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大学艺术英语  第3册
大学艺术英语  第3册

大学艺术英语 第3册PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:李道顺,罗虹编著(武汉科技大学中南分校外语学院)
  • 出 版 社:武汉:武汉大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:7307056410
  • 页数:228 页
《大学艺术英语 第3册》目录

Chapter 1 American Music 1

Ⅰ.Text A:Hip-hop Music 2

Ⅱ.Text B:American Music 9

Ⅲ.Listening and Speaking 13

Ⅳ.Grammar:Infinitive 16

Ⅴ.Guided Writing:Letter of Thanks 18

Ⅵ.Reading Skill:Finding out the Main Ideas in Sentences 19

Chapter 2 Painting 20

Ⅰ.Text A:Psychology of Color 21

Ⅱ.Text B:Color in Different Cultures 28

Ⅲ.Listening and Speaking 32

Ⅳ.Grammar:The Past Perfective Progressive Tense 35

Ⅴ.Guided Writing:Letter of Application upon Advertisement 37

Chapter 3 Dancing 38

Ⅰ.Text A:Anna Pavlova:Dancing Alone as Princess 39

Ⅱ.Text B:I Live Entirely in My Music—Beethoven 45

Ⅲ.Listening and Speaking 48

Ⅳ.Grammar:The Noun Clause(1) 52

Ⅴ.Guided Writing:Letter of Apology 54

Ⅵ.Reading Skill:Finding out Word Meanings 55

Chapter 4 Sculpture 56

Ⅰ.Text A:A.Rodin on Art and Artists 57

Ⅱ.Text B:Electric Currents in Modern Art 66

Ⅲ.Listening and Speaking 71

Ⅳ.Grammar:The Present Perfect Tense 74

Ⅴ.Guided Writing:Application Letter 76

Chapter 5 Design 78

Ⅰ.Text A:Fashion Design 79

Ⅱ.Text B:Chinese Fashion Finds Future in Its Past 86

Ⅲ.Listening and Speaking 92

Ⅳ.Grammar:The Attributive Clause(Ⅰ) 96

Ⅴ.Guided Writing:Recommendation Letter 100

Ⅵ.Reading Skill:Separating Facts from Opinions 102

Chapter 6 Photography 103

Ⅰ.Text A:Photographic Realism 104

Ⅱ.Text B:Yousuf Karsh:In Search of Greatness 111

Ⅲ.Listening and Speaking 116

Ⅳ.Grammar:The Future Perfective Tense 119

Ⅴ.Guided Writing:Letter of Refusal 121

Chapter 7 Architecture 122

Ⅰ.Text A:The Rise of the Green Building 123

Ⅱ.Text B:Architecture 129

Ⅲ.Listening and Speaking 132

Ⅳ.Grammar:The Noun Clause(2) 136

Ⅴ.Guided Writing:Announcement 138

Ⅵ.Reading Skill:Reading for the Key Ideas in Sentences 139

Chapter 8 Movies 140

Ⅰ.Text A:Hooray for Hollywood 141

Ⅱ.Text B:William S.Hart and the Early"Western"Film 148

Ⅲ.Listening and Speaking 154

Ⅳ.Grammar:The Present Perfect Continuous 156

Ⅴ.Guided Writing:Résumé 158

Chapter 9 Art 160

Ⅰ.Text A:Early Chinese Art 161

Ⅱ.Text B:Chinese Opera 168

Ⅲ.Listening and Speaking 173

Ⅳ.Grammar:The Attributive Clause(Ⅱ) 176

Ⅴ.Guided Writing:Complaint Letter 179

Ⅵ.Reading Skill:Guessing the Meaning of Unknown Words in Context 181

Chapter 10 Museum 183

Ⅰ.Text A:About MoCCA 184

Ⅱ.Text B:Draw Me a Story:A Century of Children's Book Illustration 191

Ⅲ.Listening and Speaking 195

Ⅳ.Grammar:The Usage of"It" 198

Ⅴ.Guided Writing:Letter of Invitation 200

Ⅵ.Reading Skill:Understanding Idiomatic Expressions 201

Keys to the Exercises 202
