- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:袁洪林编著
- 出 版 社:大连:大连海事大学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:9787563220991
- 页数:478 页
第一部分 办理手续 Conducting Formalities 1
1 Disinfection of A Second-hand Ship 办理旧船消毒业务 1
2 Join Inspection of Import Formality for an International Cruise Ship 办理邮轮进口手续 5
3 A Ship's Preparation for PSC Inspection 船准备港口国检查 9
4 Application for Approval of Dangerous Cargo Shipment 申请批准装危险品 13
5 Acceptance of a Ship's Notice of Readiness 代理接受船通知书 17
6 Export Formality for a Ship's Departure 办理船舶开航手续 20
7 Agent at Loading Port Informs Agent at Discharging Port to Release the 5×40′ Containers 装港代理通知放箱 24
8 Conducting the Repatriation of Crew for a Ship 办理船员遣返业务 27
9 Talk about the Business of an International Cruise Ship 谈论国际邮轮业务 30
10 Import Formality for M/V“White Swan” “白天鹅”轮进口手续 35
11 A Ship's Two Certificates Need to be Extended 两个证书需要展期 38
12 The Tonnage Dues Certificate of a Ship Expires 吨税证书已经到期 42
第二部分 船舶装卸 Cargo Handling 45
13 Special Trimming is Needed for Bulk Cargo 散货需要特殊平舱 45
14 Talk about the Export OOG Containers 出口大件货箱业务 48
15 A Ship Arrives at Anchorage of a Port 船舶抵达某港锚地 52
16 The Quality of Some Export Cargo Is Not Good 出口货物质量不好 54
17 Chief Tally Puts Remark on Damage Report 理货加签残损批注 58
18 Mutual Check of the Statement of Facts 互核装卸事实记录 63
19 Draft Survey Arrangement for Loading Cargo 安排装货公估水尺 66
20 Talk about Dimensions,Weight,Sling Points and Sketch of Out of Gauge Containers 谈论超标货箱问题 70
21 Arrangement for Cargo Hold Cleaning by Agent 代理安排清扫货舱 74
22 Reminding the Ship at Anchorage of Strong Wind 提醒锚地船舶防风 77
23 A Ship Cannot Depart in Time Because of Heavy Fog 船因大雾不能开航 79
24 Difficult Working Operation for a General Cargo Ship 杂货船困难作业 82
25 Cargo Weight of a Ship Exceeds the Limitation of Safe Load Line 货重超过安全吃水 86
26 A Bulk Carrier Enters the Port with High Tide 一散货船趁潮进港 92
27 Import Cargo is Not Allowed to be Unloaded Unless the Original B/L is Shown to Master 不见提单不许卸货 96
28 Reloading the Wrongly Discharged Containers 错卸货箱重新装船 99
29 A Ship Overlanded Some Cargo 处理船舶溢卸货物 102
30 A Ship Applies to Pump Out Ballast Water 船方申请排压载水 107
31 Ship Can't Berth Due to No Space In Storage Yard 堆场紧张船难进港 111
32 A Ship Shifts to Anchorage for Repair 船移锚地进行修船 116
33 A Ship Applies to Take Dunnage Materials for Bulk Cargo 船装散货申购垫料 120
34 Sorting Mixed Import Cargoes of a General Cargo Ship 进口杂货需要分票 124
35 Fumigation of Cargo of a Ship at Anchorage 货有虫害锚地熏舱 129
36 Shifting Some Containers for Some Reason 因某缘故需要倒箱 134
37 Adjustment of the Stowage Plan of a General Cargo Ship 调整杂货船积载图 137
38 A Ship Discharges 1×40′ fr Out of Gange Container 某船拆卸超重货箱 141
39 Two Damaged Containers Were Eventually Shut Out 两个残箱最后退关 144
40 Supervision for a Tanker During Pumping Liquid Chemical Goods 监护油船卸化工品 148
41 Adjustment of the Bay Plan of a Container Ship 调整集装箱积载图 153
42 Crack of a Piston Spring Was Found During Maintenance 检修发现活塞环裂 156
43 A Ship Wants Get Separation Materials for General Cargo 船装杂货需上物料 159
44 A Ship Shifts to Another Berth for Loading after Discharge 卸毕移泊继续装货 163
第三部分 代理服务 Agent Service 168
45 Agent Arranges for an Off-Hire Survey for a Ship 代理安排退租检验 168
46 Arrangement for a Crew's Tour by Agent 代理安排船员旅游 171
47 Captain Receives Cash Advance from Agent 船长收到现金借支 174
48 Conducting the Business on Export Crude Oil at Bohai Bay 办理原油出口业务 178
49 Sending Injured Crew Urgently to a Hospital 急送伤员去某医院 182
50 Loading Port Agent Made an Error for Export Container Shipment 装港代理操作有误 187
51 Arrangement for a Ship to Take Water and Oil 安排船舶加油加水 193
52 Replacement of Crew Members of a Ship 办理船员换班业务 198
53 Sending a Spare Part to the Ship at Anchorage 给锚地船递送备件 202
54 A Ship Gives Comment on Agent's Service 船方评论代理工作 208
55 Arrangement for a Crew to See a Doctor by Agent 代理安排船员看病 215
56 One Sailor is Hospitalized Because of an Accident 发生事故船员住院 218
57 Captain's Shopping Trip in Nanjing Road Shanghai 南京路上船长购物 222
58 Agent's Visit to A New Customer in His Company 代理拜访新的客户 228
59 Preparation for Ceremony of a Ship's Maiden Voyage 准备船舶首航仪式 233
第四部分 解决问题 Solving Problems 238
60 Talk about the Collision between Two Ships 谈论两船相撞问题 238
61 Ship's Crew Smuggled Chinese Cultural Relics 船员走私中国文物 241
62 A Better Solution of Bulk Cargo Damage 解决散货残损问题 245
63 Amount of Oil Supplied by a Barge Is Not Correct 油驳供油数字不准 252
64 Talk about the Waste Papers to be Exported to China 讨论进口废纸问题 258
65 Captain Signs Clean Bill of Lading Before Sailing 船长签署清洁提单 262
66 One Reefer Container Has Some Problem with Temperature 冻箱温度出现问题 266
67 Some Crew Made Trouble in a Restaurant 船员就餐招惹麻烦 271
68 Two Containers Got Damaged during Unloading 卸货期间两箱摔坏 276
69 Captain Authorizes Agent to Correct the Error on Original B/L 船长授权代理改单 280
70 Customs Officers Settle a Provision Problem 海关处理伙食问题 285
71 A Stowaway is Found on Board a Ship 船上发现一偷渡者 292
72 A Ship is Fined Because of Oil Pollution 造成污染船被罚款 297
73 The Imported Fish Meal Catches Fire 某船进口鱼粉着火 303
74 A Ship's Locker Was Stolen at Night 船储藏间夜里被盗 308
75 Talk about a Ship's Despatch Fee to be Paid 谈论速遣费用问题 313
76 One Sailor Lost His Seaman's Book on Land 水手丢失其海员证 315
77 A Ship is Punished by Immigration Office because of Stowaways on Board 因偷渡者船被罚款 319
78 Some Crew Sold Smuggled Cigarettes Illegally 船员出售走私香烟 322
79 The Imported Frozen Meat Is Forbidden Due to the Foot and Mouth Disease 卫检禁止进口冻肉 329
80 Steel Rails in Holds Fell Down during Navigation 铁轨倒塌船体倾斜 333
81 One Ship Runs onto a Rock and Needs Urgent Salvage 船舶搁浅急需救援 339
第五部分 其他业务 Other Businesses 344
82 Captain Tells the Story about the Rough Sea 船长忆述海上历险 344
83 A Ship is Asked to Carry Luggage to Tokyo 船将行李带到东京 350
84 P & I Club Offers a Guarantee for the Port 船保协会提供担保 354
85 Agent Receives a Delegation from a Shipping Company 代理接待来访船东 361
86 A Ship is Arrested by a Maritime Court Because of Owner's Arrear 船东欠款法院扣船 373
87 A Ship Gives Good Cooperation for Video Taking on Board 船方配合录像工作 379
88 Agent Urges Shipping Company to Pay the Disbursement 催促船东付备用金 384
89 A Ship in a Port Suddenly Catches Fire 港内一船突然着火 387
90 Chief Mate's Remarks are Put for Some Poor Export Cargo 大副加签货损批注 390
91 Agent Invites Captain & Chief Engineer For Dinner 邀请船方领导赴宴 394
92 Talk about Long-term Shipping Agency Agreement 商讨长期代理协议 400
93 Ship Can't Enter the Port Owing to Strong Wind 船因风大无法进港 405
94 Port is in Congestion and the Ship Has to Wait 港口拥挤船须等泊 408
95 Agent Arranges for a Football Match 代理安排足球比赛 414
96 One Seaman Died Unexpectedly in His Cabin 一名水手不幸死亡 417
97 A Ship Lost Her Left Anchor at Anchorage 锚地一船丢失左锚 422
98 American Seamen Are Not Allowed to Go Ashore 不许美国船员登陆 425
99 Shipping Agency Agreement Needs to be Amended 船代协议需要修改 431
100 Proper Treatment of a Sailor's Corpse 妥善处理船员尸体 438
船代调度常用英语50句 443
附录 449
附录1 车钟口令和操舵口令 449
附录2 世界国家和首都 451
附录3 国内长途直拨电话区号 457
附录4 国际直拨电话区号及国家(地区)标准时间 467
附录5 抛/起锚口令和带缆口令 471
附录6 无线电话字母的拼读 473
附录7 世界时差对照表 474
附录8 天气图中风速的符号 475
附录9 度量衡表 476
附录10 计量单位换算表 478
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