诺贝尔奖获奖演说精选集 英文版 经济学卷·自然科学卷PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王巧平,方彬,赵国柱主编
- 出 版 社:天津:南开大学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:731002706X
- 页数:325 页
Part One Nobel Lectures on Economics 3
1.Modern Economic Growth:Findings and Reflections&Simon Kuznets 3
2.The Pretence of Knowledge&Friedrich August von Hayek 27
3.Mathematics in Economics:Achievements,Difficulties,and Perspectives&Leonid Vitalityevich Kantorovich 44
4.The Meaning of"Internal Balance"&James E.Meade 60
5.The Economics of Being Poor&Theodore W.Schultz 85
6.The Slowing Down of the Engine of growth&Sir Arthur Lewis 106
7.The Constitution of Economic Policy&James M.Buchanan Jr. 126
8.Econometrics and the Welfare state&Trygve Haavelmo 146
9.The Institutional Structure of Production&Ronald H.Coase 159
10.Economic Performance through Time&Douglass C.North 177
Part Two Nobel Lectures in Natural Science 203
11.Radioactive substances,especially radium&Pierre Curie 203
12.The Rare Gases of the Atmosphere&Sir William Ramsay 215
13.The Current State of the Struggle against Tuberculosis&Robert Koch 226
14.On the Present State of the Question of Immunity in Infectious Diseases&Illya Ilyich Mechnikov 243
15.Radium and the New Concepts in Chemistry&Marie Curie 255
16.Atomic Weights&Theodore William Richards 263
17.Diabetes and Insulin&Frederick G.Banting 276
18.Artificial Production of Radioactive Elements&Irène Joliot-Curie 285
19.Elementary particles and bubble chambers&Donald Arthur Glaser 292
20.Recent developments in particle physics&Luis Walter al Varez 298
21.A Physicist's Renewed Look at Biology—Twenty Years Later&Max Delbrück 306
22.The Identification of Genes Controlling Development in Flies and Fishes&Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard 318
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