 192
Hhabit/custom 194
happen/occur/take place 196
hear/listen 197
heaven/sky 199
high/tall 200
hire/rent/let 202
hit/strike/beat 204
home/house 206
hurt/injure/wound 207
Iidea/opinion/concept 211
if/whether 213
include/contain 215
ill/sick 216
inspire/encourage 218
institute/college/academy/univer-sity 220
Jjob/work/labour 222
jog/walk/run/rush/dash/wander 223
journey/trip/tour/travel 226
Llabourer/worker 230
laugh/smile 231
learn/study 233
like/as 235
likely/possible/probable 237
little/small/few 239
look/glance/glare/stare/observe/see/sight/view/watch 241
loudly/aloud(loud) 246
low/short 249
Mmany/much 251
means/way/method/manner 252
mend/repair 255
merely/only 257
Nnone/no one/nothing 260
noise/sound/voice 263
Oocean/sea 265
offer/provide/supply 267
officer/official 269
ought to/should 272
Ppay/income/salary/wage 274
plant/grow/raise 276
problem/question 278
purpose/aim/end 280
Qquiet/calm/silent/still 283
Rrace/nation/people 286
race/match 289
real/true 290
reduce/decrease 292
refuse/reject 294
repeat/retell 296
run out/run out of 298
Ssay/speak/chat/mention/state/talk 300
small/tiny 303
spend/cost 305
sob/weep/cry 307
sometimes/sometime/some time/some times 309
such/so(such...that/so...that) 312
Ttechnique/technology 314
thankful/grateful 316
try to do sth/try doing sth 318
Uused to/be used to 321
Wwhatever/no matter what 324
when/while/as 326
worth/worthwhile 329
Zzone/district 332
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